Should mounts only go to top performers?

Yeah this might be the plan now

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Thats a great way for officers to continually funneling more loot to themselves

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I’d /gquit right after getting the mount and go back to my solo ways :joy:

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Anything that is based on parses is just dumb. It makes the raid worse overall when everyone is just trying to parse instead of doing the mechanics.

Just leave that guild if it’s real, those officers need to learn a lesson in not alienating their Raiders.


arent u supposedly a geared tank? lol. you on fire today with these dumb posts today garmuck.

flip flopping flflflflip flopping.

Honestly I think parsing is fine and is net healthy for the game at the end of the day. People would be less incentivized to reclear if parsing didn’t exist and people are in BiS already. I assume people would go from at least raid logging to being like “eh whats in it for me”

Of course people just enjoy raiding, and I’m not talking about them. Some people would be way less incentivized to go into the game if they got nothing out of it.

People think like this, it’s not really a blizzard issue.

Yes, but not with the metrics you listed.

The metrics you listed are ridiculous and indicate you’re likely playing with a bunch of newbies. Should probably find another guild. Raid contributions extend way beyond top healing and top dps.


Gquit as fast as possible


Sounds like a guild that is not long for this world… of Warcraft.

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so how do the determine if the top 2? Is it purely the meters? Like if a mage doesn’t decurse on saph it ups his DPS but lowers his raid usefulness overall. Same goes for healers. Also if like a disc priest shield doesn’t break other healers don’t have a chance to heal. For DPS is it based on your parse or the meter because a shadow priest isn’t going to be able to do the same DPS as a warlock but if a shadow priest is parsing 99 while the warlocks 85 I think I could say which is performing closer to maximum capacity.

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Lmfao :rofl: guild leader tax? Man some of y’all are just using any excuse to screw others. My guilds free rolled mounts since wrath. We all put the work in for it to drop. we all get a fair chance at getting it.


Did you participate in downing the boss? Yes? Then you deserve the rewards from your efforts. Your guild sounds like an incredibly toxic group of people.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen. Anyone partaking in a kill, even pugs, should get a chance at it. I wouldn’t be apart of that guild if they did that.

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As a rogue who uses anesthetic poison during that fight?

Who is top DPS in every other fight?

Your guild is awful. Reward via attendance maybe. But several classes nerf themselves for the sake of the healers in that raid and you’re literally punishing them.

Also eww. Milktruck is a Tauren name.

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Should mounts only go to top performers? Only if the mount awarded contributes to even more improved performance.

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