Should mounts only go to top performers?

another troll post that didnt actually happen.

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In either case, Grimmgal reads thread. . Why not just put him on ignore or just not read his thread?

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Really? So according to Reddit, you only started playing Classic in the last 3 months?


Disgusting stuff for shiftless commies. Makes me want to puke.

He gets more likes by making that comment.

Sounds like it’s time to find a new guild.

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I think you should quit your guild, and that this is what’s wrong with the Classic community. What realm was it on?

Many jobs offer more than just topping the charts and are still a necessity.

You raid with this guild?


Yeah but not for longer.

Do you? Or do you only raid GDKPs? Idk seems you got crossed up somewhere.


Well when I get benched I have to GDKP and I don’t make gold elsewhere so if I don’t raid with my guild I GDKP.

So this sentence is false? Something isnt adding up. Almost like everything is meant to garner a reaction…


No the sentence is true, you just want to find something that isn’t there. Most people than run GDKPs are people who either can’t find a raid guild, don’t have the time to or just get benched.

So obv im not gonna waste a week’s lockout if I can’t get into my main raid lmao, i’m gonna prefer GDKP over anything else.

It wouldn’t make sense to do a MS>OS or SR run.

But you said you only raid GDKPs

Now you have a raid team. One you are quitting. Im assuming because you arent resubbing is why you are quitting them


Mounts should be roll all, its not an upgrade… sounds like you need a new guild because your guild is scummy.

But you’re also only picking a single sentence from a completely different thread out of context to make a point that doesn’t even make any sense.

I think you’re getting your info crossed up here lmao.

If you’re gonna be a troll you’re gonna have to try a bit harder than cherrypicking some old posts.

I mean its your quote.

So are you quitting your raid team because youre letting your sub lapse? Or because of this alleged story youve made up?


A quote from a thread that has nothing to do with this one and was part of a completely different conversation as well.

Go on, we can keep doing this all night.

Because that’s all you do, you don’t even play the game.


5 days left. We will see lol