Should just revert all the changes to AV

allow premades again, allow everything that happened on launch of AV to happen again.

the win ratios were much more even. horde won their PUGs, ally won most of the premades.

now its just horde winning the entire time.

admit you messed up because blizzard… you are terrible at making quick decisions based on player whining…



They weren’t “much more even”. We were getting stomped constantly and defeated. When we did win we clawed for it then were blamed for “turtling” on these forums for quite a long time.


so pushing all the rankers out and farming low lvls trying to do quests and afk’s is how you enjoy your pvp games?

doesnt really sound like pvp but okay


Put as much effort into playing and PVP as you all do making excuses and casting blame on everything that was the same in vanilla, and you would actually win more matches.


hey look it’s this tool again, hi brokentool.

here to tell people they think they do but they dont?


Biggest load of bull I’ve read all day. Only the group against the premade may have lost. Horde were rolling the other 30 Alliance pug groups. Overall Alliance win rate was probably 10% total games.

The only change that should have ever happened was making games start only after 30+ accept queue.

Whatever, I hope you enjoy your queue times. Eff Blizzard/Activision for subjecting paying customers to garbage changes. Im going to boycott with my wallet. See ya


hey look, it’s the alliance player from the other thread who claims to have only played one AV in classic to complete the quests and then never again. Yet is fond of contributing to the threads on the subject.


because it’s funny to watch the poo shower you all created by demanding changes… after demanding no changes

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Very few horde cared enough about it to bother “demanding changes”.
PS: I am not a #nochanger

then me and you must have been on completely different forums

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This would have made it even worse. The premades would have continued opening up and abandoning games. Games that are stuck waiting to be filled even longer.

Cool. Take a few more with ya. Thank you for your contribution to getting us closer to Vanilla population.

AV premaders did it to themselves. Lobbies launching with 5 people and then the flood of false Right-Click Reports. The premders should not have been so brazen about insulting their fellow Puggers during the process though, maybe leaving them undermanned for months was bad for both of you now that you have to play with them as intended.

It will take time for the Alliance to actually learn the battleground. Puggers never got to learn, with games launching with 5 people. Premaders never learned because they were able to skip everything. Unfortunately, it took Blizzard far too long to fix things, and the puggers resorted to afking…and the premaders are just hiding in houses now.

After the initial change, premades got to premade and pugs got to pug. Then Blizzard “fixed” that, too.

Alliance already knows the battleground and understands that it works against us. It is a fatiguing thing to have to play a game that is literally working against you while helping the opposing team.

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I know people are throwing this around. But I don’t really believe it. The second method of forming premades was super janky and just not worth it. If they did change something, they would have just put it in patchnotes like everything else they have changed.


I can understand that its frustrating to lose. But the Alliance chose to be non-participatory instead of relearning the new meta. Everyone seems to be in agreement that the Alliance has a very high percentage of people just not-trying…and try to blame losing on anything except the fact that they’re just not trying.


Let’s revert the Server Cap, change. Make BGs non-Cross Realm and not timed. Release all of Classic, and are the aggro ranges on mobs seem small, to you, or is it just me?

You don’t know what you’re talking about. It was super reliable and created amazing games.

Again, you don’t know what you’re talking about. They stealth patched the ability to queue an in progress game by reshuffling everyone queued for a specific game into the general pool of players. There absolutely was a change without a patch note.

It isn’t. Players are players, and Alliance want to win just as much as Horde… but after just a handful of games it is plain to see that the battleground is tilted against Alliance. How to Win AV - As Alliance - #60 by Ox-heartseeker

What new meta? All Alliance meta require absolute coordination to pull off… in other words it requires premades. Horde strategies all work in their favor which allows for a more individualistic approach to forming strategy in AV. How to Win AV - As Alliance - #60 by Ox-heartseeker

I see you typing, but I’m not sure we’re going to agree on this one Pollz. You’re forming your opinion from a position of advantage, and you have a misguided perception that Horde players are somehow better than Alliance players which is just not the case.


[quote=“Ox-heartseeker, post:17, topic:444373”]
You don’t know what you’re talking about. It was super reliable and created amazing games.[/quote]
Sending in a scout and just hoping you guess a game is going to end in 5ish minutes sounds pretty janky to me. I had never faced a full Alliance premade since the initial fix…nor did the half-premades I did face suddenly stop overnight.

Do you have any proof? Just saying “Nuh uh, the did do it…but its super secret” isn’t a super convincing argument to me. Especially since Blizzard has been pretty explicit so far about document changes…and the reasoning behind those changes.

Of course its debatable. Other regions are not losing nearly as much as the US realms are. And the Alliance in Vanilla were winning the majority of this version of AV. Just saying “Nuh uh, its obvious!” isn’t super convincing to me.

Alliance can and do win without complete organization. But if you’re going into a fight thinking that you’re at a disadvantage…real or not, does have actual consequences in how you play the game.

So now you’re Strawmanning my position before I even type it? I have a very very long post history defending that both Alliance and Horde players are exactly the same. I believe its a player perception problem, I have written a pretty long post about it a while back…but if you’re simply willing to assume my arguments before I even express them, its hard to believe you’re having this conversation in good-faith.


How about a full week where something was working, then patch day rolls around and it stops working for hundreds of people? You’re being willfully ignorant here.

Agreed, mentality doesn’t help here. But that mentality came from a very real map disadvantage.

Edit: You’re right, I was strawmanning. Sorry about that XD


No, it just sounds like a conspiracy theory to me…instead of people realizing that WSG was better honor/hour and doing that instead. Blizzard has shown a precedent of not only documenting changes…but the reason behind those changes. A “super-secret fix” just doesn’t line up with what they have done before or since then.

The map advantages are very much debatable. These forums are proof enough of that. But even if they were completely identical, one side simply believing they were at a disadvantage would cause them to literally lose more.

Here is my post about that.

I respect the strength of character to admit that. Thank you.