Should Jaina be held accountable for war crimes for her murderous purge of innocent Blood Elves in Dalaran?

We don’t know this for sure.

Logically, there would need to be some sort of ruling empowering one member of the Council of Six to act in the interests of the security of Dalaran in an emergency. Logically that sort of responsibility should fall to the Head of the Council of Six.

There’s no lore saying such a rule exists, but it’d be madness not to have it. If Lordaeron launched a surprise attack on Dalaran, and three members of the Council of Six were on the Menethil payroll and were drawing the vote to defend themselves to a tie while their people are dying, would that make any kind of sense?

Jaina survived the Battle of Dazar’alor by sheer plot armor. What do you expect?

“lol teleport at 1% kthxbye”

Was there some emergency other then her anger that needed the Sunreavers kicked out right then? There is lore that says all decisions are made by the council. So this sounds like it would fall under “all decisions”. Not to mention attacking a council member and pledging the Kirin Tor to the Alliance w/o the council.

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She was satisfied being the hardest boss of BfA and having something like a 10,000-1 K/D ratio on the Horde.

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The fact that Jaina remained leader of the Council of Six until she resigned when they outvoted her to bring the Horde back into Dalaran implies that she definitely had the power.

It’s not a difficult logic problem, either. Step one, the council can outvote the leader. Step two, they didn’t outvote her or remove her after her behavior. Whether they agreed with it or not, she clearly didn’t break her position.


It’s called intellectual property.

Humans are licensed to use it, but Jaina screwed that up.

My people are prepared to sue with goblin lawyers.

“Cease and desist all arcane activities.”

The Divine Bell had been stolen and was unaccounted for, and the evidence made it clear the Horde had enlisted Sunreaver aid. I would say that counts as an emergency regarding national security.

To what extent though? Do all members of the Council of Six need to be present? If that’s the case, why wasn’t Dalaran paralyzed during the Third War when Kael’thas left to return to Quel’Thalas after learning it had fallen? He was a member of the Council of Six. If the Council was needed to make any kind of decision, like fighting the Scourge, defending themselves against it, evacuating the city, etc… then Kael’thas absence should have paralyzed them, unless there are rules which make it possible to operate without the full council.

There are no crimes in a war. War is hell and there are no rules. You want to win the war? You go in without mercy and wipe out everyone of your enemies or dont go. You go in and take the spoils and leave nothing there. You take it all or dont bother going in at all.

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Theramore. Teldrassil. Brennadam. What happened to the Horde for any of those?

It’s been almost 3,000 years since the humans were taught Arcane magic. They’re not appropriating anything at this point.

See above.

Also it was Night Elves who invented Arcane magic, so…

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Humanity’s parent company, “The Pantheon ft. Aman’thul and Golganneth” has a counter-suit waiting.

That was an Alliance issue though.

Majority vote as I quoted. She acted in pure anger and (as listed) put all who resisted to the sword.

We got Vulpera. We have already suffered enough.

The amount of people who never actually played MoP and did this questline is very obvious.


… I’ll trade you Diaper Gnomes for Vulpera. Mechagnomes are literally a crime against humanity.


The problem is that the Horde and Alliance had two different scenarios for that questline, aaand Blizzard went ahead and retconned it a bit after the fact.


Whoever wrote the Purge of Dalaran deserves a raise. You have folks talking/debating about this STILL.


I disagree. It’s trivial to get people on the forums to yell at each other.

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Well this isn’t just a forum thing. This is still heavily used in folks RP.

It was a breach of Dalaran’s security. Evidence made it clear the Horde had enlisted Sunreaver aid, meaning the Sunreavers had broken Dalaran’s neutrality. You can’t see how that’s a national emergency regarding security? What was to stop the Sunreavers from opening portals for Blood Elven Spellbreakers to swarm into the city and take it over?

Well, if the total number of council members present is 1 (considering Aethas had been removed), then it seems Jaina had the majority vote for that session of the Council.

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