Should Jaina be held accountable for war crimes for her murderous purge of innocent Blood Elves in Dalaran?

In the quest “Jaina’s Resolution” Jaina decides all Blood Elves in Dalaran should be murdered not because they did anything wrong, but because Jaina was upset they didn’t stop Garrosh when he moved a bell through the city . She strolls through the city killing every Sunreaver she sets eyes on and even sends us to find those who might be hiding in the Dalaran sewers and kill them as well. Is this truly much different than Sylvanas burning the tree? These are pedestrians and shop keepers in the city, not warriors. Her indiscriminate killing is a war crime!

Dalaran is a better place without “your kind” she says as she goes on a rampage through the city. Why is she not in irons!

Jaina at Stratholme: “I am sorry Arthas I can’t watch you do this”
Jaina in Dalaran: “So anyway I started blasting…”


Let’s make another thread so people can get angry at each other for having different opinions. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


This is completely false. Why are you instantly lying in your thread? Just to get any bit of support for your idea?


The Purge of Dalaran was a civil war, not a genocide.


War Crimes? All I see is the Alliance helping the Kirin Tor feed their pet sharks and do some volunteer janitorial work. Actually quite the morally sound thing to do!


I think the OP should be held accountable for dredging up this old flame inducing chestnut from the corpse pile.


Since Jaina is alliance, only the alliance questline is canon, and nothing you said is true, no.


I’ve purged the Horde from Dalaran

These are her own words to Varian. He was in the midst of negotiation the Sunreaver’s return to the Alliance and Jaina’s murder spree obliterated those talks.


So your first reply is just further twisting the lore to suit your agenda. Why did I expect anything else.


She admits her guilt. It’s time for a tribunal.


She incidentally acknowledges her crimes when the Sunreaver Magister Hathorel attacks her group when they come to save Baine.

She offered her own life in exchange for letting the rest leave yet Magister Hathorel wanted her to feel how he felt so he continued the attack on the group.

Jaina is hated by both Zandalar and the Sunreavers. I’m sure she would like to be brought with those who are unpopular in the Alliance so that when the vengeful leaders get her head they only take those she does not care about.


War has no rules

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Sure, as soon as we bring Sylvanas up for her war crimes.


nah, her only guilt should lie with the fact that she didn’t drown everyone in orgrimmar like she should have.


Saying she “purged” them from Dalaran does not mean she decided all Blood Elves there should be murdered. You twisted that. The fact that you’ve been ignoring is she locked up those that didn’t fight, but that doesn’t help your argument so you pretend it didn’t happen.


It has never been resolved, she has never been held accountable. The time is now!

Ahem…but Camp Taurajo…

Am I doing it right?


Your waifu first. She torched a tree because a dying night elf made her look bad.


If it was gonna happen it would have like 2 expansions ago

If you recollect - in the quest we are told to kill ALL the blood elves. And in fact they try to flee from us, but they are murdered none the less. We are also given a list of blood elves who own shops and refuse to leave and we are directed to kill them too. She tells Varian she locked up those who did not fight, but her actions that we witness belie that statement.