Should Jaina be held accountable for war crimes for her murderous purge of innocent Blood Elves in Dalaran?

They’ve always been kinda confused about what exactly they want to do with her. Depending on where you are in the story, she’s either endearing and respectable or just jaded and obnoxious.

90% of high elves were lost. So yes, very close to genocide and definitely an endangered species.

I’m not angry. I’m just tired of people acting like the Alliance is the only one to suffer.

So I’ll say again, when Jaina loses 90% of her people she can come cry on my shoulder.

They both talked about the guilty blood elves who helped Garrosh, still defending them, not the innocents. They were imprisoned or got away.

So did you want the video I posted or read the wiki article? Because you are 100% incorrect. Jania went after the leader of the Sunreavers (the blood elves in Dalaran) and killed his guards. Vereesa then ordered you to assassinate blood elf civilian leaders who were resisting. This was all while Jania was patrolling the street to enforce her new rules.

As far as the Blood Elves who helped Garrosh there was ONE Blood Elf who helped and he wasn’t part of the purge.

Is it that time of the year to repost this again?

Let me guess, first time through that questline and you didn’t read the actual quest text.

if your talking about the ingame scenario version, like I said before, the purge of Dalaran got retconned from what you saw happen ingame.

Hol’ up. She didn’t admit to doing anything per se, she said that if he was upset about something he’s accusing her of then the fight is theirs and not the people who weren’t there. That’s not the same as saying “oh yeah I murdered hundreds of people.”

Plus saying “your fight is with me” is significantly different than offering your life. She did not offer her life.

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Read the wiki article. If you have information that either of them are only talking about Sunreavers who helped Garrosh or that the events in the scenario were retconned, then please provide it.

Magister Hathore: “Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran , murderer? Today the Sunreavers will be avenged!”
Jania: “Then your quarrel is with me and me alone”.
Magister Hathore: “No! You will watch you friends die…just as I did!”

Yeah that’s not an admission.

Have you never seen a movie where someone believes the protagonist is guilty of something and the protagonist basically says exactly that, “then this fight is between us,” only for the movie to show that the protagonist didn’t do those things or that the villain misunderstood what had happened?

It’s very common.

Either way that’s still not an actual admission. Which, besides that, raises the question of what kind of scale we’re talking about here. Jaina was a rightful ruler of the Kingdom of Dalaran. She ordered a group of people, who’s higher-ups had been betraying the Kingdom, to leave and never return. When refused, she arrested those who didn’t fight back and fought those who did.

That’s a far cry from genocide and “killing every Sunreaver she sets eyes on.”

That is assuming we did not see her kill guards or civilians in the purge or have the alliance PC assassinate civilian leaders resisting.

She ordered people who lived in Dalaran most of their life out which she did not have the authority to do. She staged a military coup to take over Dalaran and bring it to the Alliance. I also love the whole “she only killed those who resisted being stripped of their possessions and imprisoned with no explanation by an outsider”.

Of course it is funny Alliance keeps saying she ordered them to leave when the first thing the Alliance did was round them up and imprison them followed by cutting off their escape.

No she was not. She was the head of the Kirin Tor council of 6.

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She can’t just do whatever she wants.

Dalaran was built on an alliance between elves and humans.

The elves taught the humans magic. If they want to kick out elves, they are violating the very thing that made the city.

Jaina does not have the right to kick out elves. Unless she and her human buddies want to give up arcane magic forever.


“The Kirin Tor has a ruling council of six archmagi. The council meets to discuss important issues and vote on matters — no single member holds sway, and the majority vote decides every issue. In case of a tie, the members reconvene a day later, during which interval each member considers his or her vote and all relevant information.”

She was one of the 6 members of the Council. She did not have the authority to decide any of this. She staged a military coup and brought it under the Alliance.


You realize that the Council of Six are the rulers of Dalaran, right?

In “Tides of War” Jaina was chosen to be the new Archmage of the Council of Six, replacing Rhonin as the new official leader of the Council of Six. We can squabble about the other stuff if need be, but Jaina was the highest ranking official in Dalaran.

I think the issue you’re having is that there’s Dalaran the Kingdom and Dalaran the City. The city is the capital of the Kingdom. The Council of Six are the rulers of the city and the Kingdom. With Jaina as the Archmage, that made her the ruler of the kingdom and the city.

“The Kirin Tor has a ruling council of six archmagi. The council meets to discuss important issues and vote on matters — no single member holds sway, and the majority vote decides every issue. In case of a tie, the members reconvene a day later, during which interval each member considers his or her vote and all relevant information.”

She did not have the authority to do what she did.

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nervous: Hey now…!

Let’s not do anything I mi-- we might, I mean we might, all, all of us (gestures making a circle 'round everyone here) regret…!

Elves: NOOOOO You can’t kick us out of Dalaran, you learned magic from elves 5000 years ago!

Humans: Haha Arcane Explosion goes brrrrr


Hot take: Jaina using arcane magic after kicking out the elves is cultural appropriation.

I culturally appropriated a bunch of Elves out of Arathi Basin on my Mage the other day


Sadly that’s not how that works. Not legally, and not really practically, either.

The Elves taught humans magic entirely as payment for assisting them during the Troll Wars. This wasn’t a pact that the humans would then owe the Elves something later on for, it was already a product they paid for. Even then, once the one group betrays the other, there’s no reason that they have to honor any previous agreements, and they’re not required to give up whatever they’ve purchased.

Were the others stopping her? Dawn of the Aspects does touch on the idea that the other council members may or may not have agreed, and yet… Kalecgos’s concerns are that she wasn’t listening to her council. That deeply implies that she very much has the authority, but that normally she ought to convene the council (even if she could act without doing so).

At any rate the council has also elected, at least three times, a leader of the Council of Six. We’ve seen at least Rhonin, then Jaina, and then Khadgar, move into the position explicitly stated as “leader” of the council.

Even beyond that, though. We see clearly that the end result was that the Kirin Tor was Alliance-aligned following the event, and that the Sunreavers are considered officially expelled. Jaina, clearly, didn’t just scare them away, somewhere it was written down as “official.”


As the new leader of the Kirin Tor, Jaina Proudmoore had resolved to keep Dalaran a beacon of cross-faction cooperation and out of the war, a goal which she struggled to maintain daily. Similarly, Aethas Sunreaver, the Horde’s voice in the Kirin Tor, was tested as the Horde began attacking the Alliance and the war increased in ferocity, a conflict in which his brethren in Silvermoon were a part of.

From the visual guide.