Should Jaina be held accountable for war crimes for her murderous purge of innocent Blood Elves in Dalaran?

No such thing as an innocent blood elf.


The little orphan girl from Children’s Week.

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She’s guilty of Future Crimes™.


How very Alliance to consider only some people innocent victims as long as they can smack on them a reason to kill the rest.

Also, a lot of people acts like Jaina not personally doing any killing, while looking the other way while Vereesa went ballistic somehow makes her better.

But it doesn’t surprise me, after all, even Blizz thinks that murder and unjust incarceration it’s A-ok as long as the Alliance does it.

BfA made it canon in both Rexxar’s dialog and while freeing Baine that she did indeed murder a bunch of them.

“Jaina has gone too far and killed too many”

Magister Hathore: “Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran , murderer? Today the Sunreavers will be avenged!”
Jania: “Then your quarrel is with me and me alone”.
Magister Hathore: “No! You will watch you friends die…just as I did!”


Remember when Jaina wanted to make sure to drown Horde orphans?

I remember.

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I don’t have a problem with the races themselves, but the faction as a whole.

It’s pretty unrealistic that after all the Horde has done under the rule of not one, but two warmongering tyrants, the faction gets away with an apology to Tyrande about the genocide of her race.

Let’s not forget that up until the last patch of their expansions, the rest of the Horde actually followed Garrosh and Sylvanas.


I don’t see burning that tree as genocide.

That tree is the result of night elves being close minded and banishing their own people.

Which incidentally, led to them having to make their own society that was almost completely obliterated by the Scourge.

Bonus irony points for them being betrayed and abandoned by the exact same faction the night elves now belong to.

As soon as the Horde PC who stole the divine bell and started the cascading event that lead to the Purge gets punished first.

You don’t actually think the blood elves in dalaran were actually pushed to near extinction do you? lol


I’m trying to wrap my head around the justification of what happened in Dalaran but the tree not being genocide lol


Literally no one is or was trying to destroy the entire race of night elves.

The tree shouldn’t have existed in the first place, much less be lived in.

And you can’t tell me a bunch of hippie druids living in a giant tree didn’t have precautions against fire.

Seems awfully convenient.

Maybe you should talk to their goddess about the incident. Almost like all that death had a divine purpose.

Ok? Jaina didn’t try to destroy all of the blood elves, either.


Purged doesn’t necessarily mean killed.


Blood Elves are an endangered species, thanks to her sociopathic undead boyfriend and her precious Alliance that literally violated their treaty with Silvermoon.

No she didn’t… This is yet another “reddit” fact…

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Pretty sure there was literally never any record of how many high elves were killed. But okay.

You seem angry. You should eat a snickers. You okay?


It was 90% of them died to the scourge.

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(wonders why people forget this is posted every couple of months to just get people all worked up… )



No, but we know from other sources that she imprisoned those who surrendered and killed those who resisted.

“I will remove the Sunreavers by force” while killing 5 guards. Followed by Vereesa giving assassination orders as Jania is too busy “enforcing” their new rules.

Edit: One thing that gets me is the whole “her killing civilians was a bug” despite her having voice lines for when she kills them. “You had your chance to run” and “The Kirin Tor will not tolerate insurrection”. The second voice line is the best since it is actually her doing the insurrection of Dalaran. Almost as good as her complaining about the Sunreavers helping the Horde and then swearing the Kirin Tor to the Alliance.