Should Jaina be held accountable for war crimes for her murderous purge of innocent Blood Elves in Dalaran?

When have the Alliance done anything to the Horde that wasn’t a reaction to what the Horde has most recently done to them?


It’s funny that you bring up the end of MoP as the Alliance interfering in Horde business, because the Horde were happy to go along with Garrosh right up until he turned on the other Horde races besides orcs and goblins. The Pandaren and the Alliance were the main victims of the Horde and you don’t think they should get any say in how he is punished?

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No, we were to fight the ones who did not leave when they were told to leave. That is completely different than throwing fire bombs at a world tree, dropping a mana bomb on a city, or destroying your own city and people with plague.

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Grandma Jaina is a strong independent woman, logic doesn’t apply for her.

I somehow missed this quest, is it still in game? Sounds kind of fun to be honest.

I mean we should tackle these chronologically. MoP preceded BFA.

its not a war crime to slaughter animals

horde scum


I just want her dead.

Isn’t that enough considering how many Horde leaders die on us?

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I mean, with that logic everything could be justified because “It was a response to this” on both sides.

Medivh opens the portal, orcs come through to conquer. Horde wins. Alliance flees then fights back later and wins, enslaves Horde. Orcs break free and flee across the ocean with Jaina following them unknowingly. Eventually peace is achieved. Then Jaina’s dad comes out of nowhere representing Kul Tiras and attacks. Is killed, peace again.

Then because WoW was coming they just BS’d a reason for them to keep fighting after the pact that is never explained.

Garrosh was simply getting back at the Alliance for what they did to the orcs after Warcraft 2 when Thrall told him. Jaina offscreen responded by almost unleashing a tsunami of water elementals on Orgrimmar and flooding it before being stopped.

The Horde also trusted Thrall’s judgment and appointee until it was clear they couldn’t. Even in the new start zones in Cataclysm you’re very quickly introduced that none of the other faction leaders care for Garrosh. Baine hates him for killing his dad. Sylvanas hates him because he doesn’t allow her to replenish her ranks with the dead and he says “mean word that we need to censor because demeaning”. Vol’jin hates him as well and even says he’d be the one to twist the knife if he could.

Gallywix has no loyalty aside from money, Thrall basically told him “Join the Horde or you will die here.” Ji Firepaw doesn’t care much for Garrosh either. Lor’themar doesn’t have any interactions with Garrosh but very clearly hates him.

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Nope! Because in cannon, she did not infact kill ANY innocent blood elves. She only killed the ones responsible and the rest got imprisoned and banished. The ingame event actually has a bug where Jaina will kill any and every blood elf because of AI behavior.

What if I told you that she did? In an alternate timeline she did infact flood Orgrimmar and that made her a crazy serial killer. Most likely because the alliance disowned her for using such cruel methods to destroy the horde.

War Crimes

When the time came to free Garrosh and escape to alternate Draenor, Kairoz summoned multiple alternate versions of Azeroth’s heroes that fight their original counterparts, causing chaos in the Temple of the White Tiger and distracting everyone while the two make their escape. These counterparts came from alternate timelines including, but not limited to:

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omg this made me laugh my butt off!

More seriously, I think she should be held accountable for her actions during the purge though I’m more concerned about the actions of the SC really than her specifically.

Its bad business in my book.


And WotLK preceded MoP. You know, when she committed the war crime of recreating the plague and used it at wrathgate?

You mean the plague that she didn’t authorize creation of and was told no by Thrall and obeyed, then was produced exclusively under the orders of Varimathras who was seeking to usurp her by using Putress who actually unleashed it as a complicit pawn without her knowing?

Don’t talk about the Wrathgate when you clearly don’t know about it.

She is responsible, it was created in UC. You say she didnt authorize it, we saw how much that is untrue when she used it on her own undercity.

That isn’t how any of this works. If I start assembling homemade explosives in my garage it isn’t Biden’s fault because I was making them in America.

Completely different plague entirely I am pretty sure. I know after Wrathgate she personally ordered all of it destroyed and was expected by leadership to have. She later tried to use a similar plague but different in some ways in her assault on Gilneas which Garrosh not only smacked down specifically because of the Wrathgate, but also assigned a trusted commander to watch over her and make sure she didn’t utilize it further and to halt production. Though he does later die I believe, memory a bit hazy.

Though the Forsaken have probably concocted throughout the story about six different varieties of plagues. They aren’t all the same one. Then again, who knows any more with the story. One minute Sylvanas is fine, then she was actually working with the Jailer since she suicided off ICC, then now apparently she’s always served the Jailer ever since she was cut down in Quel’thalas.

Jaina can come cry on my shoulder when her race is pushed to near extinction.

If she kept her boy toy on a tighter leash none of this would have ever happened.

The Horde started a War of aggression unprovoked (nuking of Theramore). Dalaran remained neutral until the horde members got involved in it and, as such, were subject to the fallout of it.

While I don’t condone the purge in a large scale, the Blood Elves had it coming.

Garrosh nuked Theramore and Sylvanas burned Teldrassil and, in both cases, the Horde as a whole never even faced any real consequences. Horde should be happy to even exist in Azeroth.

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Doesn’t really matter, he committed a war crime on a hunch and cost the Alliance an airship.

The fact he was half right in the end doesn’t absolve him.

This quest line has had people debating for years over the morality of the Alliance and there hasn’t been a single quest line like it since. I miss this kind of writing; the kind that makes us all debate these things.


Also Dazar’alor. Many civilians were casualties in her assault there.


So tauren, trolls, Blood Elves, etc should just be happy they’re allowed to exist in their own world?