Should Jaina be held accountable for war crimes for her murderous purge of innocent Blood Elves in Dalaran?

Seriously, listen to yourself. You’re saying you want to commit genocide. Enough of this eye for an eye crap that will only just keep on ramping up, find some other, better way.

Besides, all this crap will do is inspire Blizz to keep doing more god awful faction war stories that always leaves everyone feel like the loser

  1. Jaina ordered the IMPRISONMENT of the Sunreavers. The Horde civilians were allowed to evacuate. The only ones who died in Dalaran were those who attacked Jaina or Vereesa. Were they just supposed to not defend themselves?
  2. Jaina only ordered the imprisonment -after- the Sunreavers betrayed the Kirin Tor’s neutrality a SECOND time to give Garrosh yet another weapon of mass destruction.
  3. Aethas literally admits he knew about what was going on and did not stop it when you do the Fire Mage artifact quest.

The purge of dalaran was 10000% justified. No one was “murdered.” They were traitors who attacked the people trying to put them in jail for their crimes. Plain and simple.


A lot of people ignore this.

Except for those who resisted being wrongfully imprisoned by a foreigner of course.

Except the first thing they did was cut off the landing so no one could leave.

Actually quite a few were and BfA lore confirmed it.


Also reading through this thread there is one point that hasn’t been brought up: What Garrosh would have done if the Sunreavers didn’t help him.

Garrosh was fully prepared to launch an all out attack on Teldrassil to get that bell. Given the weapons he had access to, we’d basically be seeing the burning of Teldrassil some 10 odd years sooner. The blood elves intended to use subterfuge to retrieve the bell. They stealthily infiltrated Darnassus and located where bell was being kept, and placed a beacon to allow the retrieval team to basically go directly to the bell and take it without any bloodshed.

It was Garroshs soldiers that made up the retrieval team and it was his soldiers that decided to have a bit of a slaughter while they were there.

So you see, the Sunreavers "betrayed’ the neutrality in order to prevent needless bloodshed. It was Garrosh that forced their hand, and it was Garrosh who had his people kill what nelves they saw.

Indeed. I propose Walk of Atonement. :bell:

rings bell

The implication of Azerite is that only Azerite was hot enough and powerful enough to burn Teldrassil. Remember, deathwing flew right by the tree in cata.

Nah, killing puny Blood Elves is actually ok. They are not only lame looking (not as much as Vulpera, but still) but also traitors of the alliance. They decided to join the faction responsible for the greatest quantity of war crimes and unprovoked aggression of Azeroth’s history.

Jaina is a hero.

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The horde always mention Genn without bothering to bring up their own faction leaders treason.


Maybe actually do the scenario and don’t get your info from the forums.

They cut off the Sunreaver’s escape from the landing. Not the Horde civilians. The civilians were specifically allowed to leave using portals.

Hell, the quest from the landing is literally specifically to put the Sunreaver’s dragonhawks to sleep.

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Or the fact it’s entirely possible Azsuna happened before Stormheim. And the Alliance learn of Sylvanas’ plan during a quest in Azsuna, so the stopping of the Forsaken in Stormheim would not have been unjustified.

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Dude the entire blood elf faction in Dalaran were the Sunreavers.

“Sunreaver civilians, mostly unaware of their predicament, were set upon by Silver Covenant agents who stripped them of their belongings and rounded them up”

The alliance NEVER learned of her plan. The quest that sends you to confront her flat out says “we don’t know what she is doing in there, but we are going to stop her”.

At the very best the Alliance knew she was in Stormheim and was doing something. That was all Genn needed to know to attack her.

And he was right…

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I don’t know about your habits panda as all I see your people do is sit around and eat till you fall asleep or can hardly move but I for one keep myself clean.

Deathwing flew right by a lot of things in Cata. What he did and did not fly past is not a good metric to base anything on, I’m afraid.

And I invite you to rewatch Teldrassil burning, play through the story ahain, even. We visibly see the shots as they get lit up and launched at Teldrassil, as well as the impacts. I’m afraid there is no azerite involved. No blue gold glows, no signature ringing sound, not before or after they are lit up, not while they fly through the air, and not when they impact the tree. They’re nothing more than regular burning pitch shots.

This. If they’re going to redeem a genocidal maniac like Sylvanas, Jaina’s purge of Dalaran, attempts to drown the women and children in Origrimmar and all other war crimes are paltry.


Two thumbs up.

It was a political purge. That’s not a war crime and they literally came back later.

Making the land inhospitable with the plague. Now that’s a war crime.


Your never really Alliance when you go on Jaina Hate Wagons. Go Join the Horde. The Blood Elves were murderers when they helped to murder their kin and humanity when they helped Garrosh destroyed Theramore, they were murderers when they kill innocent kul’tirans and even Paladins of the Silver Hand.

End of Story.