Should Jaina be held accountable for war crimes for her murderous purge of innocent Blood Elves in Dalaran?

I mean, I don’t know. They literally were just citizens. They probably didn’t have much to do with politics.

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Which is a poor political system honestly, no representatives should be able to represent the people without consulting said body first…

It’s the flaws in blizzard’s world building showing. The civilian population in WoW is just a bunch of blank faces that do nothing sadly.


Not disagreeing, there.

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We are all responsible for the actions of who we vote into office.

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If we’re being technical, I don’t think anyone but Thrall had a hand in Garrosh being placed as Warchief.

I’m fine blaming Thrall. I don’t like the dude.

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Or in this case Lor’themar/Rommath is… since THEY’RE the ones who called Aethas an incompetent idiot but still relented to send him to Dalaran and join the council when he wouldn’t shut up about it…

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Yes, but she won’t be because they whitewashed it from lore.

Hell, Genn committed a war crime in Legion and got a slap on the wrist.

To be fair, it’s because the war crime uncovered another war crime… one specifically against the arbitration in place at the start of Legion that neither Horde nor Alliance would manufacture Blight… (the mission in Stormheim led by Genn was to uncover information, the “surveillance” mission was a success in this regard, it found proof of Sylvanas performing several warcrimes)


Though Genn attacked the horde first in Stormheim, what Sylvanas was doing there was way worse and was borderline sabotage because her actions could have interfered with us getting the pillar of creation off of Odyn. Then there’s that thing where she leaves the Horde and Alliance player to rot in hellheim, a place that doesn’t really have a high escape rate.


I mean, Genn really hates her tho. She did kill his son.


Yea, honestly not a fan of his character that much though considering some of the forsaken are forsaken because he kinda just let them all get killed by the scourge when he closed people out.

Oh, I’m def not defending him. Genn’s kind of a PoS imo, but I def can understand why he can’t stand Sylvanas.


Yeah he has good reasons for hating Sylvanas, Liam was the goat in Gilneas and hard carried the gilnean assault when it comes to the forsaken. I just find it so ironic that the forsaken are the reason his kingdom came to ruin. He’s actually a nicely written character in those regards but it also makes it hard to like him haha.

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The quest has been bugged for ages at this point as Jaina scales to the point where her and the elementals 1 shot the npcs rather than freeze them in place to to teleported to jail. Back in the day the quest was to round up and teleport the blood elves to voliet hold. Only a small handful fought back. Then again you probably haven’t played this game long enough to know how often older quests don’t age well.

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Considering that Sylvanas is being redeemed for her actions, Jaina should be given a trophy.


Jaina didn’t kill anyone.
She just made a collection of disgraced blood elves in Violet Hold.
Verissa on the other hand gave me missions to eliminate several blood elves.
Was Aethas punished for violating Dalaran’s neutrality? Not.

Was someone in the horde punished for something done against the alliance? Not.

So Jaina shouldn’t either.
Will Verissa be held responsible for something? No. Why should she?
Innocents in the horde deserve forgiveness.
Innocent na ally can be killed and not even an apology receive.

Does the horde want to do everything and have no consequences?

The horde sacrificed the blood elves of Dalaran.
Do you expect pity that you don’t grant? So they are either naive or crazy.

We’re in an xpac where Syl is going to be redeemed, even with a track record that equates her with a genocide.

Jaina had to be deeply wounded by the Horde to become a pit of hate.
And with full reason. She didn’t even do a tenth of what the Horde did to alliance.

Remembre Theramore


Now why would you assume that. In point of fact I’ve been at this game for well over a decade. Not since vanilla mind you, so maybe that’s your threshold?

Certainly a possibility, one I imagine is only seen on the alliance side of the quest.

I think we should purge Worgen. Everywhere they go they ruin someones home. First Gilneas, then Teldrassil and now Stormwind. Stinking up the place…disgusting.

No. Not at All.
