Should Jaina be held accountable for war crimes for her murderous purge of innocent Blood Elves in Dalaran?

What is different is what the Champions see. The Alliance Champions see her imprisoning Sunreaver Citizens in the Violet Hold, and striking down any who try to attack her. This is, if not reasonable, then understandable. She is imprisoning what she sees as the enemy. If they attempt to resist, if they intend to inflict harm on either herself, or Silver Covenant forces, then she will take them out.

The Horde Champions, however, see an entirely different scenario play out. They see a vengeful Jaina, walking through the streets of Dalaran, lashing out with frostbolts and ice lances at any Sunreaver citizen she sees, regardless of whether they are fighting back, or cowering in fear. The Horde sees an angry mage on the warpath, purging the Blood Elf infestation from her city.

Which is true?


Well, the second one obviously.

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LOL ok, got it. Go post on your horde main.


You can call it faction blindness all you want but the Horde objectively has a significantly worse track record than anything the alliance has ever done. I’d like to change that though, like I said let us slaughter a ton of forsaken or mag’hars or something.


That was not Jaina, she was stressed at the time and not really herself. After entering the Shadowlands she found her happy, moral self and thus all actions before should not really even be remember as canon as they might as well not have been. Please don’t ask questions.

Both are true.

The problem is most of the Alliance’s atrocities have happened off-camera in books or the RTS games.


“Purged” does not mean “killed”


We didnt even get to kill any in the sacking of undercity.

Both cant be true. Either Jaina was a crazed murderer, as shown on horde side, or she was carefully purging and teleporting belves into the hold. Cant be both. But this was one of blizz’s most egregious forms of showing lies to both sides.


While true even back then I’d argue that the Horde was worse to be completely honest.

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Yea it sucks, like I want to impale zandalari civilians on the walls of their towns as well.

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It’s almost like we’re all monsters?


Sylvanas—the Mary Sue with enchanted Plot Armor— should be killed first.


At least Sylvanas attacked a legit target of war. That tree was a source of powerful magic used by the enemy on battle. It’s not Sylvanas fault the elves built a school over a missile silo.

But why would we hold Jaina responsible. The horde just literally broke her out of hell… The place we’ve been trying to send her for 15 years… And yet somehow we can’t work with the other side. We can only rescue their war criminals and be besties with them.

Totally makes sense. Coherent storytelling. Shut up no YOURE a bad writer.


Both are true perception wise.

The alliance saw one aspect, the horde saw another.

Jaina was NOT okay when she went on her rampage. She’d just suffered a huge loss, she’d been injured. The alliance saw her protecting and going on defense, the horde citizens of dalaran saw something entirely different. They were innocent in what happened. What Jaina did wasn’t right but it also was something she felt was necessary too. In this situation, it’s less of a ‘this is true so this is false’ narrative and instead it’s all a matter of perception regarding which side you were on, imo. There really was no right or wrong.
The only one wrong, was Garrosh. His actions lead to all of that happening.


If you REALLY want to know the truth, the purge can still be played.

Do the lead up quests in the Krasarang Wilds, and build up your reputation with the appropriate faction (Dominance Offensive for Horde, Operation: Shieldwall for Alliance). You’ll be called upon to engage in the relevant quests/scenarios. The only requirement is that you’re at least level 90.

Do it on both factions. See the differences.

Someone pointed out there may even be a time difference in the scenarios. The alliance may have done their bit an hour or more before the horde scenario took place, by which time Jaina had gone a bit mad.

No milfs get a pass. Sylvanus gets a pass and jaina is alot better than her.

I feel like even if the Blood Elf civilians didn’t know all the details, they’d still know they were in hot water after two of their representatives in the Dalaran high government literally betrayed everyone else and got several of the members of the Kirin’tor killed on numerous occasions… unlike the Night Elves there was a warning given and the Blood Elves were thoroughly warned what would happen if they flubbed up a third time, the Sunreavers STILL aided Garrosh willingly and Aethas the highest representative of Blood Elf authority did nothing about it.

Those who didn’t fight back were imprisoned, not murdered, everybody else who was killed was the player/Silver covenant who stepped outside of order parameters and took the opportunity to slaughter political opponents and loot their stuff.


Perspectives in war time is just too hard for people to understand on here. Even in real life, the killings of people from an enemy are often purposefully exaggerated to try and invoke a powerful response from people.

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What many horde players fail to understand that the Alliance version is the true side of events (As Blizzard confirmed it long ago, both the story and Jainia’s animation during the event was limited)

One thing people forget to take account before the event is the Sunreavers were stealing the bell for Garrosh which was in Darnassus at the time. The Sunreavers broke the neutral stance that Dalaran and the Kirn Tor were in regarding the war. (regardless what the Blood Elves keep telling themselves, they in fact caused the events) Second when it was learned that the Blood Elves and Sun Reavers were involved with the Bell’s theft, Jainai confront them while the Blood Elves had their weapons drawn. Before the leader left, they ordered both Jainia and the player to be killed. (This occurs before the removal of the Blood Elves from Dalaran)

The Silver Covenant was tasked with this job by ordering the players to stop the Looting, which was being done by the Blood Elves. These Looters wouldn’t go down peacefully and attack first.