Should Jaina be held accountable for war crimes for her murderous purge of innocent Blood Elves in Dalaran?

Once again, false. We teleport them to the prison. the only ones we kill are those who try to kill us.


Honestly it’s really annoying though, the horde gets away with massacring entire cities and our big “morally grey” stuff is killing like 40 blood elves or accidently letting horde civilians get killed in the wilds. Even in Undercity all the horde population there was evacuated before we did anything. I want to be able to slaughter a huge number of horde members.


Nonsense - this is an Alliance quest - we are recruited to join Jaina in her murder fest.

Youve been called out on it 4 or 5 times, proving you wrong. Stop pushing your hordelove.


Conflicting opinion here.

Was Jaina TRULY in her right state of mind when she did that, given the mana bomb affliction? Her grief? Sure, she should have been held accountable to some degree - just like I think Sylvanas should be but, eh. I owuldn’t go as far as to label her a monster given what she’d been through prior to going on her spree. She wasn’t okay.


When do the horde ever get away with anything? Lol. Jeeeze. Comments like yours prove to me sometimes that faction blindness is an actual thing.


I much rather she get reprimanded for throwing a hissy fit and leaving us to fight the Legion without her ocean freezing and flying dutchmen powers all because she didn’t get her way.


I mean if she had followed through on drowning Orgrimarr then sure call her a monster and lock her up. Dalaran was an overreaction sure but we mostly locked up the blood elves we encountered.


Sorry not sorry there’s no real consequences for anything the horde does. Faction leader gets taken off the throne that’s really about it.

If they are going to do it like that at least let the alliance burn and slaughter the forsaken almost to extinction as well.


Okay? By that logic, what prices have the alliance ever paid for their actions? Like, really. I’m sorry. Horde and Alliance both have done effed up things and neither has really paid any sort of heavy price.

Yet the alliance OFTEN does swoop in as if it has a right to dictate what the horde does - just watch the end cinematic for MoP if you want an example.

I’m not horde or alliance, I enjoy and play both - so whenever people push one as some saint, I just can’t help but find it hilarious. Rose colored glasses.

Nah, she did kill a bunch of blood elves. But again, Jaina wasn’t in her right mind. Like, she wasn’t okay. That should be factored in, you know?

You make a great point! We should’ve taken all the Sin’dorei in the city hostage and every day they didn’t comply with our demands we would publicly execute one of them! Jaina did it all wrong.


That’s the issue right there. It’s not really comparable, killing a few blood elves in Dalaran vs blowing up an entire city across multiple timelines or burning a city down with thousands of civilians in it.


Do you see these civilians running away from you, the ones that aren’t attacking? The ones we’re killing because that’s what Jaina told us to do?


Thats the horde side quest. Not canon.

lol, ok, I guess I can’t argue that point

that’s a pretty based quest, wish I was able to do that on the alliance.


You don’t seriously think that’s the only thing Alliance has done, right? lol

Oh I know, but the problem is anything the Alliance has done the horde has done even worse lmao.

Here’s the part you seem to be forgetting.

The purge proved to be a bloody affair. Though compliant Sunreavers were imprisoned, many proved defiant in the face of exile from Dalaran and took up arms against Jaina,`

This is where your faction blindness comes into play. Horde/Alliance are literally two sides of the same coin. They’ve both done effed up things. You just want to try and make it seem like only the horde does ‘bad’ lol

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