That is rather tame compared to arguing thy kind hath claim to a fundamental cosmic force.
Fair enough.
I’d argue animated rock people don’t really have sentience.
You get nothing.
You should thank the old gods for giving you free will.
We do. Far more than the orc (aliens) or dead (corpse) lead horde.
We have a magical flying city backed by magitech gunships that can destroy continents. I’ll take that over Elves liking me.
Too bad the Orcs and Trolls didn’t finish you elves off the first time.
“You can’t do that! You don’t have the RIGHT!” yelled the Elves as Alliance arcane dragoons swooped down low over them, backfiring a burst of arcane exhaust right into their stupid gaping mouths
how does that make a difference?
What’s the difference between arresting someone and summary execution? Gosh I dunno
yes Sylvanas should be punished however this is a classic case of whataboutism
they’re still innocent and didn’t commit a crime
Was it free will or merely theyr flesh bedighted mortal forms?
As I am aware 'twas the latter, for an earthen yet hath a will of theyr own.
You don’t need to have committed a crime to be arrested. You need to be under suspicion of having committed a crime.
I’d assume there is something against Dalaran law saying you can’t bring a mana bomb into the city, however Jaina killed/arrested ALL the elves, not just the ones who let him through, not only that but there’s literally nothing they could do about Garrosh anyway.
And its been years and the horde continue to ignore the devs words and pretend it was intentional.
Incorrect, their crime was following a maniac and ingesting fel.
I’m assuming you’ve never heard of the Scyers
In order to determine which ones let them through, they need to be questioned.
Frankly, it’s something that Aethas, if he had more charisma than a dying trout, should have capitalized on. Upon learning that people under his command had been violating Dalaran’s law he should have offered to assist the investigation, instead of immediately trying to stonewall it.
Fine, their crime was joining the horde. Its a crime against nature, and all of BC was a crime against fashion.
And this is why you don’t give 2 different narratives in your quests. Perspectives are fine but narratives are not it should be one world.
Accusing Jaina of a ‘war crime’ by purging the Sunreavers from Dalaran falls flat for more than one reason.
First of all, you have to consider that the Horde under Garrosh had recently hit Theramore with a mana bomb, killing everyone and turning the fortress into a crater. THAT was a war crime due not only to the level of destruction but also to it indescriminantly killing potential combatants and non combatants alike.
In response, Jaina decided to hit Orgrimmar with a tidal wave of Water Elementals and was opposed by Thrall and Kalecgos, who managed to talk her down. This is an example of an interesting unspoken standard: The Alliance MUST respect principles, while the Horde is free to ignore them entirely as long as it advances the story.
Flash forward, and we see the Horde steal the Divine Bell from Dalaran, which is itself another weapon of mass destruction. Of course Jaina has a meltdown. But the lore at the time was at odds with AI scripting. Her aim was to imprison the Sunreavers and learn what became of the Bell, not to wantonly murder them. This can be interpreted in game as some Sunreavers deciding to resist her and being killed for doing so. This was not a war crime. Her actions were specifically targeted and prosecuted, and furthermore: reciprocal. Add to this, everyone’s fears about the Bell were proven correct when Garrosh started using it in a failed attempt to produce Horde ‘super soldiers’. Who knows who would have ultimately paid for Garrosh’s war mongering if Anduin hadn’t shattered it, crippling himself in the process?
And without missing a beat? Garrosh goes on to steal the Heart of Y’shaarj, an even nastier and more malevolent artifact, blighting the Vale of Eternal Blossums and nearly beating Taran Zu to death in the process. And this directly led to the Siege of Orgrimmar in order to stop his orc-centric fascistic madness. And if you’ve ever killed Garrosh on Mythic difficulty, you get to see exactly the kind of war crimes he fantasized about.
Yet the Alliance contents itself with returning Orgrimmar to the Horde and allowing Garrosh to stand trial. Again, upholding principle after the Horde has ran rampant. The result: Garrosh escapes and directly causes the events that lead to the Iron Horde invasion from alternate Draenor as well as the subsequent attack of the Burning Legion.