Perhaps you have me confused. I don’t care that its p2w, some folks like it some don’t. Personally I do not play p2w games, they feel hollow to me. But to each their own. I’m not questioning your mortality or character. I’m just pointing out its p2w.
The speed of the raid is definitely important although even with a really low pot if you just really like raiding youre still gonna do it. You dont really get burnt out on it as much when you’re getting something in return as compared to carrying people for nothing. GDKPs last all tier but the pots get lower each week unless you keep rotating pure buyers.
I pretty much just raid with the same group of people week to week cause they can actually get hardmodes down. The pots are somewhere between 3k - 8k most weeks. I would still raid with them if it was only 1k because its better than the alternative loot systems.
You cannot pay real money directly for an item, or for an achievement or a parse. You can buy a bunch of gold and never get the item, and still have to literally march your character to the raid, get invited to a pug, hope the item drops and bid for it.
What advantage do you have here over people raiding and getting the same access?
Every guild already has the list of people who are prio to get their free shadowmourne already. No guild is going to give a rando prio over people that have been raiding with them for significant time just because you have gold.
and your gdkp may have the worst rng on those Shadowfrost Shard, or you can’t find one to take you because slots have already been sold off and you’re relegated to 3rd place, or the gdkp ends up unable to do some HMs and you don’t get as many.
Do you not understand pay to win? Do you know of clash of clans? I could wait 4 days for a tower to be built or I could instantly buy the tower for $X. Whilst both players can receive the tower, on gets the tower at an accelerated rate. Much like gdkp, I could run a raid and wait my turn for the item. Or I could use ingame currency (that is also purchaseable at an accelerated rate with irl money), to skip the line and get the item. If I didn’t have the money, I wouldn’t get the item. You are skipping parts of the game in order to receive items, due to irl currency. Are you disputing that irl money can give you an in game advantage?
So are you saying if i buy a token right now ill get the option to buy the flare right now? Instead of having to wait for it to drop, which may not happen?
What advantage am I gaining that a player who is /roll in MS>OS doesnt have? Keep in mind that people have more gold than I do, which is effectively somebody having better luck with their /roll than I did.
Exactly. The only way to get rid of GDKPS is to remove all forms of player trading.
Anyone saying to ban it is living a pipe dream. Blizzard can’t/won’t address rampant bots. Who actually thinks they could control something easily hidden in the game?
No but if I use a bus or a train I pay for it. Much like you can do with a gdkp. I cant skip walking with a bus or a train without paying money. I am just astounded none of you understand what pay to win is
Is a gambling system lootbox not p2w because there is RNG involved? You’re literally claiming it’s not p2w because of RNG, which have nothing to do with each other