Never claimed that. As I told you before I dont really care how you or someone else gets their gold. Im not obligated to police the groups Im in. It is very very likely that someone who bought gold bought your auctions before so youre just as associated with it as I am.
Im not here to argue about whether RMT is involved with it, Im here to defend the merits of the loot system itself as RMT is involved with anything that has to do with gold in this game.
Show us the graph that shows where the RMT is going? I want to see proportional the RMT spread is on different activities in the game. Surely you got that data
well they basically did that in retail. I mean it is one of the many reasons i stopped playing retail. there was nothing that i wanted to spend money on. I wasnât trying at all to make gold, but my total gold kept climbing because i just didnât need to spend it. They almost eliminated all enchants, gear was a free for all. they changed glphps to a one time buy. slowly removed the consumes avaialable for raids. I ended up buying the sands mount that makes you the dragon, just because i had so much gold and realized why not spend it cuz its just gonna set there.
Youâre the one who said more people were buying gold when 12 million people were playing. Show me that graph? Do graphs only matter when they suit you?
GDKP should have been canned along time ago, probably at the start of tbc when all the servers started combining, we have a supermarket server now tbh, everything is for sale, mounts achieves you name it, not very spirit of classic is it
up until the token, i have ran many gdkps and many times was the highest spender. I never bought gold. didnât need to. I didnât get into the crazy 100k bid gdkps that you hear about. And from your comments i can tell that gdkp are just stuff YOU have heard about and never actually participated in. The amount of gold ppl bid in a Nax gdkp is pretty low. But ppl like you have a wild imagination that every person in them is buying gold. lol, farmed dire maul? you donât even know how to make gold obviously.
Its derived from people who form their opinion from streamers or redditors. The highest bid ive seen was on a flare of the heavens which was 82k 13 weeks into Ulduar. Far from sus.
You couldnât ban it even if you wanted to. There is no way to regulate it unless you directly stop players from trading gold. But they could easily work around that too
Yes I actually believe people have farmed 1 million gold from dire maul and then spend it in GDKPs. (Hint: I donât, players buy the gold with money and bid insane amounts on items in gdkp, then the gold circulates the GDKPs but you all think someone actually farmed all this gold out in the world legitimately and then claim the gold you got was all from a legitimate source.)
Do we think GDKP bids will go up or down in size now?
If they go down, payout goes down, potentially decreasing the prevalence/popularity of the GDKP loot system. Sure everyone is still getting something but, what is the point where the payout no longer is worth the time for the carries?
If they go up, token sales go up, those who already RMTâd will do it more due to better rates of return, and the token value tanks due to it being over purchased and devalued by whatever system blizzard uses to determine that. Which pushes more of the RMT4EVA crowd to those sites and maybe creates new RMT buyers who want to keep up and afford bids.
Even though I dislike it, GDKP is probably the best option for pugging today. I donât think it will ever go away but the token could minimize it if bid prices go down and start affecting pay outs. Just my two or three cents, if you disagree and canât be polite just ignore my ramblings.
Its still better than carrying people for free in longer raids. Its either you GDKP or just dont use the lockout.
If i had to choose between sitting in a raid for 3-4 hours in a revolving door of people coming and going, breaks every 45 mins and wiping on bosses that theres no reason to be wiping on for free or just not raiding on that toon that week, Im opting to not raid that week.
Tbh I think the payouts will remain the same because RMT is already rife in the GDKPs anyways and any whales were already buying gold at cheaper rates and will continue to do so than before the token anyway.