Clearly I didn’t, based on some of the absolute idiocy being thrown around here (see below)…
I think my point is pretty obvious. GDKPs aren’t getting banned, nor is it even feasible to do so.
Clearly I didn’t, based on some of the absolute idiocy being thrown around here (see below)…
I think my point is pretty obvious. GDKPs aren’t getting banned, nor is it even feasible to do so.
Nope they wont get banned its still a raid. Like i said in my other post gdkps will get competition from guilds selling carries. 24 guildies can come together sell a carry to 1 person for 100k. That person gets any loot they want and the guild gets the gold.
100k is just an example probably will be closer to 200k and u get multiple alts and do multiple runs.
Carries and GDKPs always coexisted. There will be more carries than in previous raids of classic because as the raids get more difficult the ability to carry more than a few becomes just as difficult. Players who dont want to compete against others for loot and want a quick run will pursue the carries however majority of pug raids are still going to be GDKPs.
Yeah, anyone thinking GDKPs are going to ever be removed are dreaming xD
Where do you think the gold cand from? Jump runs?
I dont really care how other people get their gold. Do you interrogate people that buy your auctions to ensure they didnt buy gold? Doubt it. You can exaggerate all you want on how many people buy gold it doesnt really matter.
Ok then please stop pretending that you don’t know where it came from.
I dont, for all I know all 24 other players were legitimate. Ive never been in a gdkp that had these outrageous 100k purchases. Maybe bought gold gdkps are more prevalent in benediction? I dunno, its irrelevant.
You do know. I know. Everyone here knows. The devs know and have openly admitted that this whole token thing is because they absolutely lost the battle with RMT.
Just own it.
I dont though, and neither do you
Unless you can provide statistical factual data that shows that everyone Ive ran with bought gold.
I’ll wait.
GDKPs are the main reason gold selling became so prevalent. Yes gold selling would of existed otherwise, but nowhere near as many people would have been buying gold as often and in such large quantities of they didn’t exist. In my opinion they are the second biggest contributor to why we are getting the tokens, the first being that blizzard hasn’t even attempted to stop or slow down RMT in game.
There’s gambling going in this casino sir
Thats what I thought. Valid effort.
The dev team and Blizzard are responsible for the addition of the WoW token in wrath.
Sure if you want to obtuse, but others understand there are reasons behind the decisions. But great contribution to the conversation.
RMT was prevalent before GDKPs were heard of mainstream in WoW years ago. GDKPs were being run as far back as TBC but they were very unheard of and not often ran at all. Infact long before GDKPs were popular in retail susan express was advertising with corpses in capital cities. Instead of just buying gold back then people were buying accounts.
If RMT and botters were actually dealt with and banned GDKPs would still be just as popular because the loot system itself is just superior to the other options available
If you attack GDKP because of RMT with its removal then id argue youd have to do the same for the AH and Arena and soon to be RBGs as theyre also associated with RMT. As well as guilds, since they carry RMTers.
Can you not read? I literally said gold buying would exist without gdkp? If you’re disputing the fact that the quantity of gold being bought and sold has been massively boosted due to gdkp then you’re wrong and being ignorant because you enjoy your payouts.
If you’re arguing that more gold is being bought now than there was when 12 million people were playing then I think we all know how much intelligence you have
You can’t blame a part of the player base for something Blizzard decided to do. They had a lot of options and chose this one because it makes money.
It’s all relative. A much larger percentage of players are buying a much larger amount of gold than they did. Keep claiming all your gdkp gold was farmed in dire maul though. We all believe you.