Should GDKP be banned now?

And? That doesn’t mean that majority of people aren’t purchasing gold. It’s clearly an issue if blizzard felt the need to put tokens in WOTLK and destroy the game.


Or, it wasnt an issue at all and they just decided to take advantage of all the crying about nothing and decided to use it as a waynto make a little more money.

The biggest problem this game has, has always been the type if players that play it. Many bad players playing a very easy game can not distinguish between earning something from personal effort vs getting carried and winning a roll of luck. They feel like they are entitled to be the only one. They cant understand that other players are also getting carried and lucky. But mostly, they are fixated on what other players are doing that has NOTHING to do with them. To the poimt that many will quit over a possibilty that someone did aomwthig different than how they did it.

You dont need to buy gold.

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I agree that the issue is primarily the type of players we have, specifically ones that are attracted to pay to win, microtransactions, etc. However my point is, GDKP are expensive to where new players cannot afford to attend and purchase the drops, so what do they do? They go and purchase gold through a 3rd party website or buy a wow token. All GDKP does is encourage gold buying. Anyway, I’ve beat this horse long enough and by the many other replies and posts others have made, I’m with the majority.


You’re being disingenuous if you are trying to say GDKP has no effect on players that don’t participate in them. This is an MMORPG. Trends in player behavior affects the community experience as a whole.

Tbc/Wrath have been rife with GDKP cesspits and now you get to reap what you sow.


How would you know? Your cluster is too dead to have a community.

Yes thats true and its also bs. A butterfly flaps its wings in the jungle and it leads to a tornado in kansas. That is also true. The point is, you have zeri, ziltch, nada, none way of knowing that affect. I bought a tier piece in a naxx gdkp last night. That money i spent was distributed between all players that attended. Please tell me how that transaction affected you. Exactly how. Not how it may or may not. Point is, u wont ever see it or know. Yet you make it out to be some huge issue.

You dont have to drink poison to know that it kills.

People you raid with also buy gold lmfao.


because you got your gold from bot gold in gdkps

nope. I have ZERO bot gold from GDKP. the only thing i do with GDKP is run my alts in them. to get gear. I pay money and at the end of each run, i have spent more than i got back. So i have not collected a dime from GDKP runs.

another fail from another gdkp expert that doesn’t have a clue how gdkp works. you think we just walk in and stand there and there is this big auction house and ppl just stand round and bid. lol.

if you’re not finding buyers to carry, you’re doing it wrong… if you’re the buyer, you’re buying gold ot at least using gdkp gold

And did it end GDKP runs??

Also, why the hell do we call it GDKP?!?

There are no Golden Dragons or Kill Points in WoW.

I’m so confused….

from everquest


Thanks for clarifying.

Here I thought it was just because of the Chinese Gold Selllers…. :moneybag: :dragon:

He probably forgot that we remember his guild having decks when they were going for 35k a pop.

fixed it for you.

except nothing on the ah is really expensive

like comparing a nuke and a fire cracker

you like fire crackers, but fire crackers share similarities to nukes, so don’t regulate nukes either

The vast majority of items in GDKP’s don’t go for any more(and often times less) than equivalent items on the AH.

A few hundred for T7 items or a few thousand maybe for most ulduar items is entirely reasonable. And if you think that requires RMT that’s a you problem.

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rofl stop lying