Should GDKP be banned now?

That is not true. Every offpiece is good for fire mages. The difference between 4p and 2p as fire mage is about 20 dps.
Regardless I get you point but its a mix of people don’t know how to gear in Classic and Classic having completely garbo items

And thus it would be a waste to drop for firemages.
1 loot per hardmode, given to a player that already deals more dps with their widely available 4pcs bonus, instead of given to a player that would profit far more.

Especially in a guild run, that would be real fun.

Very specific case again and something that isn’t really a big issue as you can gear around it but speaking of - asking classic players to actually gear accordingly is impossible.

Again, those are very specific niches that come with Ulduar and the main issue being 1 item dropping per week per boss

There’s a laundry list of these “very specific” situations in Ulduar and classic in general. It would be far more common that anything retail experienced and it was frequent enough in retail that they got rid of it

While I’m not really disagreeing I think you’re a bit out of touch if you think that was the reason they removed personal loot from mythic raiding.

More importantly. Have the ‘anti farming/botting’ mechanics introduced into dungeons like Strat been removed?

I think out of touch would be having a take like “Very specific niches” Every raid in retail had the exact same conversation

“anyone need this”
“I could use it”
“Why won’t it…oh crap it’s soul bound sorry”

In classic this would happen a ton more given the gearing differences. It wouldn’t be “niche” it would be a nightly occurrence that would be completely detrimental to raids.

All the likes I’ve been getting say otherwise. :blush:

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Sure, there’s a lot of people to lazy to do a few dailies.

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So take advantage of it by buying their tokens so that you can play the game for free.

Are you playing the game for free if you’re buying tokens?


Absolutely it should be banned. It literally is the reason people need to buy gold.

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If buying them off the AH with gold, yes.

This doesnt help. Why do you join in a conversation just to spread misinformation. Do you think its funny? Are you bored? Just wanting attention? Or are you really this misinformed

The subject question was legit. Asking for a real discussion among players that understand gdkp.

I have ran many gdkp raids. I have never bought gold at any time for any of them. The comment you made that buying gold is “needed” in order to participate in them is not true. Not at all. So please stop making claims when you dont know what u r talimg about

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i have ran more gdkps and you’re wrong. We fish for whales every week. The top gdkps sell gold in the gdkps! Losing the bid? Just buy more gold.

gdkp should be banned. It literally is the reason people need to buy gold. There’s so much inflation that all of the other gold sinks don’t matter.

and personal loot is the only way to do it

Even if you personally didn’t buy gold, I guarantee people you raided with did. Therefore, you still contributed to RMT by taking part in a system that encourages it.

I disagree. You can not change somthing you do because other ppl may or may not be cheating.

That was how i felt when it was cheating. But now, its not even considered cheating.

I think the token did ruin gdkp. I was very happy knowing that i put a lot of effort and time into the game and was able to turn that into having a better chamce at loot than players thst barely play the game.

Now though, the players that barely play hsve an equal chance again if they chose and the more time and effort i put into the game doesnt give me an advantage

How is this misinformation??? Your GDKP runs are expensive so people who can’t afford them end up purchasing gold so they can afford it. Let’s use our brain here.

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That is an assumption. You ignore that i stated that i have never bought gold and yet i run gdkp and usually outbid to get what i want. So that makes your claim false. I didnt NEED to buy gold.

I know you made a false claim and every other person that runs gdkp and does not buy gold also knows you are wrong. I cant say it any bettet than that.

This was always the case, as long as you were willing to break ToS.