Should GDKP be banned now?

Nah dude Im sinking down to your level of pay2win definitions, 100% of the people that have played WoW has directly or indirectly supported and p2w.

Ah I see you still don’t understand the concept of pay to win.

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Nah I do understand it now, and fully embrace it my p2w brother.

If I’m a cheater based off zero grounds other then I play this game, then so are you dumbo. Why are you talking like a random observer, do you even play this game lol? Fighting for gold selling like a little rat.

Blizz makes more money we will get more funds into the content we like. Classic, classic+, SOM2. Simple economics.

Nice one brother! Now go out and purchase some items in gdkp with some RMT purchased gold!!!

Its relieving when you set the bar so low for things.

It should have been banned years ago but it’s unlikely to ever happen. They’ve literally gone the if you can’t beat them join them route.

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If anything GDKP is even less against the TOS. Before the only argument was people were using illicit gold to fund their gear purchases, and GDKP was encouraging this illicit flow of gold and the bots that support it.

Now not only is buying gold not against the rules, it’s actually encouraged… So Blizzard actually has a vested interest in keeping GDKP’s going, as otherwise there is much less/no incentive to buy gold at max level.

Sure pay to win has very sliding scale in how bad it can be from barely noticeable to completely unavoidable.

But something games with pay to win have in common is there is some element(s) of the game the is explicitly designed to encourage you to partake in it. How aggressively it’s pushed and how it manifests varies but at some point you’ll inevitably find yourself realizing they want you to RMT something.

Which I don’t feel really applies to anything in WoW.

You just combat GDKPs by making all the HM raid gear purchasable by a new vendor in Dalaran for a wow token.

Dont give Blizzard ideas lol… They take the easy way out so p2w gear is something they’d actually consider.

Could not have put it better.

LOL as soon as someone starts a sentence with that, you know you can safely stop listening.

False. GdKP is a player created problem. Wow token is a blizzard thing to get on that gold selling. Its just corporate greed. They want a piece of the pie.

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should have been banned a long time ago

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He asked what my definition of P2W is, sounds like you don’t understand simple concepts either.

no. nobody believes that ONE person that paid 1million gold farmed it. Durrr. The problem with that ONE person paying 1 million gold example is that it is ONE PERSON. That happens and then people like you assume that every gdkp raid is 25 people with 1 million gold and every person in there all bought the gold. You don’t speak about the amount that is really spent in GDKPs because you don’t have a clue. And if you did speak about the amount that was really spent, you know that anyone seeing it would think " That isn’t very much, why does that small amount mean they bought it",

And since you were to dumb to understand the point about dire maul, NOBODY FARMS DIRE MAUL. There are a million ways to make a lot of gold and farming DIRE MAUL isn’t one of them. chose a different example. Stop showing how bad you are at gold making.


Did it go right over your head that the dire maul thing was a joke? For someone who’s made a thread about GDKPs being banned you seem incredibly upset that someone is talking out against them.

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I dont have anything against gdkp when the only negative to them is from someone that cheats. But its no longer cheating. I am not sure how i feel now. I asked a question for others opinions about if they should be banned NOW, after the change. I dont care about ppl opinion that wanted them banned before the token. Those opinions are not a part if this conversation. They should post in a gdkp thread about the gdkp loot system in its own merits. I am asking those ppl that were ok with gdkp and think it is a good loot system with the only negative being that it had cheaters that were buying gold. I believe any system can be cheated, even the random roll system. But now that negative is no longer cheating. So have they changed thier minds. It wasnt a question about if ppl were buying gold. But some ppl are not smart enough to figure that out and jump in talking about ppl claiming they farmed dire maul.