All this said though, Blizzard has actually stated that Calia will not lead the Forsaken.
I actually fear far worse for the Forsaken. We’re going to get Vol’jined. We’re going to be landless and leaderless, and just sorta become some short, rotten orcs from Orgrimmar. I reckon they’re going to just ignore the Forsaken entirely now, and that friggen sucks.
Eh I disagree. The Forsaken are, for all intents and purposes, what’s left of the humans of Lordaeron. If anything we should have gotten MORE significant Lordaeronian characters. I would’ve loved if we’d raised Uther the Lightbringer as undead, and made him one of ours haha.
But we literally only got Nathanos. Only significant Lordaeronian to hang out with the Lordaeronian race. So, RIP.