Should Calia lead the Forsaken?

I think yes.
She mends some fences between both factions.
She is the rightful heir.
She could be the next Horde powerhouse.
She has that light thing going on which will go a long way into rehabilitating the forsaken.

And of course. :milk_glass:
There is no need to change NPC dialogues change much.
White lady watch over you and all that.



I can hear Nezmith coming for me even now.


I think it will just be Sylvanas and Nathanos again when they come back


Lets assume they are not going to come back.

Who is going to lead them? Voss? Seriously?
There is also the fact that they were the worst actors in the last conflict to the level of the scourge when it came to being bad.

How is that going to be addressed if not Calia?

Actually, I think it would be pretty awesome if they make Calia the Forsaken leader, only to have Sylvannas come back and try to rest control away, creating a lot of drama.

CAT FIGHT (Between the Darkness and the Light)!

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I don’t know, it wouldn’t make sense to me if Calia just joined the Horde and started fighting against the Alliance

It would be a bit weird if she was part of the next genocidal campaign against the Alliance, but then again they made the same thing with Thalyssra and the Nightborne. And we all know it’s going to happen again


For a Horde leader, she would have more friendly relationship with Alliance then she he would have for the horde.

We already have that with Baine.

I always thought she would work better as Alliance allied race leader. Keep her in a place she is established while creating a natural rival between her and the forsaken.


There is only one character who has the credentials to led the forsaken




Wouldn’t Faranell might better sense? The Forsaken have nothing but the Royal Apothecary would hold the resources.



Almost anyone else would be a better candidate.


Ok. Who though?

Who can have the same power level, mend fences, have political claim and host of other qualities that Calia has to lead this new forsaken who arent as blight crazy.

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People need to understand that undeath changes people. We don’t yet know how undeath has changed Calia, or Derrek.

Her fighting for the Horde at first on a very intermediate level is plausible, and as she firsthand experiences outright animosity from team blue, there’s again a likely chance that the accompanying personality twist that comes with being undead will bubble to the surface.

Alonsus is perhaps an exception to the rule as far as we know, but you know they could just retcon it.

Alexei Barov for Forsaken leader.


Forsaken have been a elephant in the room for a long time. The Blood Elf story was resolved largely at the close of BC. Blizzard has not resolved the Forsaken’s story for 15 years, and I believe they refuse to do so due to plot expediency.

Blizzard has denied a single race any sort of meaningful characterization or growth from Warcraft III onward. I believe they have done so simply so the Forsaken could be used (abused) as a convenient means to gin up faction tensions time and again; even though they’ve done it to the point of ludicrousness now.

Sylvanas being the racial leader means that she has had to take point in this absurdity and now she’s gotten whacked one too many times with the villain bat, ruining what was originally a tragic; yet sympathetic character.

Post Battle for Mount Hyjal:

Alliance and Horde are too friendly! - Quick! Have Forsaken join the Horde!
Alliance and Horde are too friendly! - Covered! We’ll murder Bolvar at Wrathgate!
Alliance and Horde are too friendly! - Quick! Blight Gilneas and take it from Alliance!
Alliance and Horde are too friendly! - Uhh… Kill Calia at the Arathi Highland Massacre!
Alliance and Horde are too friendly! - Lets just burn Teledrassil! …Why? I need muh PVP!

The problem Forsaken have had for too long is they’ve been the convenient excuse lever Blizzard pulled when they needed a reason to create a Faction War. Most Forsaken I talk to on WoW are very sick of this. So yeah, if Calia gives a renewed Kingdom of Lordaeron (but undead) vibe to Warcraft; I would be for it.

I think Calia can succeed where a plot armor infused egomaniac like Sylvanas has utterly failed and been rejected by a lot of players. I would absolutely love to play a Undead Priest to be honest, especially if characters like say Alonsus Faol got involved. Right now the fact that they have shafted the Blood Elf / Shadow Priest lore due to creating Void Elves has me less than enthused with the game.

Forsaken are the main reason that Factions have not merged, when they should have post Mount Hyjal. You think the Horde irritation with being painted as the villain is bad? Try playing a Forsaken while Blizzard uses them time and again as their last remaining “lore reason” (read that as cheap excuse) on why they won’t give their customers what they want, which is merged Factions.


I’d nominate Darnell, if I had any sway.


Calia is not a Forsaken.
Calia represents the Alliance and the past of Lordaeron and not the Forsaken.
She even wears the royal crest of Lordaeron which is still used by the modern Alliance alongside the Lion.

Forsaken players don’t want her because she has strong ties with the Alliance, and if she becomes their queen, it’d mean they will be Alliance’s puppets.

Alliance players dont want her as a Forsaken leader because it would mean another of our characters forced by Blizzard to go Horde or neutral. We have already lost many of our characters and cities. Plus, can you imagine a Menethil and a Proudmoore leading a Horde faction? Two members of the most important royal houses in the Alliance.

The Forsaken have many characters to choose from. If not, they can still form a new Desolate council.


See the problem with making Calia leader of the Forsaken, among many other things, is what’s going to happen when we inevitably go to war again? Is she going to gleefully throw her lot in with the Horde and slaughter her former allies? Pull the Forsaken out of the Horde and go neutral(lol no)? She either stays impartial or goes wildly out of character and turns into a ride or die member of the Horde, neither works.