For every toxic, “you’re not meta/ doing X% dmg!11111”, there is another person who is using it to get better.
On the even larger scale, having all this be transparent allows ALL OF US to see just how bad Blizzard is at balancing the classes.
No sane, rational person expects perfection/1% variance. I think we all agree that the 4-7% range is realistic and allows for other variables as to why one class is (sic) 7% better than another (more utility, etc).
But when the CN stats were 30% … we know there is a problem.
Transparency: only liars, cheats, and thieves question its validity and usefulness.
They are kinda needed, it shows if anyone is slacking and you are wondering why you arent killing a boss or phasing. Now granted yes it can be used in a derogatory way. FF14 DOES have meters from 3rd party and have logs.
Maybe they can implement parsefinder so we can have our meters back halfway through the expansion (but not in the new raid, of course, that would be madness).
Addon’s or a dps meter has nothing to do with bringing new players to the game, its 17 years old, not many people want to play a 17 year old game no matter how good it is, if they have zero attachment to it.
None of your ideas actually help a new player. They are nice things to have, but none actually provide any measurable benefit that would make a new person an attractive pick and that is the crux of the problem.
It is really easy to get to max level. It is really easy to catchup to renown. It is even easy to get a fairly decent item level. From a mathematical perspective, it is quick and easy to get at what SHOULD be a baseline level for entering group content…but new people are absolutely not welcome in any kind of non queue content because the ultimate hurdle is the experience metric.
The reality is that as “easy” as people claim WoW is…it isn’t. CLASSIC is/was easy when all someone had to do was push 1-2 buttons and move out of fire…even normal dungeon mobs and bosses demand more out of a player these days let alone actual raid bosses and higher end dungeons where every cast matters.
The difficulty curve goes from an almost totally flat horizontal line to an almost vertical one the moment one wants to get into non queue group content even though, realistically, the actual difficulty of said content isn’t that harsh…the community though ACTS like it is and thus demands grossly excessive gear and experience requirements because “they” are too good for wiping and the only effective way to shun new people is to set barriers to entry higher than they can overcome.
So in order to actually make a new person attractive, you have to actively empower them when they are in groups and reward groups who take them. Actual examples of how you do this are give X number of new people not count for boss scaling (essentially they are a free body) as well as give them a significant HP, damage, and healing buff. You can also give them a free self res once per fight that also gives them an immunity bubble once ressed so they can get back into things safely. Finally, you can guarantee an extra piece of loot per new person that can only drop for the veterans per boss too. I figure 1 new person for every 5 veteran spots seems a fair balance.
You can discourage getting overgeared people by lowering the ilvl of any gear over the determined amount.
Those kinds of carrots will make most groups trip over each other to find and take bonafide new people instead of today where every effort is made to exclude them leaving only the ultra trashy groups with no effective standards or the likes of mass spam invite guilds.
I think it would be interesting if they dumped DPS meters, but at the same time offer up an “official” event. In the event is a mini-boss that we actually have to kill. The boss can be a Patchwerk like boss. The detail is that that boss doesn’t kill you, but it does have effects that stun or silence or otherwise disrupt your DPS.
So, it’s not just a tunnel like the training dummies are. It’s always kind of annoyed me that we couldn’t kill the training dummies.
But, anyway, you get as many practice runs as you like, and one “official” run per week. That run is logged, with spec and gear etc. for all the world to see, and you get a ladder. Never an overall ladder (not that we could stop that), but for each spec and class. I don’t know if there’s a reward or anything. I don’t think it really matters.
But we’ll get to see real people fighting a real boss, “esport” style, and rate against others of the same class and spec.
You get one run per week so as to not farm the “best run” ala Diablo. Consistency is as consistency does, and hope you don’t get a monster lag spike. It’s like a D3 Challenge Dungeon, but with the same boss each week (or not!) and your own gear. It would be good for players to see how well they do, folks can strut around if they’re high on the ladders, we can even get a somewhat more “official” class to class/spec to spec ranking on performance (which is why this probably won’t happen, but hey, one can dream). And it’s not just tunneling a boss. You need to move around, stay out of the fire, bounce in an interrupt, mitigate, things like that.
I’m rather surprised that this is not already part of the game. I’d love to be able to crunch my numbers without having to relay on addons (and yes, I do feel that having to load up third party software ought not to be necessary).
They didn’t stop dps meters. It’s still a widely used addon. People Will mention your low damage in EX modes. If anything, the lack of addon support really hurts the experience with how limited the UI really is.
people will eventually find away around not having DPS meters. It happened in SWTOR pretty quickly, and I’ll bet it’s happened in FF14.
This game is built on min/maxing, and has been for a very long time - pretty much since AQ40 and Naxx40 back in vanilla. Taking away the ability to use dps meters would wreck the highest difficulty pve content.
Taking away a tool that the community has been using for almost 17 years would have pretty devastating effects on both the player and dev communities.
I played MMOs before dps meters, and I will tell you now that players in MMOs are extremely toxic regardless of dps meters. Taking away the dps meters would have exactly zero net effect on player toxicity.