Should blizz stop dps charts like how square Enix does for ff14

Basically the title as I feel it would be more welcoming to new players and let’s face it we kinda need them and in a way it helps deal with the toxicity of some players I feel like. I understand the later half wanting their purple parse or whatever or wanting to know how they can improve their damage and vice versa


DPS meters are a Pandora’s Box: Like it or not, you can’t just put them back.


True fair point. Then how do the devs deal with the competitiveness and turn it into helping players truly get better at the game

Wow is focused around competitive play, and has for a long time now. I don’t think it would work out very much in its favor to go carebear mode. I mean, I enjoy more relaxed gameplay myself - but that is not typical here.


Make it inbuilt, show personal dps meter and where you can improve (missed procs, boss uptime etc).

Group dps meters are great for raid leaders but for an individual what you need to know is how you are doing not the rest of the group.

This reduces toxicity as only the leader knows who is under performing and so he can talk to/remove without the rest of the group trolling them.


They have to make helping people rewarding, which frankly is just incredibly difficult with the way WoW is set up. Any content designed to help teach new players typically has either terrible loot, or is more efficiently farmed by just ignoring new players and having experienced players farm it together. Here are a few examples of things that would certainly nudge the needle in the right direction though:

  1. Allow both factions to team with each other for instanced content
  2. Remove faction tagging. Ideally, remove the number cap on tagging as well
  3. Develop group content that awards meaningful loot for all participants upon completion, even if it’s just currency.
  4. Develop content that cannot be cleared faster simply by having better DPS.

Absolutely not. DPS meters do more good than harm.

Also, FFXIV doesn’t technically ban DPS meters. It just bans using them to shame people. Otherwise it’s a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.


lolwut? FFXIV has meters, people just don’t post them all the time. And Honestly I haven’t had anyone do that in WoW in many years, and when it comes up it’s always some Ragnaros player trying to explain why he ignores mechanics so he can push buttons more.


ACT is an open secret and tolerated secret in XIV. The only way you can get banned is if you use it to bash someone, and even then, that person has to report you, and there has to be visual/audio proof of the “abuse.”

I think for FFXIV the damage meters don’t actually work within the game, it is a program that runs outside of it. I barely have begun to explore it myself, but was curious because I wanted to know how well I was doing. From my understanding, it is something that could get you banned if you broadcast to others that you are using it and they report you for it.

I might run it myself at some point, but it is not something I would risk my account over by letting other players know I am using it.

WoW is all about minmaxing your numbers. FF has semi-support dps jobs. We need dps meters, they do not

I like DPS meters. Taking away such a massive thing from the game is just stupid. “But muh toxicity” yeah sorry if the Ele Shaman in my M+15 is doing 2K DPS I’m completely justified in getting upset.

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I like your nice idealogy here but lets be honest…most of the time there ain’t much good help here. In pug anyway.

Its more like your dps sucks dude…if that. I have seen many vote kicks pop up for low dps and not one word in chat about the player. The Lacking dps for whatever reason knows of no issue. Till they see the load screen on kick.

Sad thing is I have seen this in 50 to 60 leveling. It wasn’t a tryout for MDI…some people I tell you.

Now one time I did see one guy go “hey rogue, what poison you running” to our rogue.

Rogue went oh crap, my bad. pvp poison. lemme fix that.

So 1 rare case of nice there…

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When you’re soloing stuff you can auto attack for all I care

But when you’re in my group, dungeon or raid, I expect everyone to pull their weight to down the boss

It’s unfair for everyone else that you aren’t putting effort in DPS


Won’t happen.

Besides, like was mentioned before, FFXIV has unofficial meters.

If you play in party finder, you probably have a record on fflogs anyway.

Why tonight should be fun as I tweak a lfd paladin I haven’ touched in many many months.

Really hoping for quest killers in heroic lfd at 220+. Need to settle into the rotation again. and weak geared.

Inb4 why be there? I haven’t seen trinkets in korthia drops on any chars. Rings not common but I have seen 1. I need both. 197 from heroic I will fumble around for lol.

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I’d be a step in the right direction.

I just don’t see Blizzard being that pro-active with the base since they avoid us so much.

Ok,so for starters, this plan of yours… is actually a good idea! Kudos!!!

Because packet sniffers reading off your combat log are hard to make.

FFXIV has meters, but if I remember correctly, Square Enix does not allow third party systems to run in their games - so you posting the dps meters would basically expose yourself.