Should blizz stop dps charts like how square Enix does for ff14

That player base seems to care more about cut scenes and role playing. You don’t need meters for that.

I think dps meters are fine. Its fun to see how well you do in relation to other players and I haven’t ran into anyone even linking dps meters in a couple years now.

I’d rather not be vanished into the night by the secret police for uttering the word parses.


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I imagine removing damage meters will go over as well as removing flight.

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14 has parses its just you cant attack ppl for doing bad dps with them but many ppl still absolutely parse and has been since 1.0

removing meter wont solve any problem it will creat more.

less people will pug but will play with guildies and friend that they know play well.

and the lesser would not know if thwy perform well or not and wont understand why no one want to play with them and how to improve.

I’m sorry but ff14 has a dps meter. It’s called parser.

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Says you.
I say M+ and ultra hardcore raids was a gateway to the competitive nature of the game that eventually excluded a majority of the playerbase, leaving the majority of the playerbase with no content to do whatsoever, as opposed to FFXIV that, both as a game and as a community, manages to include the majority of the MMORPG playerbase without skimping too much on the difficulty of content.

Sole reason being - the developers actually listen to their players (and play their game)

Now we’ll see if they manages to do something about PvP which is appearantly planned for an upcoming patch.

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The only effort in the game to affect new player experience is to rush them to end game as if players who were learning to move across the screen yesterday should be working on ksm tomorrow as some sort of natural learning curve for grandma and your 8 year old niece.

FF14 would benefit greatly if they allowed all the addons wow does. Esp for the God awful ui, and bags, and map, and boss timers, etc


I use DPS charts to measure how well I’m doing. I don’t give a crap about topping them, but I do give a crap about at least knowing I contributed properly.

This would never happen in WoW, period. Not saying it wouldn’t have an impact, like if the boss dies, who really cares who did what, but there have been parsing sites forever in this game and people like to see big numbers.

It is what it is.

Maybe if WoW lowers it’s difficulty down to FF14’s level and then nobody would care, sure.
Not saying WoW is “hard” but compared to FF14…

I just don’t see WoW without them. When progressing on any raid boss, it helps a ton. You can quickly tell who is struggling and make adjustments. If there is a mechanic that summons adds or shields that have to be dpsed down quickly or they blow up the raid, you need to know which dps aren’t doing enough damage or switching to them. Otherwise you’ll have 2-3 people holding back the rest of the group from going forward.

Biggest thing too is it actually improves players. Those who pay attention to them and look at them after a fight can find plenty of information on there. If there are two of the same dps class/spec in a boss fight and one dps does 30% more damage then the other. It’s easy to just mouse over Details and click to see the spell breakdown and casts. If I see anther elemental shaman did 30% more damage then me with the same build and relative ilvl, and they got in 20 more Lavabursts and 10 more Earth Shocks over the encounter. I have to ask myself how I can do a little better and on the next pull improve a little.

Taking them out just because some people are rude to other over their numbers is a poor reason. Toxic people will always be around this game and find reasons to be rude to others.

No, hiding the fact someone is bad at the game won’t help them improve. DPS meters are a tool to help point out where you have issues but like any tool it is up to us to use it correctly. I don’t blame the hammer if someone tries to use it to chop down a tree.

They couldn’t do it without removing dps requirements. It just isn’t compatible with the type of game wow is.

Then how can I kick the lower dps than tanks?? Think of the raid leaders.

They can’t.

No, I want to know who’s doing badly in my group and why a boss or a pack is taking long. I don’t bring it up to them because that’d be toxic and I’m not here to make anyone feel bad, I just make sure not to invite them again to a group that I formed.

Let’s not forget this was started by the idiots that would Q for an instance, then stand in a corner, and do nothing. This happens in BGs, dungeons, and LFR.

I will carry you all the way through as long as you try. But just standing there? Naaaa