They’ve been making increasingly competitive PvE content over the years - FF has nothing like M+ or Mythic raiding, and that’s part of the draw to WoW. They have their dressing room simulator, we have our sweaty parse lording. Cutting out our means of staying competitive would make a lot of us lose interest in the more hardcore parts of the game.
Well it technically only solves the reason people claim they want dps meters (I want to track my performance).
I still dont think it will be hugely popular because alot of people actually use dps meters to troll the underperformers. That being said I have rarely seen a game with such a huge difference between top end and bottom end players.
I literally just did normal SoD in which most the dps averaged 2k-3k damage (I was a shade over 4k) not counting teragrue of course. But then you watch limit and echo having people doing 10k-14k+ thats 5-7x the bottom end dps players.
I would be fine with it IF enrage mechanics are removed entirely, yes soft enrages too. This would mean bosses like Guardian of the First Ones couldn’t exist.
Let’s be honest, someone is going to do what FF players do and have DPS meters rolling. Mechanics are one thing, but if you can’t kill the ball of death on Painsmith you aren’t killing that boss. DPS meters certainly have some negatives, but they positively affect success rate.
I’m fine with this idea, but you will still get toxic situations. Other players will notice DPS severely lacking, then when the leader isn’t doing anything about it the good players leave, after probably berating the leader, and the run more than likely falls apart.
Subs have been going down since Pandas were added, coincidence or sole reason? Unwanted systems, content cuts, lack of interest in player feedback are all reasons why WoW is losing players, if anything M+ was a massive boon in getting people playing the game. WoW and FF have some overlap but also different niches, making the game more new player friendly won’t make WoW have what FF has, it’ll just lose one of WoW’s core bases.
I think you’re being sarcastic here, but I will reply anyway if peeps actually feel this way. DPS meters are fun to lord your dps over people if they’re your friends already. If you get pleasure out of proving that you’re better than random pugs that you’re never gonna see again, I think you need to take a break.
But couldn’t you get that same satisfaction from seeing the DPS you could theoretically pull with you gear (i.e. raid bots) and see how close you can get to that number (as in how perfectly you play your class)? And then seeing that number get higher as you gear up?
While I loved the no addon thing in ff14 and just chilling, WoW has lot of competitive content. I just went for one m+ dungeon in 9.1, just one, and I didn’t have recount. I could tell 1-2 people were doing very very low damage, but not knowing made it frustrating, as I wanted to ask them what the hell they’re doing since everyone’s 220+ ilvl, and 1-2k dps isn’t acceptable at that gear level.
And yeah, you’re not wrong, but comparing yourself to the people doing +15 or
+20s with you is a far cry from comparing yourself to people doing leveling dungeons. That’d be like a radiant player in valo comparing themselves to an iron 1 player. Yes, your performing better at what you do, but why do you need to have an add-on to tell you that?
I think FF14 is stealing ideas from Blizzard too, heard recently they doing oceanic servers for their next expansion…Blizzard was years ahead of FF14 for that.
I think I would lose interest in the game if I couldn’t see how much damage or healing I was doing. I would not be opposed to prohibiting players from shaming others with damage meters though.
Your wrong OP. SE did not stop dps charts, they simply made it to where you dont talk about it. You can use DPS charts for yourself to improve but when you use it to bully someone else, then your in trouble.
You can thought, read my comment above.
I can confirm a lot of new mechanics in raids/dungeons are from ff14. I’ve ran everything ff14 has to offer so I know a ff14 mechanic when I see it.