Should a player be suspended for placing (mage) portals in LFR?

Absolutely not.

Learn to laugh.

There are many times it is inappropriate to prank someone. This is not one of those times.


if people don’t read their tooltips, Thats the brainpower tax right there.


If and only if there is other hard evidence in the logs as to what the intent is.

If 25 years later you still don’t know to click on a mole machine in the middle of a raid where there was no mole machine 4 well lol. Ain’t my fault. Same with mouse over a mage portal to see where it goes. And lastly there’s really no reason to click any of these things while in a raid


I think that is hilarious. As someone else said that has been going on since the game was released. I have always laughed about it even when someone used to do it in 40 man guild raids.

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If your intent grieving then yes. But thats kind of hard to prove without history of reports or chatlogging. There are hard to avoid locations to place your portals. And grieving others is a form of entertainment for some.

should have booted all mages in raid!!!..mater of fact
devs should remove all ports from mages as a consequence! that will teach those little spell slingers

Gotta learn to carefully read tooltips and click like it’s surgery for feasts in randoms.

For the question, will they be suspended? It’s probably up to the group is all, to remove them, since you have to keep in mind the devs have fun with it instead and add in things like Dalaran Crater mid-air port to the game to be cheeky. Not everything needs to be moderated strictly, instead left up to the players to remove/kick/reprimand as needed (or not at all - I think a lot of players would just laugh about it then port back in, or requeue).

Either have the portal with the casters name on it
Get a WeakAura that tattles who set it down like when a lock sets out rocks/tries to summon ;3


I have often used Ancient Portal to Dalaran over another portal on my mage when I’m bored and the mood strikes.

I’ve never been actioned.



It was a blast back when people still used Vent to play portal roulette and listen to the NSFW language from the people who got Ancient Dalaran Portal.

I’ve never been actioned either. Just called some interesting names.

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Is it griefing to send someone to Dalaran Crater and their death? Yes. Is it funny? Yes. I’ve never done it (don’t care for Mage), I’ve had it happen to me, and seen it to others. It’s hilarious. I wasn’t mad when it happened to me; it was a funny change of pace.

Yes it’s griefing and no we shouldn’t fun police it.

Why should the mage be punished for other peoples stupidity? Taking accountability is hard at times I know. But dont click on a mage portal in LFR anyway. Who does that?

Not what the topic is about. The specific topic is about raiding or LFR.

And no, they shouldn’t be kicked. If you require that 30% extra haste to kill the boss, you won’t have it if you wipe to said boss anyway

As towards the actual topic: no. If you mindlessly click a portal, that’s on you. I always walk to a warlock and then look for a green-tinted portal. If it isn’t green, and I’m not trying to leave the area, then I don’t click. Especially if it’s blue.

That’s personal responsibility on your part to pay attention, in my opinion.

I’d like to think I have some regency in my own topic about what it is about.

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Be honest op, you were said mage weren’t you?

Here is some Cheese, go cut down some trees and build a bridge to get over it.

Portal troll did it wrong. and this is why they should be reported.

The sanctioned and proper portal is Dalaran. The one that leads to death by falling 100 feet from the sky!

There are rules to this that must be followed.

Portal trolling in say AV start cave is about as old as the game. Its a rite of passage, time honored even.

HAHAHAAHA this takes me back, when i mained a mage for a short time (and i do mean short) in shadowlands i used to troll my own raid team like this, portal ontop of everything, bloody hell i used to laugh then had a stern talking to by my GM 
 i swaped mains.

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Didn’t even engage with my points. You got annoyed at me asking why you bothered adding dungeons and time warp/blood lust?

Try engaging with the point. Not getting stuck on something so little