Should a player be suspended for placing (mage) portals in LFR?

People struggle with the flying mechanic on Tindral, or fall off the edge before you can fly through the hole into Fyrakk’s arena. It’s quicker to summon them then wait for them to try and make their way back.


That’s hilarious.

I personally like using Jaina’s locket because even though it doesn’t send people to their deaths, I can use it on any class and people always start persecuting the mages.

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I can believe someone can be this out of touch dude, whats going on with you?


I don’t recall see that as an option in the report function.

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It’s one of the reasons you can give when reporting someone in-game.

I made this mistake. Once.

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Wow, after all theses years (a decade now) I never thought to do this. Hmmm…

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So many jerks in this thread.

I have died to that 2-3 times before becoming systematically wary of all portals while grouped with a mage. Try clicking the summoning TV, turns out there was a death portal hidden inside and that’s what my click landed on.

Most classes have some means of avoiding fall damage, still got to be quick enough realizing what happened to do something about it though.

My first encounter with it was mages overlapping both versions of “Portal to Dalaran” in WotLK.

We are not babysitters in LFR, we are not teachers

Mate, maybe you are not, but if you think I’m watching a 30 minute youtube video to hop in and do a LFR then we’re wiping if no one says a damn thing.

Then wipe see if I care. I don’t do LFR in the first few weeks mostly because LFR players have this god awful attitude of “iT’s OnLy LfR”, I wait for enough people to learn the fights and enough high iLVL carries to show up before I go in and start tanking that rotten hell hole.

And even than I will only run wings where something like a mount or the druid skin from T Swift drops.

I’ve tried the whole be nice thing in LFR, I’ve tried teaching players what to do and to tell others what mechanics there are, but far, FAR too many times I get healers who do like 10K HPS, tanks who just flat out won’t listen and position the boss in the worst possible spots getting us all killed and DPS who do sub tank damage.

Fact is this, a lot of LFR players won’t read a guide or watch a video, they won’t listen, they think LFR is easy mode and others should be able to carry them, they don’t want to learn, there is almost no point in LFR even existing at this point with the attitude of some players not wanting to actually try for even a second.

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Shut up Karen.


I disagree that the player should be suspended for this action. If it can be proven that they were doing it all the time as an attempt to disrupt gameplay perhaps.

But people leave all the time in lfr, and of those that leave many mages will throw up a portal. It could have been malicious but it could easily have not been, especially when you say you have no idea who actually did it.

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Portal Roulette is a tried and true method to weed out the uninitiated.

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me you can’t get fooled again”


The players who clicked should be suspended, to have their brainwaves checked. Lol I love this prank. It’s the wow equivalent of the acme portable hole, see ala loony toons


Guessing the OP never played portal roulette and got Ancient Portal: Dalaran. I had so much fun doing that on my Mage. Of course I waited until after the last boss when everybody was ready to leave. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Nope. A mage cannot make anyone else click the portals, nor force anyone to teleport.

This really isn’t any different than a player misclicking in a hub, or mistargeting and incidentally griefing; the action was fully in control of the effected player as was the outcome, and the game functioned mechanically as it should have.

Or another way to look at it is if a dungeon had randomly spawned a clickable, and you clicked it, and died as a result…who’s responsible for your death?

And if it were put in the dungeon intentionally by a dev? Who’s responsible for your death?

And that’s the heart of this topic, is that you had to OPTION ALLY click the portal, you get a tooltip that tells you what the entity is, and regardless of whether the portal spawned randomly, or from a mage, or from a dev…

…the onus was entirely on you

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Technically, the players who clicked are the ones ACTUALLY griefing the group

I mean, they CHOSE to take an OPTIONAL portal to the DETRIMENT of the group


Honestly, I think radom portals are funny. Its a game.


Just give it time and eventually you can play the entire game without ever needing to meet another player. You can already level from 10-70 without even needing to talk to someone, and with the new delves you can play solo and 5 man content with followers. I hope they continue on this path and make the entire game solo including raids. The community is the worst part of this game and has been for some time.