Should a player be suspended for placing (mage) portals in LFR?

So I was in LFR earlier today and while waiting for the warlock to put up a summoning stone to help summon those who had died while reaching Fyrakk, a mage in the LFR group put up a portal to Hillsbrad Foothills.

As if the chat itself had become a fire mage it combusted into a namecallfest and people urging to report any or all of the mages in the group because they didn’t know which one had done it. To make it worse, someone proceeded the pull the boss so those who had clicked the portal (and then died falling) got locked out.

Which made me think; should a (mage) player get suspended for placing (malicious) portals in LFR? (Direbrew Remote is another one)

And on a tangent; should a player get kicked for using TW/BL at random?


That’s on Blizzard, but yes, the mage would probably get actioned if reported by enough people.

This, however, is a complete non-issue solved with a boss reset.
If anything, I like it when people use ALL their CDs on trash so it dies faster, Hero included.


Nope, if you don’t know the difference between a summoning bubble and a travel portal,

Now you do😂


You should be suspended for falling for the oldest trick in the book lol.

Mages been doing this since the game has been around, and take it as a lesson learned, don’t click things in LFR.


Not specifically tied to LFR but random dungeons or keys where you can’t reset it.

Weak, use Dalaran Crater or go home. And place it right on top of the warlock soulwell.


Honestly? No.

I’m curious as to why anyone, mid raid, would click a mage portal?

I mean, it could have been a misclick (placing of the portal) it may well have been malicious, I don’t know.

Should they face an action? Absolutely not.

This however, different story altogether.


In normal → m0 random dungeons, Hero does not matter.

In high M+ it has an impact, but you should never be relying on it to clear the dungeon to begin with, unless you’re going for the highest keys/bragging, then you already failed at group composition by picking that player in the first place.


They would not be. Blizzard cannot see where a portal is placed nor the “intent” behind placing the portal. If they didn’t want it to be allowed, they would simply disable portals in certain situations/groups.

Should the mage be kicked? That’s up to the group really. But blizzard doesn’t punish players for using their in-game abilities.


Intent matters. If it’s done repeatedly and disrupting group play, you bet it will be actioned.


I bet it won’t. Blizzard has no way of knowing someone’s intent when using a portal that they’re allowed to use.

We don’t have to like it, but Blizzard isn’t going to action a mage for doing mage things.


Might as well keep using rescue/swapblaster to kill players, or leap of faith to wipe raids.
Intent can be easily inferred when it’s being done repeatedly to cause disruption in pug groups.


Pay attention to what you are clicking it’s not rocket science? What action is Suspendable for the mage doing this?


Putting a portal to nowhere on top of an existing, useful in-game portal is the only thing I can think of.

I mean, people are welcome to report. I’m just saying that it won’t end up in any action as Blizz can’t see where or why a mage put a portal down.

It’s literally something mages are designed to do. Do people try and ‘have fun’ at the expense of others? Perhaps. But that doesn’t mean that Blizz needs to suspend a player for opening a portal.

People need to be just as careful about where or what they’re clicking on.


You mean we’re not supposed to teleport to Stonard to kill Fryakk? So that’s why I got no loot

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


If done correctly, clicking the right portal becomes lottery.
People caught unaware won’t even realize they were being trolled too.

Chat logs and portal casts are enough to realize what has been done.
And if the game can’t log spell placement… It seriously needs a log improvement ASAP.


You’d think they’d have enough time to click the teleport to instance thingy before hitting the ground.


Honestly though, in LFR, with how many players I encounter that either cannot find their way to the big opening or mount up before they are supposed to, this may be the easier solution.

Full disclosure: I have got lost once, and my first time in there I too mounted up too soon.

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I’ve fallen for the old Dalaran portal trick in LFR in the past. They put it right next to the loot chest at the end. It gave me a good laugh as I lay there dead at the bottom of the crater. Well done.