Should a player be suspended for placing (mage) portals in LFR?

Bro, give it up. You’re wrong. Like, on all accounts. Move on. This is a personal accountability issue. Don’t click random things, and nothing happens. Click random things? Something will happen. Bottom line? Pay attention or you’re trolling yourself. Period.


This actually has a pretty simple solution that can come from blizz

by putting dialogue windows when you click a portal, asking “are you sure you want to take this portal to X destination?”

this immediately weeds out 90% of the possible trolling, protecting both players from being trolled ported, and trolls from getting reported for being idiotic.

whatever is left and if a mage continues to try trolling by putting portals within summoning closets and stuff like that could be considered griefing and its fair game to report/punish


You must be fun at parties.

Yeah. it’s also why they tell people not to drink the shampoo on the bottle.

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No seriously. If someone clicks a portal while getting ready to do something in any situation. I’d kick these people before the mage. Random portal in front of a boss and these people go and click it before asking or hovering over to see what the portals for? Natural selection and remove lol

Real griefing would be the one with the direbrew drill controller that sunmons a mole machine to place on top of an npc to watch new players get sent to brd. Hell you could literally drop it anywhere and you could watch curious newbies go and click it Which is why the drill got an are you sure prompt and a level restriction.

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I saw this exactly same situation before Fyrrakk fight start and a victim guy teleported out. we kicked out that mage right after…

It’s a learning experience. Once you do it, you won’t do it again. Newbies have to learn. :joy:

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If this was the case something woudl have been done from day one when Mages found they could do this sort of thing.

If a portal pops up from another player in the wild like that don’t click on it.

Oldest trick in the book right there.

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The AH and bank in Stormwind have small doorways where you could place the Molemachine right in de doorway and no one can get in or out as long as the player that placed it stays in the vicinity. So even if you can’t or don’t click it still affects you.

takes notes while laughing maliciously

Oh God that’s horrible!


Wait, you mean that’s not how I can stop crying in the corner every night?

The short answer is no. The long answer is it’s funny and you should know better then to click any player made portal/summon in lfr. If people can’t keep up in lfr who cares. No one enjoys lfr we all just want to get in and get out. You can easily do any of the lfr content with 10-15 people missing even with 0 over geared people in the raid

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yes, players should be suspended for wasting blizzard resources reporting this


I will now be joining lfr just to place mage portals to watch the chaos ensue. The fact that direbrew even came up brought back so many memories for me. Ive been using that since it first came out. Glad to see Im not the only troll around.

Blizzard absolutely logs every single spell that is cast and where it was cast. That wouldn’t be an issue. That being said, you’re right that they typically can’t discern intent.

However, I wouldn’t even see this as an actionable offense even if there was determinable malice, as the affected players can simply right-click the dungeon finder icon and re-enter the LFR (such as the case the OP presented).

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Remember vanilla molten core? This was a rite of passage.

I get that people think this, but over the years Blizzard has made it clear that they really don’t log that sort of minucia. Just like the limitations on restoring deleted mail and items.

They can only store so much info and that sort of detail is not something they record. They probably can’t even tell you if a portal was cast to be honest.

That’s why players are given the tools to remove others from their groups.


There’s an option already available to select in reporting these kind of things.

It’s called gameplay sabotage.

Someone call the police! A crime has been committed!


Simple life rule to live by. “dont be a jerk”

When considering a choice, ask yourself “does this make me a jerk?” if the answer is yes. Dont do it.

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