Should a player be suspended for placing (mage) portals in LFR?

Woah now! I think you’re underestimating how much blizzard loves us.

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No one looks at portals before clicking anymore"?

I am so dusting off my mage with ancient dalaran portal


Sure you do

They should get a 24 hr suspension for intentional griefing. There is zero reason to be placing portals in a LFR, especially near a warlocks summoning stone. Anyone who defends this sort of thing is simply enabling disruptive behaviour.

If you want to troll or disrupt your friends, do it in a friend group, not in a random party.


FTFY :sunglasses:

(p.s. Lighten up, Francis.)


Wait, it comes with a parachute now? Since when?

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Let the players police that, not mods. If enough people are mad, the player gets kicked.

From there the player can decide, I don’t mind getting kicked and keep doing it, or stop doing it because they don’t like getting kicked.

But a suspension for a harmless joke? Feels extreme.

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Players don’t need to be careful where they click? Okay! Click away and expect rando-results :slight_smile:

Thankfully, Blizzard isn’t crazy enough to perma-ban a mage for opening a portal in LFR. Nor will they ban a healer for healing, DPS for doing damage, a Warlock for summoning and so forth.

Not in WoW. In fact, they don’t even have a template for account actions for “griefing” in WoW. In WoW, players tend to believe that anything they don’t like is “griefing” and Blizzard doesn’t take action (nor is there a report option for it) for “griefing”.

They don’t. Not sure where you got that info, but by all means, feel free to provide your supporting evidence, like a blue post.

Uh, mages are allowed to open portals yes? Then it’s allowed. Show me in the COC where it says that mages can’t and shouldn’t open portals in places other players don’t want them.

It’s never been against the rules and since Blizzard can’t see where the portal was opened and they still allow the spell in these scenarios, it’s not against the rules.


Well said queen

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It is true that without context it’s a funny.

But there are a variety of situations where it could be a bit more than that. One is if you just spend upwards of an hour as a DPS in a queue for a LFR and you accidentally clicked it and then get locked out of the LFR because they pulled the boss, you basically made that player lose an hour of its time for a quick laugh.

Again, in Classic, a player got suspended for dispelling world buffs even though he was just using his spells and 'PvP happened on a PvP server". Those players affected also lost quite a bit of their time for a funny and actions were taken. Why I bring it up again is because Blizzard did make certain world buffs non-dispellable afterwards so it wouldn’t happen again.

On the other hand players have taken up arms lately to motivate Blizzard into respecting their time spend and making things more alt/time friendly. Which makes it a little strange to see players here being okay if they get a quick laugh out of disrespecting someone else’s time spend but hate to be on the receiving end.

Sounds pretty funny to me

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Ha one of these almost got me it was right on top of the feast. Another mage blew hero on already cleared trash. Obnoxious but it’s lfr idk. While the portals are obvious trolls sometimes people do be hitting hero on accident. :shrug:

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The hillsbrad foothills is the dalaran crater one. Whenever I’m on a horde mage I like to drop the stonard portal over the dalaran crater.

I mean technically you are correct, LFR players will click anything and do anything and blame everyone but themselves.

Or you can just not randomly click whatever shows up on your screen like a real raider.

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Deliberately dropping portals over summoning stones so that people can’t reasonably be sure of which they’re clicking on is griefing.

Griefing is a reportable offense. I don’t get why an MVP would struggle with that, but here we are. You’re not entitled to a captive audience for your own amusement just because you’re bored and happened to pick Mage as your class.

That’s not the problem.

Blizzard does, in fact, take action on griefing. Blizzard specifically caught flack for not dealing with this problem in the game and had to get people to start agreeing to the COC page to remind people that they actually have these rules in place.

There is absolutely no reason for anyone to open a portal to Hillsbrad, but there’s especially no reason to do it in an LFR raid. You would only be doing that if you fat fingered the portal or because you’re deliberately trying to negatively impact someone’s game time.


That made me laugh :). thank you for sharing that. No, a player shouldn’t be suspended for that. That trick has been around for years and it is funny as everything, especially in LFR. The best players are willing to die together, whatever causes it, even ornery mages who throw down portals lol. You know why I laugh though?? I have fallen for it too. I’ve played WOW since 2008 and you live and learn. Besides, mages don’t throw down summoning closets, warlocks do. If you fall for a port, that is on you. Why so serious? I wouldn’t drop a portal, but there are far worse things people do in the game that go unnoticed even when reported.

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These shouldn’t do anything to somebody who isn’t breaking any rules. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Think of this as practice for learning not to click random links in Discord DMs where the consequences are much more severe.


I have never understood why people think doing stuff like that is funny. It’s the same people who think it is funny to drop toys during the community feast or other group events in game.

I know there are some people out there who get their kicks by trying to mess up other people’s gameplay. Some people don’t care, I know, but others do, and I just think it is a real sorry thing to do.

We should prolly go to their house IRL and have them executed for such crimes against others. Legally of course, not blatant murder :wink:
