Should a player be suspended for placing (mage) portals in LFR?

This will never get old

was doing this years ago. oldest trick in the book and damn funny also. This is the only use for this portal so yes Bliz allows.
Done this to my raid group so many times. funny as hell

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Perhaps Blizzard should disable Mage portals in LFR?
I think that would be better. Any portal. People are not expected to leave in portals in LFR, they can just click and teleport out of dungeon if needed, or leave dungeon to exit.

Lol no.

That was quite hilarious. XD

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That a generalisation that I would say is not necessarily true.

I can use my ingame abilities to repeatedly kill questgivers and I could be reported for that. Using a portal to disrupt a raid is no different to using my attacks to kill things to disrupt a zone.

As you would know, Blizzard is able to see the results of actions in the game, and a bunch of people having their characters killed by the actions of a member of the group wouldn’t be that hard to trace.


Mage deserves a medal.


Reminds me of the people back on Timeless Isle complaining about “people tricked me into flagging for pvp”.

(i.e. other people were flagged, and the person complaining just HAD to attack them…)

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Blizzard still won’t do anything if you decided to mass report a person. All it would do is just squelch the player(s) reported until a Game Master reviews the reports.

As Perl previously stated, Blizzard will not do any account actions regarding the reasons why a portal was set by the Mage in the group. You are welcome to report however.

What if I join as a premade, 3-4 people and we want to leave out the backdoor and not the way we came in? I could join in Org but want to head to Valdrakken when I am done, nothing should stop me from doing this.

There are a few rules for LFR that all players eventually learn to follow:

  1. Sit down and shut up, give no one any reason to complain about you, report you, or try to get you kicked.
  2. Don’t click anything, for any reason, if someone wants a summon, they are doing it wrong and it’s none of your concern to summon them over.

We are not babysitters in LFR, we are not teachers, we go in to kill something and leave and if people want a raid like experience, they can go find a normal raid group to join, LFR is just full of trolls, tryhards and hardcore carries.


You can just teleport outside and use one of the 2000000000 available teleports in game to go to Orgrimmar or wherever you want.

Arguing in favor to keep mage portals in LFR, is that really the hill that you wanna die? Because what will go into your tombstone is “troll” lol.

Pranking people with Mage Portals will never not be funny.


whatchu talkin bout willis?

Dal crater is in Hillsbrad :upside_down_face:


Real mages remember when dalaran crater portal didn’t come with a parachute. Many shenanigans…

Also before it said anything other than “portal to dalaran”


If it is LFR you should be able to just teleport back into the dungeon or has it changed?

Haha! Classic shenanigans!

Delete this before you’re flamed any harder.

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doesn’t matter it’s LFR or not, any intentional disruption where u deceive people to do something they clearly don’t want, at least in theory, should be punished, obviously not a month, but at least a few days, … yeah, they should, doubt enough people would report it, but in theory that goes under disruption of gameplay easy…

Remember that the same guy that gets away with smaller things with intention to abuse on ‘this won’t get me in trouble’ is likely the one who will find a way to do worst eventually.

In fact, this sort of is the very reason why blizzard, and any game company with mmo, would never divulge the exact thresholds for stuff, else every single troll would go to that threshold one step before it’s bad …

Griefing is a reportable offense.

Not how it works.

No, they need to perma-ban the account. Stop defending anti-social behavior.

Blizzard bans people for griefing. Simple as. Kind of like how Blizzard use to ban you if you stacked model-increasing items and then hopped on your biggest mount and parked directly on top of a quest giver NPC. I don’t know who told you this but they’re sorely mistaken, Blizzard bans for this kind of behavior all the time.

Violating the COC isn’t ‘just mage things’ and mages don’t get some free pass.

yeah cause blizzard will just ignore it.