Should a Paladin be wielding a 2h Sword or 2h Mace?

Big 2 handed Maces/Hammers are not known for subduing. I mean I guess if you aim for the legs and are OK with potentially crippling them for life, maybe.

But big hammer to the skull is gonna kill some body quickly.


As for the topic: 2 Handed Swords are just as iconic to WoW Paladin as 2 Handed Maces. So for me, it differs between what transmog I use. Heck, sometimes I even use Polearms.

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Depends on the race, but usually a mace.

Hammers do not fit the theme of Retribution.

Retribution is Vengeance. In other words, it is the act of killing. Bladed weapons are more deadly than blunt.

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Paladins (Warcraft, ignoring expanded lore with the Draenei and such) were created to counter WCII death knights (not to be confused with WCIII death knights) and the undead. Blunt weapons, such as Maces and hammers, are superior for fighting undead as well as getting past armor. You will notice that WCIII paladins all wield Hammers.

That is not to say Paladins never used swords, many did, but honestly itā€™s probably situational. If you know you are going to be fighting lightly armored foes, say an Orc Horde, you would probably opt for a sword. If you are going to be fighting the undead or heavily armored foes then most likely a hammer.

Warcraft Paladins specifically are more thematically tied to hammers, but paladins generally are more thematically tied to sword (+5 Holy Avenger being the big one)

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This guy gets it! :dracthyr_love_animated:

I suppose an orcā€™s gotta use an axe. Good callout. Oops, took a liberty, but your list was right.

Either. Youā€™ll find that a lot of paladins wield swords and others wield maces.

It sounds very high pitched and piercing to me. Consecration on the other handā€¦

Of the plate-wearers, I always go:

  • Warrior - Axe
  • Paladin - Mace
  • Death Knight - Sword

Think it would be different for race and gender.

Human, dwarf, tauren, draenei male would be hammers and very rarely ax.

Fem Human, belf, tauren, and draenei use swords and spears.

Maces for sure

The only good mace for a tank is the rolling pin or frying pan

Iā€™m a sword guy myself, but maces definitely are iconic. Still, we do have Ashbringerā€¦ Say what you want about the Silverhand, but Magical sword vibes > all others.

Paladins should wield light bulbs since they like wielding the light :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :bulb:

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:grimacing: :drum:

For me it depends on racial animations.

Draenei (variant) its a 2h hammer/mace. they have a hammer/mace animation I love. My LFD paladin uses a hammer mog.

Humans, swords. their animation I do not like for hammer/mace. its just really off for me. If one has the choice like retail with mogs and such. My wrath Human female paladin will not carry the deadly fish (s6 deadly 2h sword looks like a fish you see). so I jsut deal with hammer looking bad animation wise

BEā€¦can go either way for my tastes. My retail BE paladin has mogged/geared either way over time.

You shut your filthy mouth.

Yes we are.

The two greatest Paladins, Turalyon and Uther would like to have a word with you. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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2h Mace is the correct answer

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A obvious person of refinement and culture. :grin: