Should a Paladin be wielding a 2h Sword or 2h Mace?

If you’re playing a dwarf, I think a hammer fits more thematically.


if a 2h, mace, if 1h and shield a war hammer

Turalyon initially used a hammer when he became a Paladin. He only started using a sword in order to pay homage of Anduin Lothar.

Yep I’m aware.

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In classic hammers felt better, because autoattacks mattered and were slow. Besides Warcraft III paladins had hammers.

In retail though, swords look better. Animations aren’t slow enough to feel the weight of the mace.

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Whatever the default wep is when you create a new one.

Or whatever it gives you when you trial one.

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Doesn’t Templar’s Verdict feel very ‘macey’ or is that just me?

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its literally a giant mace flying through the air. While blade of justice is a sword coming up through the ground.


Neither. Both axes and polearms are cooler.


paladins sword , clerics hammers

The Ashbringer says otherwise :stuck_out_tongue:

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Most artwork has Paladins using a mace, but the most iconic Paladin weapon is a sword.

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Pally uses maces, warrior use axes, DKs use swords. That is my general goto setup (though not what I am currently doing).

I agree with the sentiment though that race is an equally important factor. Dwarves would be hammer or axes for example.


Googling “Paladin with an axe” or “Paladin with a spear” brings up some great art. Lances are also spears.

Hell, Imperius, who is basically the Diablo equivalent of the Paladinest Paladin who ever Paladined, with all the visuals to boot, wields the Spear of Valor.

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Depends. To me The Silver Hand looks way better than Ashbringer.

Hammers also don’t clip nearly as often as bladed weapons.

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For some reason our characters always hold too close to the head of the mace so it looks goofy to swing though.

Boooo!! Hssssss!! :grin:

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This is obviously a person of culture and refinement.

All I want is dual-wielding :crossed_swords:!! Titans grip should have gone to Rets, not Fury. At least in my world. I just want to tmog dual pally flails!! :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil: