Which do you think is more iconic and thematic to a ret pally. Both can work. We have both sword themed and hammer themed abilities.
Which do you think fits ret better?
Which do you think is more iconic and thematic to a ret pally. Both can work. We have both sword themed and hammer themed abilities.
Which do you think fits ret better?
the swords in wow look better than hammers
Clerics use blunt weapons to subdue, not kill.
A big ol’ hammer always made sense to me.
Depends on the race, imo. Dwarves, Draenei, and Tauren? Maces/Hammers. Humans, B.Elves, and Zandalari? Swords.
If you’re alliance and have 1800 rated Bg ratings then hammers without any question.
Otherwise whatever fits your theme of paladin
Ashbringer is the only correct answer
Both can work. We have both sword themed and hammer themed abilities.
It depends on the look I’m going for, but swords and maces are generally what I use on my pally. I save my axes for my warrior, though warrior transmogs are very versatile thematically.
2H Hammer, this isn’t up for debate.
This is inaccurate. Perhaps clerics in DnD use maces over swords, but that’s based on renaissance painting’s and speculation when historically they used whatever they needed to.
Clerics would of course prefer not to kill if they could but it wasn’t always the case.
Also I don’t think a 2h mace is gonna be good at subduing when its just as likely to cave there rib cage. fun fact: A police night stick “could” do the same.
But this is about paladins, And paladins are based on an order of knights who would use anything from war-picks, war-hammers, claymores, spears, and ye old faithful poleaxe.
In my opinion though I think the mace have always been a better fit for Wow’s paladins, but the sword does also work thematically with the Ashbringer attacks.
Uther is the kind of, you know, classical example. Ignoring Shadowlands. In WoW hammers represent the vast majority of paladins. Turalyon is a meme timestopped space alien and Ashbringer was never meant to be on everyone’s back. But just watch that BC cinematic, and boot up Reign of Chaos. Hammers.
2h hammers, baby.
I think the 2H maces mostly look pretty bad.
1H Mace + shield is sick though.
I do think it’s time to cleanup that animation and set it apart, but thematically if I close my eyes and imagine a WoW paladin he’s Utherlike, and has a bigass ornate hammer.
The one with higher STR.
Change this to hammer and a large tome of holy runewords and sure, I’m with you. But sword and board will always have more warrior/shaman connotations for me.
I had Verigan’s Fist, back in the day… Now, THAT was a HAMMER.
I read that in the voice of King Bobby B