Should a CM be snarky on twitter?

Dude never played WOW in his stream yet keep bringing up his shaman and mage in BC in every Q&A.

He’s Ion yes-man.


It doesn’t matter if he wrote it on his private twitter or not. He very well knew people would read it and it would be shared with the community. It’s just unacceptable behavior for a CM and he’s steadily eroding trust with the community. Dude brah could just apologize and I’m sure it would somewhat go a ways to smooth things over… and then maybe just refrain from the snarky, smug tweets from then on.


He use to stream it all the time before he got hired by Blizzard.

Sure he did. He used to stream a lot of battlegrounds on rogue and streamed raids on pally. In Mop, I seem to recall him streaming some raids on shaman, but he was only raiding weekends then I think.

I remember he streamed most of his guilds raids he would raid lead too and give his players homework on what bosses to study.

Who doesn’t like a little salt with their crackers?

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Sorry but no, it’s not a two-way street. One guy gets paid to interface with the public as part of his duties, the public does not get paid to interface with him. See the difference?

People are acting as if these principles are new or only came about after Al invented the internet… His PR job inherently carries with it business opportunity, like it or not. Meaning, his interaction can affect business.

It’s entirely in Blizz’s court but mistake, consumers take into account their interactions with reps of companies they may do business with. If I call someplace and ask about their product and get “I don’t care” service from that rep, it says something and might be all that needs to said for me to decide to not do business with them at all.

Take Ubisoft, got some of that service from them, now I don’t do business with them.

Eventually sorry PR catches up with you.


…Sometimes I am just thoroughly disgusted to be part of this community.

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The guy is not a robot. People seem to enjoy harassing and hassling Blizzard way too much these days for every little thing and the real problems often get drowned out because of this.

A little respect goes a long way. Blizzard certainly could have avoided a lot of problems by doing that too but it is a two way street.

Nobody wants to keep doing the job when all you get is flak and hate even if the reasons are completely justified or not.

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Why? Taking the high road didn’t stop the stupidity before. So why bother? They have nothing to lose because the players sure as hell aren’t unsubscribing. In fact, they pay fifteen bucks a month just to sit on this forum and complain about the CMs.

Thenb he needs to find another job because Customer Service requires it. And he does not have to interact face to face with people. Retailm food service etc get much much worse treatment


You do not have to be subbed to post here anymore

No doubt you need super thick skin for a job like this but at the same time people need to stop acting surprised when communication stops happening.

Whatever reasons for right or wrong, justified or not cause and effect continues regardless on both sides of the aisle.

There are things Blizzard have blatantly ignored that are real problems undoubtedly which unfortunately the trolling part has been used as an excuse to further cut communication.

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Customers are the same in every industry. That will never change . Never. Just because you get bad customers is no excuse at all to cut back on communication. The video game industry is no different in that regards then any other that produces and sells a product. This is part of the reason why the Industry is collapsing at the moment.

THis is Blizzards fault for putting the wrong person in the job to start with


The reason the industry is collapsing is because fewer and fewer studios are making passion projects instead of money machines. Blizzard is falling victim to this as well, in some respects. Course-correction is needed.

As for communication though… don’t agree with you. Just because it happens and it’s common doesn’t make it okay.

California is an at-will employment state, so your position can be terminated for any reason (or no reason) at any time, so it’s a decision for him to make. He apparently feels comfortable enough with what he’s said for the most part.

I would assume he is following blizzard policies in terms of social media. If blizzard is too strict on what happens on someone’s personal social media account, I suspect recruiting will be hard at the compensation levels we’re talking about.

Ok or not , it is simply the nature of the beast . And if Blizzard had better communication, better trained CS staff, the truth is the vitriol would but reduced a great deal. Its like a parent ignoring their kid when they want something. the kid doesnt get quiet, they get louder and louder until one parent explodes.

yeah I remember in wrath, everyone was happy and nobody called for ghostcrawler to be fired, not even once.

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Legally, they wouldn’t allow that. Ever.


No matter what business, not everyone is going to be happy. Again it is the nature of the beats. If you as a CSM or CS or even CM cant handle that job with out making “snarky” comments, and its obviously affecting you, then its time to get out of that job.