Shortage of Ony Heads

Not on Hyjal, Blackdragon flight, Barthilas, Jubei’thos, Blackrock, Frostmourne, Thaurissan in ny experience.

6 servers. Whether it was used by all guilds or not doesn’t make it an exploit. Whether you’re upset that people are going to require others to stack these buffs or they wont raid with them is irrelevant. Raid leaders are free to set whatever rule they want and those who accept it will raid with them, there are other guilds with less requirements.

The devs back then were very capable of coding buffs to not stack if they didnt intend on players to stack them. To get them to stack efficiently takes more work than the current raids do. Again I emphasize that efficiency does not equal exploitation.

Devs didn’t fix issues, until the issues became prevalent, which in vanilla they were not prevalent.

You honestly think they didnt see logs of world first kills and notice that world buffs were stacked? They definitely looked at everything involved in kills to ensure that nothing fishy was going on.

The issue was not common enough in the general playerbase to affect the average player, nor was it creating social issues like abuse.

Doesn’t matter. If they looked at their logs and noticed something wasnt right with the world buffs on these teams killing it they’d have patched it out. They still do that today in retail.

Do you think blizzard caught and fixed all game breaking issues in vanilla? Or that all possible issues were discovered and abused by thr playerbase in vanilla? No many bugs rolled over to TBC and some even much further, these metas were cultivated on private servers.


Or perhaps the more likely one is that it wasnt an exploit and you just feel it was.

It’s not an exploit, until it starts getting exploited.

More people doing it doesnt make it an exploit. It all is being stacked the same way it was in vanilla, just more people are doing it. The only way it would be an exploit is if blizzard were to have fix what wasnt intended and the players found a way to make them stack anyway.

It’s the same as the farming meta of exploiting pathing and movement that is now common in classic but was no where as significant in vanilla. It is not a problem until it becomes common enough to become a problem.


It isnt a problem though.

How is the world buff “meta” not healthy? How is sitting in a capital city 15 minutes before raid time considered “extreme min-maxing”?

I beg to differ, a retail player like yourself wouldn’t see it like that, due to how use to shonky game design and hand held conent you would have became.

I play both, Classic more than retail since August. But your tone certainly shows youre losing the argument

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No, It’s just obvious our opinions differ. You want #nochanges and have the mindset of find anything that gives you a leg up. I have the mindset of wanting an experince as close to vanilla as possible but fixing issues that are now prevalent, that wern’t as much in vanilla, also wanting content to no be trivialized morebso then it already is.

This meta isn’t a vanilla experience.


I do not advocate for changes but there are some id accept if they were to happen. I tell #nochanges theyre a joke every chance I get.

You dont want the vanilla experience, you want “your” vanilla experience.

The content we have right now was trivialized the day they stated what patch they were using. World buffs or not the content is easy.

What we lived through in 2k4 cannot be recreated, the knowledge cannot be unlearned, gamers cannot be devolved back into keyboard turning know nothings, the idea that blizzard forcibly removing a highly participated in aspect of their current game, that many myself included find very enjoyable I don’t know what to tell you, I like fighting for fastest clears every week, world buffs being a time sink or not, because honestly, what else would I do with my time in game? I’d be bank hoping at best, but probably playing something else.

world buffs dont matter for 95% of circumstances. most guilds did not make it to chromaggus with world buffs day 1. less guilds will make it to twin emps/cthun with world buffs. most guilds will consider themselves lucky to have world buffs for more than two wings of naxx.