Shortage of Ony Heads

The alliance pop isnt decreasing, instead they are transferring to mega servers causing 1 hour log in queues and zero chance of farming mats for anything outside of 4am

ima be honest, removing the ability to reset the cooldown would be about the stupidest thing they could possibly do.

And yet it is undeniably the original desing intention from the origonal devs that there be a 6 hour CD from redropping the buff.

Lets be honest. They probably didnt realize that the ability to redrop a world buff would come in the unlikely event that an NPC that normally requires an enemy raid group to kill, is instead killed via means of a single hord priest using mind control and 200 alliance that aren’t interested in the preist, no they are interested in murding this NPC, so that the buff can be dropped once more… But #nochanges right? No way this could be unforseen abuse of a system intentionally put into the game. You talking crazy now Cyres.

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To be honest, the original Devs probably had a vision for this game that isn’t what the bastardized version of the game is now. And saying that things would have been addressed back then is just a ton of BS because none of the original people are around. Stop putting words in their mouth.


I’m pretty sure that Omar said he worked on Vanilla in one of the interviews he had, and I’m sure he’s not the only one.

Yeah, Brian Birmingham has been with Blizzard since February 2006.

Any idea what parts of the game they worked on?

I remember Brian said he worked on Naxx and Omar wrote a lot of the code that they had to go back to for Classic. I think he said it was nostalgic to see the code that he remembered writing in the early part of his career.

There’s been quite a few interviews with them, maybe I’ll try to dig them up.


Patrick Dawson joined Blizzard in 2005.
Alex Afrasiabi is listed as Creative Director for Classic and is also listed in the World of Warcraft launch credits from 2004.

There’s probably more, but you get the gist.

Perhaps it wasnt part of your experience but it was definitely happening in vanilla.

Ony buffs were part of vanilla. I don’t remember any raiding guild not using them to down a hard boss etc. Otherwise there is no point to them.

We have mega servers and thousands more players so the 6 hour CD is a bit silly. Personally I don’t care about the world buffs but you cannot create a situation were people have to resort to extreme measures to get them, then chastise them for doing so.

Blizzard created the problem so just grin and bare it and fix it.

There’s only a couple servers that routinely have 4,000 players online concurrently. You can easily check this yourself by getting the census addon and purging it to start a fresh scan. Do it on a High pop server at prime-time on both factions, use math to add them up.

I checked Herod a few weeks ago at prime-time on Sunday, there was something like 3,500 people online.

Server size doesnt effect this though. It buffs everyone in the area regardless of how many people are there. You could have a server with 10 people and still missout. Black lotus is an example of something that is affected by server population.

The game was tuned around how people played it back then. I’d rather the vanilla experience rather then vanilla as it was with exploits being more common knowledge now.

Who are you to invalidate other peoples vanilla experience?

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And if the community descends into a toxic unhealthy environment, where harassment and bullying is common place, whos problem is it then? I’m sure no one would direct their blame toward blizzard…

The fact is this wasn’t common place in vanilla.

You got undeniable proof of that?

First hand account.

Good enough in a court of law, all this organising a drop time barely happened. People got their necks asap because they wanted their purples.

People didn’t go collect all buffs and logout for days, people played the game because there were things to do and new experiences. They didnt’t just follow a fools meta guide.

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It did happen though and not as rare as you’re making it seem. Guilds would announce they were dropping it and whoever showed up got the buff. Efficiency is not an exploit.

If you played in Heartseeker or Earthfury you would not have Orgrimmar lag on your raid nights.