Shortage of Ony Heads

Can’t really ban someone over suspicion, they don’t talk about it in game and it just LOOKS fishy

Unfortunately that’s not the case, if it was I wouldn’t care 1 iota. As with gear score, acheives, raider io etc it infects everyone, guilds already judge people on their parses, even if the guilds mediocre ones.

Retail it’s impossible to start out if your late to the party and don’t know anyone, no one will group with you unless you can display some gamer epeen credentials.


Nonetheless, any change to WoW Classic has to be very carefully considered, so for the time being, we’re going to leave this functionality in place. We will continue to monitor this situation, and we may have to change it in the future. We will not suspend players for resetting the buff or attempting to prevent others from doing so. We will continue to take action against players who send hostile or offensive chat messages.

So this is dumb as heck. It wasn’t an issue back in Vanilla because servers were smaller back in Vanilla. We have giant mega-servers in 2020, servers that by your own admission have something like 5x the population, but despite an increase of 5x to the population we have the same 6 hour cooldown.

Just remove the damn cooldown. Then no resetting is required and guilds can coordinate buffs that suit them instead of the current system of buff dropping and all that.

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I mean a good alternative if this is considered a problem is just either lower or remove the CD on turn ins. The population of servers is much higher than it was in 2004 and the number of players clearing Ony and BWL and turning in these heads is astronomically higher.

Blizz, you guys F—ed up. You took the wrong stance on world buffs from the beginning. Gathering all of them is exploitative behavior that, while possible in vanilla, collecting all of them did not become widespread and abusive until the end of the expansion when the practice was fixed in TBC. The real vanilla experience was to do the raids as you are in the gear you have.

Now we have fostered a culture of exploiting. The majority of the playerbase actually belives that world buffs are part of the vanilla experience when that lie could not be further from the truth. You should have put a stop to this nonsense before it got this far out of hand. Shame on you.


“We knew less about how the game worked and were bad and now that we know more about how the game works it’s exploitative to make use of the knowledge”


Ony needs more heads.

Then dont go get the buffs.
It is not like you can not raid without them.

heck, for a lot of guilds who are not all pro raiders, the buffs wear off mid raid anyways (or fall off from death)

Anyways, if you dont want to go get the buffs, then dont, that simple.
Problem solved, and did not even require a single line of code.

I hate collecting the cards for Darkmoon Faire.
Know how i solved it?
I didnt collect them


We do?

Myself i avoid the buffs like the plague, cause as soon as i get an Ony buff, guaranteed, i am going to die.

Then the ship has already sailed.

No ones making you get those buffs though lmao

and not every one wants changes…

This should be handled entirely by the community. Please don’t try to design communities by interfering in the politics involved in this situation, that would seriously drain a lot of the energy that makes this game fun in its own unintentional way.

Kaivax must play on Whitemane in that Notorious guild that same-faction griefs all day every day…

Population size of servers is so much greater now compared to Vanilla WoW. If you change something, reduce the CD time to like 1hr or something so you don’t have people fighting with their own faction to try and get a buff.

Kind of what I hoped Blizz attitude would be on this. I don’t envy their having to thread this needle lol.

I would go one step further than that. I would argue that the entire ritual of accumulating world buffs before every raid wasn’t widespread back then either, and if it had been, it would have been addressed for trivializing raid content. I believe world buffs should be rendered non-functional in raid instances.

Perhaps you don’t agree, but regardless I find it encouraging to see that the developers are willing to monitor and respond to negative emergent player behaviour. This kind of behaviour is why I was never #NoChanges and I want developers to be proactive about this sort of thing.


He literally answered that.
Read all his words, not just the words you are comfortable with

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In general, cross-faction collusion is antithetical to WoW gameplay, and the specific circumstance where players pay a member of the opposing faction help them kill their ally feels inappropriate.

Yet there have been ally/horde guilds colluding on my server since launch (Devilsaur mafia, Elemental Fire mafia) to help kill the other’s competing allies so those 2 guilds can have a resource to themselves, yet when reported to a GM they told us to pound sand and that we should “just get a larger group to wipe them out” instead of punishing the ToS-breaking colluders. it’s sad to see how inconsistant and uncaring you guys are.

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And, stop with the selective reading.

So, go open a ticket.
They will know who all report spammed you because the server logs it.