Sharding alternatives

In keeping with the “authentic vanilla experience”, the very next thing the player would do after getting in line in the humongous queue would be to come here to the forums to complain about it.

After all… can’t play the game? … next best thing is to play on the forum!

There would be dozens of threads about how the game is unplayable and how horrible the queue is. Players would be demanding Blizzard take immediate action to fix the problem!


That’s why I’m here. They launched Classic 6 months go. My queue time estimates 5 more months…


I guess you missed the point.

You suggest using queues for the AQ event after a precedent has been set by using sharding at launch.

Would you like to be the one who spent all that time to do what was required to hit the gong, only to find yourself in a queue after Blizzard had already set a precedent of using sharding to eliminate, or at least reduce, queues ?

Note: I am not advocating sharding the AQ event or anything after the launch rush. I do not advocate using sharding at all.


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i do that the opposite way. i’d remove sharding for launch other than to create a new server if server is about to shard. and then i would reserve the sharding for gates of anh’qiraj and that’s it. nothing else would be sharded. not big pvp events. not launch. nothing.

You do understand that this whole topic is on the subject of launch correct? You’re the one making the leap here bud. Check his post history, it’s all regarding launch.

oh so some rando on the forums said it so thats definitly what their plans are. also why are u dueling people at the aq event?

What leap did I make?

Or, is asking for clarification somehow “making a leap”?

did i say that i was going to duel people at aq? confused.

5 hours is quite a long time for a queue. A lot of people who want to play classic dont really have the time to wait 5 hours. We all (mostly) are older and have jobs jow. Im not saying sharding should be implemented, but they should come up with an alternative that doesnt make queues last hours.

You did the same thing to me. You aren’t asking for clarification, you’re giving people arguments they never had. You literally said the exact same thing to me when I was saying the exact opposite.

You aren’t being slick Rick, you’re trying to push your bias and you’re wrong :slight_smile:

This would be extremely basic. This is just printing a list and attaching a login link to each printed item.

As for any UI pieces needed Blizzard could just include those in the client release and people would never notice them and the client would just call them from your files as needed. You’re way over thinking it.

Nope. I’m talking about perpetuity, and the answer to his question is yes. I am advocating it. Doesn’t mean I want it, but I understand why it’s needed and I won’t throw a tantrum over it like some people on these forums.

I mean…that’s just a random number thrown out with no basis in reality.

No I don’t want to sit in a queue.

Hopefully the server tech now days will be able to handle mass amounts of players for AQ event, I personally don’t want to arrive to Silithus only to fall through the world and end up in Stonetalon Mountains.

Your advocating for it to be on permentantly? Then you’re just as wrong as the people asking for nothing to do done at all.

Sharding longterm will kill classic wow. No ands ifs or buts about it.

and nicho has rounded the bend!

Even 1 hour is excesive

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And now you’re being just as hyperbolic as they are. Again, I do not want it. I’d very much like for it to be off permanently. But unlike you guys, I’m more than willing to accept the fact that Blizzard may very well not be able to operate the game properly without it if there are too many people playing in one area.

The cloud servers currently running the entirety of Battlenet literally cannot handle 200+ people crowding the same zone. That’s already been tested and proven.

If this is the case then they need to delay Classic’s launch until they can come up with a solution to it that is not sharding.

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