Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

Listen, I agree that shaman is overtuned in group pvp but so is hunter. With infinite mana they can sit there and drain the mana of every caster on opposing team with Viper Sting. They throw traps everywhere, making it basically impossible to move. Their pets don’t have the same DR and wreck people. They are wrecking havoc in BG’s right now. Even with the DR, I got hit for a 1400 aimed shot last night on my priest.

I usually obliterate priests on my shaman but its mostly because of disease cleanse and grenades. Much rather fight a spriest on sham than hunter. Where all they have to do is get up 2 dots and then disperse to win. 48 yard homunculi is also the dumbest thing.

Pets are taking max damage. So, its ok for them to do damage. =)

Apparently shadow priests do not use diseases, so a disease cleanse is not warranted here. Just save yourself the mana.

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you must not have a shadow priest man. im not saying you shouldn’t cast void plague. im saying that shared pain/shadow word death in combination with mind sear are going to be doing all of your damage in a teamfight. not void plague and if it is then you’re not playing the class right even with despair. and since it is single target on a 6 second cooldown shamans/healers in general are better off cleansing void plague with a global than leaving a disease totem down in a team fight. priests do the most cleave damage in pvp group fights and it is certainly not coming from that single target 6 second cd.

though if you have 3-5 shamans on your squad you have enough poison cleansing totems that it probably doesnt matter if one person plays disease cleanse totem which furthers my point about their ramping utility.

reading is tough i know

I dunno I have never not seen a spriest use vp

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You are right, reading is very tough.


Apparently to Squirt, they do not exist.

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theres one noteable disease spell in all of sod LOL. take pride in that strawman of yours though good job!

Maybe in a sweaty premade BG comp but everywhere else they all run vp

This is why you run serpent spread. And poison cleansing totem only affects party members so I guess if you have a shaman in every group its fine. But you can also just cast cleanse disease with a poison totem down. The real solution is to remove the boaring damage nerf so you can actually secure kills instead of needing to fully oom the enemy to get a kill.

I will, thank you.

You may continue with your shaman hate crusade.

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the pad damage from it isnt worth the crit/burst from sniper training. I havent tried it with the changes though you can only have 1 sting up per target and its going to replace all my viper stings that i place on healers anyways. its also worse in 1v1’s which i find myself taking if im sitting gm or something. plus like serpent sting even in a 1v1 is almost never the right play. it will break enemies out of freezing traps and scatter shot and the disarm along with the mana drain from scorpid and viper sting are almost always more benificial with chimera.

not hate. i do not want the class nerfed to the floor whatsoever. i just want some reworks done to it so that its not so gamebreaking in bgs.

bro you can literally counter everything you just told homie to do lmao. since you’re not using WotE anymore you have 20 yard kick any time we try to heal, you can purge freedom and bop and ground exorcism which is our 1 ranged (and most damaging) ability outside hammer of wrath in execute window. absolute smooth brain shaman telling people how to play their class

his counter argument was the only decent thing ive read this whole thread though i must say.

yeah just do all the things I can counter duh l2p scrub

And this right here is why Rets are never taken seriously… EVER. Why do other people have to tell you how to play ur class correctly? and how ur class is actually not too bad. But, I guess its hard to see that big ol’ grounding totem (that using a judgement on would get rid of it)… oh, noes we can purge freedom (since the very beginning and yet you still roll a ret).

But, you know why would I help you play ur class. Maybe you should reroll to horde and play an Enh. LOL

I disagree I think it can be a double edged sword but you can remove it with scorpid so its not a huge deal I only have had issues vs rogues because of their high mobility. And the hunter dead zone. I am sure its not as good with the garbage damage nerf but that’s cause mana drain is the only option with that meta.

I never find myself standing still long enough to want to use sniper training unless I’m smelded ganking. And the extra damage from chimera can crit. I have secured many kills from it. Not to mention extra crit is not a guarantee to crit but the extra dam from serpent with chimera is. But I do agree it is annoying when it removes viper from healers. I also really like that it applies the second you cast and doesn’t wait for travel time its useful for stopping rogues from escaping with vanish.

All in all saves a global on the opener and pre nerf allowed for big instant burst. Even after the nerf I still think it’s its better since you have to move a lot. Sniper better if you have a position to hold

yeah man totally it’s not like you have 2 grounding totems or anything, it’s not like I need to reseal to use judgement every time you purge it or anything. I’m not saying ret is bad lmao, I’m saying enhancement in this damage reduction meta is broken because all their utility is exacerbated by the fact that you can shrug off any damage with instant maelstrom heals at 0 mana cost.

you mean the buff to burn or the nerf to hunters lol

Good, we agree on this. Carry on… lol