Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

For the same reasons rogues have been busted for the majority of wow pvp. Shamans have way way way too much utility which makes it such that if you give them any damage they become both broken in PVE and PVP. The class as it currently stands is why classic devs were terrified of giving any hybrid classes any power in their damage specs (spriest and ele resto having snuck through that bias).

Moveable totems that have party wide windfury, agility/strength buff, mana regen, fear removal, grounding totem/in combo with decoy totem grounding attacks, poison removal, disease removal, healing over time, snare/root immunity, (all with a redeployable 40 yard range mind you), spammable purge, access to heavy healing and ranged spell damaging abilities from melee dps spec (riptide/lavaburst), instant cast hard hitting spell procs from any spec (chain lightning and lava burst from power surge), 40% incombat movement speed (55% almost mount level speed with the pvp boots), interrupt dots and slows all on a 6 second cd with their shock spells.

It is just way way too much. If you give a class with that much utility any sort of damage they instantly become broken and the only way to fix it is to either rework their utility or make their damage useless (basically the wrath treatment rogues got).

In a 1v1 I personally have no problem with it because I can kite them into narnia and slowly drain their mana and kill them. Though wow is not a 1v1 game it is a group play game and when you have every derp hopping on the OP class train turing their alts into mains and theres 5+ shamans in every bg teamfight it just sours the game to a rather game breaking extent. There is 0 counter to them in group play.

Paladins don’t even eclipse half the group utility that shamans currently so you can count your odds based on how many band wagoner blue boys the enemy team has. There needs to be change because this class is the most broken thing I have ever witnessed in any iteration of wow and it is destroying sod pvp on a game breaking level.

If there is literally any hope for wow pvp something has to be done about this especially if pvp is moving away from burst damage which is the only thing that can remotely negate some of this gross amounts of utility.

edit: potential changes to be considered as if I am going to Reee about it I should at least be posing a solution:

Totemic Projection either having its cooldown lengthened to 45 seconds or have its usage limited to 1-2 times before having totems needing to be resummoned individually.

Remove the attack ground effect of Decoy Totem and make it incur a cooldown upon Tremor Totem and/or all other Earth Totems upon being summoned. Not a long cooldown more a short 10 second cooldown when Decoy Totem is summoned.

Make Lava Lash a much more required rune for enhance shamans over Lava Burst (a way to do this listed below) and fixing the scaling of Lava Burst.

Rework Maelstrom Weapon to proc off melee ability globals as opposed to melee attacks this way the proc doesn’t come immediately when getting in range of someone and strengthening the need for Lava Lash in Enhancement Talent Spec.

Nerfing and or moving Riptide from the wrist spot or making the mana regen from Rolling Thunder much more desirable/needed.

Strengthening the power though conversely need for Mana Tide Totem to strengthen the choice needed between utility and mana regen. There are plenty of ways to do this though the most effective I believe would be a rune next phase. (This last one is my own personal preference as I played a 60 ele/resto in Classic Era and I honestly hated having to drink 24/7 with Mana Tide Totem really not being remotely worth placing over Poison Cleansing Totem other than while I was drinking. Would be a fun dynamic if there was a choice at play here between a powerful dispell and powerful mana regen).


Shaman and Shadow Priest definitely have monster kits.

I’m looking forward to Molten Core. The Gutgore Ripper is not Unique, you can wield 2 of them LOL and it drops off Garr which dies in like 2 seconds. Guess what? There are no weapons for Enhance shamans in MC lol. They will be forced to compete with Rogues for the daggers but Rogues actually PUMP damage so they will have prio or they most likely will just gquit.

Maybe shammy can dual wield Aurastone Hammers? After they steal those from the Druids lol.

They’ll probably add a 1 handed Axe to the pool so they don’t cry too much and undermine their own preference for making shamans Dual Wield.


Just faced a 7stack of shamans (because horde never run with less than 3, 5 stacks thanks to the queue blunder).

Just non stop instant heals, near 100% immunity to cc and crazy damage.


I just can’t wait to see the arguments agains this because I haven’t even mentioned all the busted ways they can regen mana if they’re not enhanced spec’d. Shield mastery is absolutely absurd aswell.

I can’t even mana burn anyone on their team because i have to play wackamole with poison cleansing totem. It’s just broken.


We’re complaining about totems now? They have been in the game since 2004.


If you don’t like then you quit paying your subscription and stop playing that’s your only option. End of story


Nah they’ll nerf them with enough form posts, gl.


redeploying totems instead of using mana and globals to cast each one (which made them balanced) in combination with a freedom totem that also grounds attacks have both not been in 2004 wow bud. and thats not even half of what im talking about. i mained an ele resto in classic era. the difference is vast. all of the balancing that went along with the class has been thrown out the window into a someones back yard in a city accross the country.


thanks for supporting my argument bud

the issue is that they can’t without reverting the utility they’ve already given them. its not a numbers issue its a toolkit issue. the only possible way they could change numbers would be nerfing their PVP damage kind of like how mages do much more damage in pve than pvp but i honestly don’t think that’s possible without destroying them in pve.


sure all their utility totems are strong, but having both decoy totem and grounding totem is straight busted, and so is maelstrom healing. if they wanted to give shaman freedom, fine, I guess. but having the ability to straight up immune 2 attacks on a 15/20 second cooldown while also being able to insta heal yourself to full and have the damage they do is so stupid it’s mind blowing.

I think a global damage reduction is a step in the right direction, obviously not 50%, but the current state of enhancement shaman does NOT work if they go in that direction. maelstrom self healing needs to take a major hit.


shamans can take a hit after trap launcher entanglement viper sting gets stomped into the ground


“shamans can take a hit after my one hard counter is gone”


also are you really complaining about entanglement when you have decoy totem?


I was typing a serious answer to this post. Then I realized it doesn’t merit one. Just lol.


wow pvp is a group game

Why arent you spamming it with viper up. You will never run out of mana.

Stop crying about totems that die when you “look” at them. Everytime I try to play Enh I switch back to Ele. Enh is just not for me and neither is Ret. The most boring spec in the game.

PS. Paladins do bring a great tool kit as well… its just that 99% of Rets dont have freedom, heals key bound and probably dont have raid frames up.

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Oh yeah Onyxia, doesn’t exist… Right?

Oh please, really?
The entire Paladin’s kit is countered by shaman, thanks to purge.
Even HoJ and Repentance can be countered by grounding totem.

We’ll talk when Blizzard will put a dispel protection on blessings and seals.


Yeah because giving them freedom on a totem or negate against huge melee burst attacks was also in the game pre-sod.


They turned shamans into gods, then demi-gods, then back to gods and shamans still drop totem of tears. You guys spammed blizzard and all social media crying about how you wanted shamans to be amazing and they gave it to you then when they even touch your OPness in any sort of way it’s just constant victim status.


I forgot about Ony but yeah good luck with that.

it’s like entirely indefensible how broken the class is right now. nobody has came up with a good counter argument to what i’m talking about because there really is none. if there was i would not be making this post.

honestly if i was a horde shaman i’d want a nerf just like i wanted hunters nerfed when they were broken and band wagoned. and again i am not stating all of this from a 1v1 perspective as that is not wow pvp even then against the majority of classes in a 1v1 im sure they’re a bloody nightmare. i’m speaking about how in a group setting they simply break pvp and exponentially more so the more of them are in a team fight x vs x setting.

healing does need a nerf with the damage nerf that is forsure. but shamans are just an absolute absurdity right now.