Totems have 5hp, kill them. They also cost alot of mana, so does purge btw.
Moving the totems doesn’t refresh their duration.
Decoy takes ONE melee hit for you, and gives you 10 seconds of hand of freedom. That sometimes gets lucky and eats a charge/intercept or ambush, but most often it just takes a single white hit for you.
Tremor totem fails to break me out of a fear more often than it breaks me out of fear.
If I use decoy, grounding, tremor totems I can’t use dps totems like strength/agility/windfury for my team mates.
Poison cleansing totem is the same as it’s always been. Disease cleansing totem and poison cleansing totem can’t be used together.
Maelstrom procs are dispellable, and in my experience get dispelled ALOT, therefor negating my ability to heal myself. Chain lightning hits for ~200 with the pvp aura.
Hunters do far more damage, and can mana drain, and can never run out of mana.
I’m oom most the time in a team fight even with shamanistic rage.
Horde don’t have a healer equal to holy paladin. They have all the same utility a shaman does and more with cleanse, bubble, lay on hands, bop etc. if we didn’t have maelstrom heals we would be a free honor kill with the 50% DR.
Nah they stand no chance against mm hunter or any good ranged class pre nerf at least
The main issue is that people don’t know how to kite. I will say war is trash vs enh. But everything else the enh HAS to get to the target. I never lose to them on my hunter unless im not paying attention. Rogues can kill them in stuns and melee hunter can just dodge everything and win. Decoy can be dispelled as well
All these people that can’t kite are the reason why this boaring 50% nerf was added to the game. Put a enh vs any good mage, spriest, hunter, bal druid, Pre nerf, and its pretty much a guaranteed loss. Post nerf enh is pretty nuts as riptide was good before but now its absurd
Why can’t Shaman’s be nerfed to where they are average? Nerf every single spell and buff 30%. Horde only wins BG’s because they have 6-10 shamans on every AB. And 4-6 on every WSG.
I’ve been doing literally anything I can think of to keep shaman off of me as a priest. Discombobulator Rays, any trinket, nothing works. I’m being constantly killed through dispersion, meanwhile my damage as an spriest is nerfed by 50%
I’m sorry you’re still broken class can’t just disintegrate every class before they can reach you. Learn to play your fotm reroll class and use your toolkit. Priest is very effective against shaman.
Finally a good response thank you this should be fun as I mained ele resto in classic era. Just so you know I am not talking from a 1v1 perspective I am talking about a group teamfight which is most of battle ground pvp. I don’t think shamans are broken in 1v1 style pvp, I agree hunter is much much stronger. I am talking strictly in group pvp where horde stack 5+ of them and there is little to no counter against it
Have you ever started a dps’ing late in a raid encounter and your parse was significantly lower? In a group teamfight taking time to both target and destroy these totems especially when there are 3-5 duplicates of them is a massive dps loss in a teamfight. If one person is doing it as daunting as a task that is you are pretty much playing a dps down. The 4 globals it takes to set up all 4 totems if you use that many can be done before the teamfight and the totems simply transfered in so you are facing 0 dps loss in a teamfight for placing them down giving an immediate damage advantage.
totems have a duration of 2 minutes. grounding totem 45 seconds. decoy 10 seconds of freedom though I don’t see that being precasted it’s a snare removal.
decoy grants 10 seconds of freedom even after it is destroyed and also negates 1 attack which drasticaly adds to this damage differential in a teamfight which i mentioned earlier.
grounding totem is a premptive reaction totem like decoy totem so one can still start the fight with winfury totem or not doesnt matter if you have 3 groundings stacked thats 3 magic abilities negated at the start of a fight on top of 3 attacks negated by decoy. you should always have tremor totem down and it doesnt fail as much as you claim it does maybe for the first 1-3 seconds i know i played the class. the thing is which i am most concerned about if you have 2 parties in a bg raid both with 2 shamans youre getting both tremor and those damage buffs or a full probably overlapping tremor spread accross the engagement. Dwarf priests have fear ward but that only works once.
who has diseases except in pve? nobody should be using anything but poison cleansing totem unless you want to drink faster with mana tide totem (which i think is due for a cool rune rework in phase 4). and 3-4 of those is going to completely negate anything a hunter can do with serpent sting in a teamfight unless he is not dps’ing just actively totem stomping and serpent stinging.
you still also have riptide which you can rune with 0 punishment. if a priest is spending globals dispelling your maelstrom procs theyre spending less globals healing or doing damage just to stop your damage. I’m sure in a 1v1 setting your point on this is very valid but in group play unless someone is purge botting i don’t see this being dispelled often.
Though this is besides the point, I have no issue with maelstrom other than how it procs as it makes lava lash entirely useless in pvp and enabling enhance shamans to run lava burst in combination with it which gives them the abiity to do heavy instant cast ranged burst damage to rival that of an ele/resto shaman based on the scaling of lava burst while in a tank/dps spec.
yes if you play enhance shaman this is very appropriate. you are a melee class your hard hitting abilities should come from winfury your shock spells and your melee spells. i believe lava lash’s damage should be absolutely buffed with a change to maelstrom weapon that makes it more mandatory. I am more concerned with the hybridization of the class that takes its tank/dps specialization and gives it riptide and lava burst. the class in group pvp combat does a whole lot more than i believe the devs intended it to.
your comments are more so addressing 1v1 combat which i believe should be a concern when looking at their performance in group pvp play. though i am talking when you have to deal with 3-5 of this class in a teamfight and how the utility only stacks with itself rather than there being any sort negative affect to having multitudes on your team. a group full of 10 shamans in their current state in a wsg battleground can rival just about any other combination of classes you place against it.
this is simply not true. also the majority of holy paladin healing is single target healing. they have bubble bop and freedom though being cooldowns i agree in classic era where negating burst damage is a lot more important than group healing/utilty made them stronger though I am not talking about striclty healing and paladins don’t have much defensive utility outside of that in pvp they’re honestly in a really bad spot right now. also they deal very little to no damage in a pvp team fight which is something i hope blizzard changes with holy shock in phase 4
nah i mentioned nothing about my class if anything i agreed about its strengths if you read the forum comments/post. this post is only about shamans really because im sick of their utility stacking and hardly regulated hybridization making bgs boring and unplayable.
You mention how a Priest should’nt even bother dispelling… WTF are the other healers doing? Yes, 100% should a priest be dispelling on alliance side. If you are not, no wonder you are losing the teamfights and news flash its not because of totems. LOL
nope did not say that. yes ofc they should be dispelling. though as i stated after mr. cherry picker
is this some sort of gotcha? shadow priest is all magic not diseases other than void plague bud. void plague is single target applied with a 6 second cooldown. im sure it accounts for loads of damage over shadow word pain or cleaving with mind sear in a group setting. enough to where its beneficial over poison cleansing totem for viper sting right?
you should maybe play a shadow priest in a group pvp setting and not be a homunculi/shadow word death single target pleb in every team fight and run shared pain and mind sear instead and let me know whats doin damage.
Hearing hunters complain about shaman mana is a bit hilarious. Shaman DPS is a little too high but the mana thing is hilarious coming from a hunter. I have 50’s of both and hunters have less of an issue with mana. AOTV is by far the most ridiculous ability in the game. I can sit there and have my pet tank while I heal him indefinitely and my mana bar doesn’t move except to cast the spell. By the time it’s done channeling I’m back at 100%.
And ranged hunters have ZERO problems with shamans. Zero. I know because I kill shamans all the time on my hunter and likewise am killed on my shaman by hunters all the time.
"Shaman DPS is a little too high but the mana thing is hilarious coming from a hunter. I have 50’s of both and hunters have less of an issue with mana. AOTV is by far the most ridiculous ability in the game. I can sit there and have my pet tank while I heal him indefinitely and my mana bar doesn’t move except to cast the spell. By the time it’s done channeling I’m back at 100%.
And ranged hunters have ZERO problems with shamans. Zero. I know because I kill shamans all the time on my hunter and likewise am killed on my shaman by hunters all the time."
you need to read my post man. the main subject is group pvp not 1v1 or pve. i even said myself that in 1v1 a good hunter is going to run all over any shaman. none of my proposed nerfs are meant to nerf shamans in 1v1 pvp at all and i hope blizzard doesnt cripple their 1v1 performance when addressing this. i am solely concerned about the stacking group utility of the class making 5 shamans in a teamfight as bgs usually are an absolute game breaking terror to deal with. i want to enjoy bgs homie without this blaring issue.