Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

LMAO… ok, bro!

Exorcism is hitting just as hard as shocks if not harder. Cry a river will you.

I mentioned in my post even though this is not about that, that I wasn’t talking about a 1v1 setting and even explained how it is easy for me as a hunter to dispatch any class other than a “very very skilled rogue or a dot class with a good los pilar”. and no I am not talking about 1v1 I am talking about group setting pvp. go ahead though continue to embarass yourself with that excellent reading comprehension of yours.

You have clearly not played your shaman in world pvp before the damage changes lol or are just bad at the class. World pvp with 0 damage nerfs and reduced health is actually where shaman shines. Go look up the youtube videos of shamans globaling running around globaling people in world pvp pre damage nerf and maybe you’ll learn how to play your class. The vids are everywhere lol.

And my ideas are simply suggestions. I am not a blizzard dev. However my ideas are to shift the class away from busted levels of utility and hybridization which the devs themselves have already made steps towards doing with the mental dexterity change if you even read your own classes patch notes. My changes are coincidal with the current implimentations the devs have made to tone down the probably unintended drastic hybridization of the class and how busted they are currently in group setting pvp.

Also your reading comprehension is about as poor as this dwarfs.


Lol sure buddy, once more - I’m sure this has nothing to do with you not being OP against EVERY class in the game in PVP regardless of 1v1 or in a group setting where hunters are even more overpowered.

Again, hunter tears are fantastic. Lmao at your bitterness, keep on pretending it’s other people’s “reading comprehension” and not your laughably transparent MO here.

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And LOL and OP diligently responding with his obsessive focus on this topic, so MAD that hunters aren’t able to just cruise through PVP.

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im not concerned with how shamans affect me personally buddy. i roll the majority of people with ease in a 1v1. why do you think i chose a NE hunter. i want to be able to venture out into the world and kill every mudhutter outside of a capital city with immense prejudice. catch me outside of grom’gol shooting your through the fence.

im concerned with the health of bgs in sod because i like sod quite a lot actually and shamans are just destroying group pvp. makes it not fun for anyone really. thats why i want changes. not for my sake even if they just completely somehow nerf hunters into complete nonviablity at least for ranged, i can just make a new class i have fun on a lot of different classes. im rather concerned for the sake of the game’s pvp as a whole.


Can we have less posts from overpowered classes acting like bitter and jealous clowns over other overpowered classes please?

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would it make you feel better if i posted on another lvl 50 class i have?


So you agree that hunters need to be nerfed first before shams.

Correct, glad we agree there. Hunters are irreversibly broken in PVP. Yes, that’s how you spell that word.

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Lol it’s SOD we all have multiple 50s, you’ve already shown your hand here however. Lmao.

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Enough with this bitter clown. Threads like these hold no weight and are a complete waste of time and I’m gone.

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i mean phase 1 when there were 5+ bm hunters on a team that with classic scaling could focus on their pet damage while retailing the same ranged damage themselves as a marks man spec’d hunter without needing the talent points in marks man while also being capable of running melee ruins like flanking strike because wind serpent which couldnt benefit from kill command was still globabling people on its own which caused there to be 5 hunters on every team which prompted blizzard to nerf them and buff spells like true shot aura which are deep in the ranged team to prevent any further hybridization between ranged hunter damage and pet damage yea sure buddy thats when they needed a nerf in group pvp and they got one and i am glad they did so that they didn’t ruin pvp and every cheese bandwagoner swapped back to the class they actually enjoy.

you just buffered my post with all your troll comments that equate to nothing lol and are strawmen at best. thanks homie. 1.2k views with 100+ replies is a lot of weight thanks man for your contribution.


Heres what you do, just go play something else. Personally im still enjoying my run through HC, almost 60. Maybe ill play cata for a while. Ive started playing other games, having fun in Manor Lords, replaying gtaIV, etc. Pvp in wow is a joke and my favorite class is a melee wet noodle which no devs apparently understand givin my choice of limp D runes so ive stopped pvping almost completely.

The point being: SOD numbers have dropped hard for a while now and nothings really being fixed, or it takes multiple patches to do it so just dont paticipate or cut your play time way down. Theres no point in beating your head into a wall to enjoy something, youre just gonna end up hating. So do like so many of us have done since p2 and play something else.

i honestly think they are definitely capable of giving shamans the dehybridization changes that they gave hunters in phase 1. i even listed some changes that they could be possibly cooking up now. i have hope but we’ll see. and nah im having fun leveling alts in the meantime man.

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Again stop the cap, exorcism is like 60% of our damage. With out art of war exo goes from 40 ish mana to 300.

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Im prolly just burned out from being farmed by teams with half shams on p2 and i read the forums and seems nothings really changed besides some minor tweaks. I just see no point in continuing to try to pvp against large groups of shams and rouges. Ill prolly play more when AV gets released but if youre having fun then by all means keep on keepin on. I just dont expect many decent changes, especially after the garbage runes i got for my feral in p3 when some other classes got some pretty sweet stuff

The Rune array for the Legs slot is so abysmal that even Holy Pallies run Exo and you would likely see them even running Avenger’s Shield over Rebuke.

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The Cata prepatch fixes shaman. Make sure you get it downloaded so you can play immediately

Lmao “troll” comments - this coming from, again, the exposed jealous bitter overpowered hunter crying and whining about another overpowered class.

The engagement you’re getting is people making fun of you, or just arguing among themselves. lol. But of course you’re the type to think any publicity is good publicity regardless of how it exposes your real intent behind this thread. Anyways keep crying instead of actually being a good player - keep whining that your overpowered class of choice can’t cruise through every single pvp situation.

It sounds like your argument is that shaman have everything available to them whenever. Don’t they have to spec into specific play style like enhance for melee fight, resto for healing and range dps? You can’t have all abilities that will perform unless you spec into it? Shamans always were the class that was always forgotten and a underdog for many many years. They had the utility but always were jacks of all trades, good but not great with any specific spec. From what i hear resto is horrible, range dps is pretty much a stale cornbread and enhance is in a good position. Purge is not free, costs mana i don’t remember being able just to spam it.

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I guess alliance hunters got the memo to spam VT… does it really have a 10sec cd? Cuz, I swear to god its being spammed on me… BY ONE HUNTER!

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