i am not in any way shape or form asking for complete and total balance whatsoever. i am just asking for something that is game breaking to be fixed. there is stark contrast between game breaking and balanced. shamans in group pvp format are currently uncounterable and game breaking. i am simply asking for a fix to this. i don’t want the class gutted or nerfed to hard. i am honestly fine with how they perform in 1v1 pvp though there are many who would disagree with that. i am simply talking about a game breaking issue in group based pvp combat which is ruining sod bg pvp.
Stop… if Enh Shaman are 10, Ret is 9.5. Just key bind ur freedom/bops/heals and use repentance correctly.
I’ve fought some Rets that do insane range damage. Even while I kite them (cuz im Ele).
It’s not game breaking at all though? Lol you just want to spam viper and not have to worry about a counter play to it. Sorry, but I doubt they change the way cleansing totems pulse in classic.
Stop the cap, I mutiple 2400s.
Riptide on a enhance??? Isnt thay like a old talent tree capstone talent??
Maelstrom weapon makes ur instant cast heal 100% free of mana.
I have 3 freedom keybinds for arena.
You know my freedom doesnt do? Ground attacks.
Wish I could use my kick rune but nope all my runes are tied to exorcism.
no i am very fine with the 50% damage reduction and i do not believe it to be that hefty of an issue. sure they maybe should reduce it to 30% as some classes rely on burst over sustain damage. though i don’t think healers are broken right now you can still easily kill them and hybrid classes that can heal. i know because i do it all the time. i am talking strictly about shaman in a group pvp setting being game breaking. sure the old 0% reduction burst damage format helped hide how game breaking the class is in group pvp format especially with bad players though shaman has always had busted levels of utility and they need a rework associated with this.
and i am not talking about nerfing them to the ground im talking about putting totemic projection on a 45-60 second cd or limit its usage before totems need to be resummoned. removing the attack ground effect of decoy totem and making it incur a cooldown on both it and tremor totem upon use or all earthen totems for that matter. making lava lash a much more needed rune than it currently stands so that enhance shamans need to run it over lava burst and fix lava burst scaling. placing riptide on a different armor slot or fix its scaling so that it’s not such a universal broken heal that can be acquired by all specs. make maelstrom weapon proc off of melee globals instead of just pure auto attack so that there is incentive to run melee globals like lava lash over lava burst. not breaking the class just normalizing it with other classes.
I can’t wait for them to gut shaman, tbh. Pet/Totem classes are the worst and even more so now that they’re completely broken and everyone on Horde is playing one.
i dont think they know how to. like i just made a very obvious list of things they can do to not gut but rather normalize the class. though i don’t know if the devs are going to be able to think their way through that. i don’t think its malcontent on the devs part for why shamans are so gamebreaking right now in group pvp i just think they don’t know how to find a happy medium for the class so that it is not getting kited and meme’d on in a 1v1 but also not a straight up absurdity in group pvp.
Instead of this I hope Blizzard buffs Shaman Totems. They currently only have 5 HP. It would be nice for totems to have ~500 HP atm.
Honestly SoD has become a mess. Releasing each phase with zero play testing was such a horrible idea, and saying that “we’re letting the player discover everything for themselves” is such a horribly lazy excuse. Next time I hope they hire a development team to strictly focus on Classic+.
i mean i don’t think it has been that bad. the only things that i have seen that has been pretty bad is hunters phase 1 though we all knew that was happening with hunter scaling in classic wow and now shamans in phase 3 just being horrendous. that and ret needs a lot of love well paladin in general is in a very bad spot in pvp.
Guess we should say goodbye to you today, before the change is fixed tomorrow ya? Bye!!!
The fact that they’re just doing flat percentage nerfs to everyone across the board just tells me that the developers are lost and have no clue how to balance this version of the game remotely. It’s that bad and lazy development.
then goes on to explain things that would gut shaman…
this only became a problem with hybrids and healers when they did the 50% damage reduction with no heal reduction.
they need to make it more like it was and less of a healer meta.
nobody likes unkillable healers and hybrids.
make it 20% dr and it would be better.
all of the statements you make are hollow. they have 0 backing to them. explain to me how anything I have listed would “gut” shaman. lets take for example having decoy totem incur a cooldown on tremor totem. there is only one class in the game that can both slow and fear you and that slow is on a 3 second channel which is shadow priest. my aim with this type of nerf is to make it such that shamans can’t just run in with decoy totem then instantly pop tremor to dispell fears in group pvp. there needs to be at least choice involved.
With the current damage reduction mana drain is really powerful.
Hunter is a class that can spam mana drain while doing damage with their pets and auto attacks. And they have infinite mana too. Viper sting is probably the most powerful tool in group pvp right now. Obviously everyone is cleansing it.
And it doesn’t matter how loud you cry totems takes a global, totemic projection takes a global, cleansing takes a global.
And yes there is no pet macro to kill totems. But that doesn’t mean you cannot utilize your pet to attack totems. Just takes some practice.
I read that excuse a lot and it’s simply not true. So you have to sacrifice damage for utlity? Guess what. Shamans have to do that too to get freedom or heal themselves.
You don’t need Art of War and Exorcist in PVP. Take kick and Sacred Shield. Or make your entire party and yourself virtually immune to fear.
I can’t tell if you are trolling or not. This is a strawman argument to what I am talking about. I have no problems with shamans in a 1v1 or any healer for that matter. And no what you’re prosing in group combat is not accurate what so ever. It’s probably why you are posting on some level 12 alt because you are a troll. I don’t need help in a group setting pvp I have multiple 2600s in rated battle grounds on retail to prove that. I am strictly talking about how broken shamans are in pvp right now in a group setting. Not hunters. Nothing more nothing less.
I was expecting to recieve some sort of even half a counter argument to my post to prove me wrong in at least some sort of capacity. But like zilch. Sheesh.
Yea buddy like what? No clue what you’re on about spitting just straight up falsehoods. Please stop trolling man.
you want to gut their utility and force them to take runes YOU want them to take.
its simple.
the only reason the utility is so busted on hybrids right now is because of everything being slowed down to a snails pace and people being able to lazily heal or do any number of things while wacking away at people.
its stupid and needs to be reduced (the damage reduction) to like 20% ish .
that speeds up things and makes it so you can easily overcome a shaman before they become a problem.
kinda funny seeing a hunter cry about someone being overpowered btw.
LMAO when a hunter complains about another class being overpowered in PVP.
The tears when you can’t be absurdly OP in PVP against EVERY class, pathetic.
I think it is pretty fair to discuss everything that is strong in group pvp right now. So I shared my opinion what I think is really in the center of it: Mana drain.
There is plenty of classes that have none or barely any mana costs.
Aspect of the Viper grants infinite mana.
Balance druids have plenty of free spells.
Shadow’s Mind spike costs 36 mana (or close to that).
Enhance shamans have free spells with 5 Maelstrom procs.
So these are the specs that don’t care about mana drain. They counter your mana drain. So stop crying about it. It’s Rock Paper Scissors.
Viper sting is still best against Warlocks, Mages, Ele/Resto Shaman, Holy/Disc Priests. And one good hunter can swing a group fight on his own.