Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

Yes it does if you actually read what I said instead of just being ignorant.

If anything hunters need to be nerfed more than shamans in PVE and PVP due to their insane damage, utility can only do so much but damage is the key.

And shield mastery is absolutely garbage, half of the blocks don’t even build stacks when they should, blizz has not addressed this since P1, Ideally 5 or more mobs hitting you constantly is then getting ok to maybe consider it, also the mana gains from it are trash.

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you must not have played any bgs because usually there are at least 5 shamans on the other team. all with pretty much almost the same busted rune combinations regardless of if theyre ele resto or enhance. and it makes teamfights vs 3-5+ of them literally impossible to win because everything is cleansed/dispelled/grounded and you cannot even remotely oom their healers while they run in and completely ignore any dynamics to a group team fight pop riptide and decoy and start pumping out damage that is vastly higher than other classes while having that gross game breaking level of utility. the class is just an absurdity right now and there is 0 counter to it in group pvp fights.

They still have to deploy 1 totem at a time. Like they always had to. Your pet can destroy totems quicker than a shaman can put them down. Totems have been like this forever. Poison cleanse totem wasn’t even changed.

I can dispel magic, posion and disease at once. And you are complaining about shaman’s dispel power. Lmao

totem dispels do not waste your global cooldowns they do things freely for you unlike yourself having to waste a global cooldown to dispell a poison or disease (which arent relevant in pvp). having my pet or better yet myself take out the totems means i am wasting globals to do so which takes me out of the teamfight. if you’re trying to say that the only way to counter shaman totems in a teamfight is for every hunter to have pet totem stomping macros well hate to break it to you nooby but you can’t pet totem stomp macro in classic wow.

and this doesn’t even scratch at half of what i am talking about. the class has access to spells through runes that causes it to be completely and brokenly hybridized while not needing to spend the talent points or really make any debilitating rune selection sacrifices to access that hybridization. so they can run any spec and still have busted levels of group utility.

you can move all of your totems with 1 button essentially giving them something better than totemic mastery without even having to spend the 11 points into the resto tree to gain it. you can have riptide a scaled healing spell that does massive amounts of healing with 0 points into the resto tree or any spec debilitating rune sacrifice. you can gain instant cast scaled lava burst or 50% reduced cast time with 0 points in the elemental tree or any spec debilitationg rune sacrifice. all this with the addition of decoy totem with 0 other rune sacrifice. the class is just broken as it currently stands as you can run any spec and have access to all of that for free 0 talent or spec defining rune sacrifices. so yea whoever made them didn’t play them in classic wow and clearly did not know where to pump the breaks when.

Oh no, people have to contend with the fact shaman’s aren’t meme teir outside of just being healers.

People don’t know how to deal with this and instead just cry about it demanding nerfs.

Poor babies, if you want a 2004 Era style Experience, Era servers are available to to, go play them.


thanks for supporting my argument homie

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Shaman can dispel multiple times on one GCD.

I don’t support you in the slightest.

I personally hope you run into nothing but shamans for the entire phase. :slight_smile:

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maybe not intentionally but you are lol

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Nah, you’re just forcing square pegs into round holes even if it breaks things because you’re just upset.

Cry about it. Oh wait you already are.

Hunters crying about PvP is pretty funny.

I know 2 Hunter mains in my guild.
One’s a teenager and loving how broken hunters are.
The other is an adult and wishing they would tone it down considerably. Even he thinks the 20% free Dodge is just dumb…

Yawn. The only option still and always will be to stop paying if you don’t like the direction of the game. End of story

loving all these shaman posts either supporting my argument by pretty much pitching strawmen or having 0 real counter argument to what i’m talking about at all.

also hate to break it to you jimmy but melee hunter is baaaaaaaddd in pvp. and as ranged hunter you have to run lock n load to have any real ranged burst so yes cat like reflexes 20% dodge is only a melee hunter thing as ranged hunters have to sacrifice basically all their damage to gain access to it. must be something new to you as i’ve described earlier you don’t really have to do that on shaman

sure im sure your friend is having loads of fun playing a class spec that can just get kited more easily than any other class (idk maybe they’re even with ret) and depends upon a 31 pt talent to actually be able to do anything lol. playing melee hunter in pvp is beyond nooby

then again this conversation isn’t about 1v1’s billy its about group teamfights which is the majority of wow pvp lmao keep posting on this thread you are intentionally or unintentionally idk just further supporting what i am talking about . go google what a strawman argument is lmfao


Hard to have counter arguments to nonsense.

It’s like trying to explain to someone that the clear sky is not actually red.


I was in a couple of AB with a hunter that did nothing else then apply VT to every caster. My poison removal totem helped alot with that and guess what the hunter never ran out of mana. Which should’ve been the case spamming VT.

In a group fight spamming VT > Totems/Shamans. That was my protip for the day.

Multiple immunities ???
We have one , bubble.
Bop purged.
Freedom purged.
You crying about LOH?? Its used once every 3 ABs.

Your bad.


you understand how global cooldowns work right? and nah when there are 5 shamans in a teamfight each only having to spend one global to renew poison cleanse totem and being able to move their totems wherever they please on a 10 second cd viper sting becomes way less effective than you’d think and i am sacrificing a ton of my damage to apply viper to oom healers and i can’t cast both viper sting and other abilities at the same time because of global cooldowns. if it actually was a strong counter or even if i could just pet totem stomp like if there was remotely any counter to shamans in general in a group teamfight setting i would not be making this post.

that was a part of my initial post the busted levels of utility are only exponentially magnified the more shamans you have on a team where as with most if not all other classes the more you have of them on your team the more they take away from the diversity of utility your teamfight posseses which is sort of a hint at why shamans are just game breakingly broken right now for bgs and teamfight oriented pvp.


PvP won’t be balanced in SoD. Too much to balance around. Classic already had balance issues but that’s what made it fun.

People complained about 1 shots(but that’s all classic PvP was, one shot compilations and rogue stun lock vids is all you saw on Warcraft vids, and an occasional warrior being carried by 3 supports). Now we have healer meta which is fine, but when you slow down classes can really shine with their utility and kit. Shaman is one of the stronger ones but I wouldn’t say it’s op.

If you list all the abilities of the other classes they are all insane.

People expecting PvP to be balanced should just give up, it’s hopeless. Shamans are perfectly balanced in pve and to an extent now PvP. There is nothing wrong with a class having tons of utility but no cc.

so youre crying about shaman when you should really be crying about the bad 50% damage reduction with no heal reduction that is causing healers and people that can heal to be very op.

wait till tomorrow and it will be back to you owning shaman at range easily.

This is the most correct comment in this thread.