Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

So an Alliance Warrior is better than a Horde Warrior?

What race in Alliance gets racial abilities that gives a chance to resist stun effects or increased base AP or increased attack speed or increased health?


i said this many times and ill say it again.
shamans maybe able to dominate and destroy everything in pvp…

But they cannot win an argument in discussions.


A hunter with 40%+ Dodge (JUST dodge) just for existing and literal infinite Mana, with the ability to spam Mana Removal abilities at casters complaining about Shamans.

(Literally the hard counter to shamans)

Yeah okay there bud patpat

Skill Issue.

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Shaman strong why be smart

You can drop a totem which will automatically cleanse viper sting continuously for your party and press an ability which regenerates your entire mana bar.

Seems like you have the skill issue.


One of those always existed and has never been cried about in history.

Im convinced most of you pad your crying posts by just describing things and expecting people to believe the existence of an ability is overpowered.


Sword spec, salv, rep, or go nightelf for shadowmeld out of pyro or other casted abilitys. Gnome for ghetto freedom. Orc is just rng yeah its nice but its rng. Shamans die in a kidney to a 2 button rotation rogue. Yall just mad you don’t have shamans. So why not go play with the shamans?

If I’m there, sure.

But the whine threads come out anyways about Hunters being able to turn off casters.

  1. It’s a minute CD
  2. It’s 75% of my mana bar over 15 seconds.

I just got Aspect of the Viper on my Hunter alt the other day: They need to NEVER say the word mana again, because they literally have infinite mana.

I knew it was kinda broken, but Aspect of the Viper is literally busted.

“Oh no, my 1100 pt crit only did 1000! Guess I’ll cry into my infinite mana pool.”

Everyone on horde has a shaman and that was going to happen regardless of how phase 3 played out… it was my first level 25 40 and 50 and it will be my first 60. No one had a crystal ball to see into SoD future class balance. Shaman is just by far the most played horde class just like Paladin is on Alliance.


I mean I just played a AV on era and guess what there was 14 shamans on my team.

It’s 800 mana over 8 seconds. It doesn’t scale. Casters have a minimum of 5000 mana right now. It will take over a minute for viper sting alone to drain the mana of a caster. Shaman, paladins, and druids can dispel poison with abilities. Priest, shaman, mages, warlocks, and paladins can regenerate mana on demand.

If you’re getting shutdown by viper sting, it’s your own fault. Git gud.

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Viper sting can’t stack either (it should imo as it’s counter play), but it is powerful if someone is remembering to do it. It adds to healer complexity during the fight.

Being real - 2 people out of my 10 BGs remembered to do it yesterday.

Minute CD is nothing. That’s basically every fight in a bg. Wpvp that’s 100% up all the time.

Aspect of the viper is pretty strong, but it’s a -10% damage debuff, plus it’s the stance you’re in. On a melee hunter it’s really not my limiting factor. Any fight where I have to regen mana is a fight where the horde dropped the ball.

I think any hunter here would rather have a 1 min CD for 75% mana instead. Plus doesn’t it give you a dmg mitigation?

PS - I play a melee hunter in pvp.

No need, they are fixing this on Tuesday. The sand of time pushes subpar players at best back into the realm of irrelevancy, like yourself.

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this doesn’t even remotely respond to what im talking about…

i think you need to get some reading classes dude or got buy some reader rabbit cds. you’re testing a little low on reading comprehension.

dude has a level 30 hunter thinkin he knows everything. buddy this forum post isn’t about 1v1’s. in a 1v1 i kite you into narnia because my class counters yours. especially you im pretty positive if you don’t realize how game breaking broken your class is im sure you’re on the easier end of that spectrum. and wow isnt about 1v1’s its about group fights especially in bgs. i have listed all the reasons why they are absurdly broken and why everyone is now band wagoning them and you have chose not to read a thing and respond with some strawman halfwitted “bUt WhAt AbOuT hUnTeRs I hAvE a LeVeL 3o AnD wOw!”


Can bring up Hunter and viper string but it has nothing really to do with shaman? Even tho each class has new spells atm enhance shaman just has too much utility along with the damage it brings. Absolutely baffled by anyone who argues otherwise. The only possible explanation is 1) aren’t familiar with PvP (not just classic PvP) or 2) a more casual experienced player

you literally have a better salv than paladins, change your name to Badshammy bro. also, can’t meld in combat


Lmao based.

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moveable totems on a 10 second cooldown instead of having to waste globals choosing which totem is most important like you do in classic I know i farmed my classic era mount gold dueling unexpecting rogues for gold on ele resto. that alone should have at bare minimum a 1 minute cooldown on it that is the most absolutely busted thing they gave shamans in classic by a land slide. like they completely flattened the skill curve with just that one ability addition. having instant proc scaled heavy hitting spells from an entirely different spec as well as heavy healing scaled spells from an entirely different spec. just alone being able to run any spec and still have access to riptide and instant proc lava burst/chain lightning is just busted hybridization. now having freedom and an attack ground in combination with a spell ground. and this isnt even going over all of their new toolkit.

like i am not at all making this forum post because i have any issue with killing shamans. i dunk on pretty much every class in a 1v1 except for very very skilled rogues or pre damage nerf a dot class with an los pillar to play with. im making this forum post because the class is blatantly ruining battle ground pvp to an absurd degree.


Then just kill the shaman first and continue to let hunters ruin bgs.

Unless of course, you are having issues :wink:

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Good one. This is the first time that someone complains about Shield mastery in PvP. You are hunter. He cannot even block your ranged attacks. It doesn’t do much if you’d melee him either.