Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

Stop using WCT for population data, it is WAY off. Ironforge is far more accurate. Wanna know how I know? Blizzard themselves say faction balance is pretty close to 50/50 on pvp servers, yet WCT shows alliance having a massive advantage. But go on Tom’s twitter, where he shows faction balance after the FCM’s they offered still being pretty close to 50/50.

yeah totally 3-4 shamans aren’t game breaking, it’s not til you add the 5th one that there is any clear evidence of them being overly represented for ez kills in BGs.

man oh man I hope you never complained about hunter or priest over representation in p1

the coincidence between it and my findings and everyone elses findings based on everyone ive talked to about it in my guild stv group or otherwise all run into the same issue like yea. hill of beans or not the coincidence is very interesting. it is the only half decent statistics on playercount though. so really according to everything we can know it favors that im correct about this. i honestly think that literally every single person like 100% of the people i talk to have said the same thing that every other game its 4-5 shamans wrecking house is a better statistic than warcraft tavern. though yea the coicidence that the only statistics really out there coincide with my sample are interesting.

Well, since many of OP’s complaints ostensibly hinged upon having 5+ Shamans all dropping totems at once and projecting them around for absurd effects, it’s actually a pretty crucial point.

And yes, considering 5+ (or… six) is twice as much as three (from 3-4) it is not insignificant if OP is almost doubling the rates at which he allegedly fights Shamans.

Look, my entire thrust this thread has been that Shamans are strong but OP is blatantly exaggerating and making-up scenarios to exaggerate how good they are.

Lets be real, how many shamans aren’t doing PVE? Enh shamans only weapons come out of ST. The STV weapon is 2H and no enh is using that. Raids logs for ST are going to be the most accurate data we have on who is playing what. And paladin and shamans are equally represented. Maybe more shamans are queuing for BG’s and doing pvp in general but it isn’t remotely true that shamans far outpopulate paladins.

dude i just made sure to check your math instead of going along with it. 27%x15 is 4.05
and 27.3%x15 is 4.1 and crusader strike was 4.3 bwahahahahaha it is 4-5 ahahahahaha nearly pulled a fast one on me there bud.

edit: dangit wont let me put in a youtube short of “The numbr of the counting shall be…3” from monty python and the holy grail

Why not reply to me instead of him? Because you got nothing? WCT is garbage data. Stop using it to support your arguments.

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7.3k horde and 2k shaman. 2000 / 7300 = 27%

8.7k horde and 2.4k shaman. 2400 / 8700 27%.

You’re literally delusional.

and whats .27 x 15 horace? LOL (it’s 4)

garbage data relative to what? what other data do we have? the only data we do have coincides with what literally everyone who i have encountered has told me and every experience i have had literally down to the number of shamans per bg lmao. to completely throw that away as nonsense hilarious to say the least

Yeah, fair point. I was originally basing that calculation off 25% because that is the representation of Shamans to Horde on my server. Which would also somewhat bring down the average of SoD as a whole.

You still haven’t provided any evidence to reinforce the utterly fabricated claim of consistently fighting 5+ Shamans.

ive usually only seen 4-5. more often 4 with the occasional 5. legit every casual on every ally team ive been on sees that shiza and is like “wooooooo time to get shtstomped”

i just hope blizzard doesnt nerf them to the floor. im pretty sure aggrand plays shaman so i don’t see that happening though.

And that’s fair, there are a higher than average number of Shamans per-capita on Horde. Four is probably accurate, with the occasional three or five. But that’s not what you said in your OP.

I’ve let my temper get the better of my multiple times in this convo and for that I apologise. But the hyperbolic claims don’t help your argument.

They’re strong but they’re not broken, and have some seriously exploitable weaknesses. MSW is probably pretty overtuned, though I don’t play Enh and can’t speak to it. And like any class, they can deliver insane results when stacked and using controlled fire. Like Stealth Cleave STV groups. That doesn’t mean the class is broken.

I’m ok with just removing shamans from the game if we also remove paladins from the game. Fair trade. Also boomkins shouldn’t be able to heal and keep shapeshift.

Yeah when they get procs and crits… You can say the same thing about hunter, rogues, rets, boomkins, arcane mages,

No fight is lasting this long that is an absurd cd. The ability is on GCD and cant be used while silenced. You still have to set every totem down which is 1 global each. And without totemic mastery most totems are 20 yard range. It is pretty easy to kite shams out of totem range. Also all totems die in 1 attack.

This literally makes decoy totem useless it only affects a single target and has a 20 sec cd and the snare immunity is dispellable. You are heavily reliant on earthbind totem as well since frost shocks DRs itself for whatever awful reason. And sometimes you cant afford to frost shock because you need earth shock for an interrupt. Tremor totem is already bad enough can’t count how many times I just get feared out of range. Especially if people have the weakaura that shows you the icon and pulse timer.

Lava lash is already better in most cases as you generally need to use procs on heals. And you usually need to use frost shock to catch your enemies and earth shock for interrupts. Flame shock is easily the least used shock for enh shams. Use it to stop rogues from getting a re that is about it.

“Make Maelstrom useless” in other words. Storm strike is a 6 second cd lava lash is a 6 second cd and maelstrom is a 50% proc chance… get real… And windfury doesn’t have a 100% proc chance

Rolling thunder is pretty awful as your not often in a pvp situation where you can endlessly spam lb and chain to stack procs and it is dispel able. With mental dex up riptide heals for like 400 it’s really good but I don’t think its BUSTED OVERWHELMINGLY BROKEN I CAN"T DO ANYTHING VS SHAMAN. Also dispellable.

I have yet to have a 100% BG win rate either as should be happening with how unbeatable and OP shams are.


go level your death knight, nerd

blessing of freedom isn’t useless just because it can be dispelled bud, you get a lot of mileage out of it regardless, but with the added benefit of having another grounding totem after grounding totem in between your next grounding totem in 15 seconds

So remove the melee/range ground that works against a single attack and has to be timed… AND also make it put ALL other earth totems on a 10 sec CD? So I use it and then I have to just be feared while snare immune because?

Wtf did you even just say?

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grounding, then decoy (AKA grounding #2), then wait for ANOTHER GROUNDING IN 15 SECONDS


shaman is sooo op. just made mine on horde. ez modezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

get out of here