Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

uhhh…so wait. ONE class makes up 1/4 the population of a faction of 8 available classes? lmao

It does. Which means that it is twice as common as one would expect if all classes were equally represented. Which we already know has never been the case in the entirety of Classic.

And across all servers, Druids and Priests appear to be the most represented Classes - which, again, according to OP, means they are the most overpowered.

druids make up nearly double the population of shaman and priests are a 3rd more than shaman.

sounds about right.

honestly it doesnt matter.

these stats are derived from polling the raid logs and do not represent anything when it comes to pvp.

bro didn’t you advocate for paladins to get some severely gimped Xtrasecksi fanfic version of Avenging Wrath (20% extra dmg, 12 sec duration, 5 min CD) in exchange for bubble the other day under the guise of it being for PVE in hopes some rube would use it in PVP? lmaooooooo

Yup, so around 1/4 Horde are Shamans. Or 25%.

According to your very own OP, there are 5 Shamans minimum in every BG. Or… 33%+.

Would you like to go back and edit every claim you’ve made in this thread about how heavily Shamans are represented?

You can also explain to me why despite being the stronger faction, Horde are less represented than Alliance.

I also look forward to your next threads calling for nerfs to Druids and Priests.


**(in Arathi Basin)

i also posted in the post that those were throwaway numbers and could be tweaked but the concept of giving paladins a large damage boost cooldown (hell could be 30% dmg for 20seconds every 3 mins for all i care) but it would replace bubble.

i would also throw in that it couldnt be purged .

i think it would be great for pally pve damage which seems to matter alot to you guys and it would be a real choice in pvp that would be something compelling.

but ya make fun of it if you like. at least its something that would help your class without making it busted.

Yeah, man. Fighting 3-4 Shamans on average per BG is completely different to fighting “five plus”.

In fact, he was nearly doubling the base rate.

wrong again horace the number of priests total is 4.7k acrross both factions anddd the number of total players on both factions is? 32.5k and if we pull out our cellphone calculators that is 14.5% of the total playerbase compared to on crusader strike what like around ~30% of horde is shaman.

im sure every other server is relatively the same hope you can figure things out now bud.

also on every graph druid and priest are neck and neck so its safe to assume they are relatively the same ~15% total player base each.

imagine everything i have brought up in this post is statistically correct. man to think id make and continually fan flame to a 4.6k view forum post if i didn’t think i was entirely sound of mind about this.

yeah it’s totally coming from a place of concern for our PVE desirability and not BuBbLe OvErPoWeReD

funny that you bring up incomplete data that was scraped from wow raid logs to twist it into something that would mean anything for pvp and fail to do so.

why cant it be both?

its 27.x%-33.x% actually buddy stop toning down the numbers.

which does equate to 4-5 shaman per bg what a strange coincidence

i should include this in my intial forum post on this thread i know blizzard loves poppulation statistics with their class balancing

Both the stats you posted were 27%. (7.3k horde and 2k shaman = 27.3%, 8.7k horde and 2.4k shaman =27.5%)

Which is 3.75 Shamans per BG. Or, on average, 4 per BG and 3 per BG every now and then. Which sounds pretty accurate to me.

Not five plus, as you continue to claim.

And again, why are you focussing so much on per-capita. Your argument was Shamans are over-represented therefore they are overpowered. Druids and Priests are objectively overrepresented compared to most other classes, irrespective of their per-capita faction breakdown. Therefore, they must be overpowered.

As I’ve said a couple of times in this thread, Shamans are strong but they’re not gods. You’re grasping at straws for reasons to hate and nerf them.

its Shaman Derangement Syndrome.

thats the long and short of it.

forgot crusader strike there bud at 28.6%

so you’re trying to say its not 4-5 shamans per bg more like 3-4? alright bud. 3.75 to be exact so like kinda 4 kek. well for crusader strike its 4.3 bwhahaha

how is this shaman derangement syndroms when the statistics state what ive been saying LOL

those statistics mean a hill of beans . those are scraped from raid logs and have no mention of the actual numbers of them who are actively pvping at all.

Backpedal harder.

must be pretty overpowered if people have been consistently asking for Shaman nerfs since February lmao, but sure it’s totally unfounded and they just don’t like your class because they’re big meanies who hate the shaman class fantasy.

they legit went from being OP for totally new reasons. truly hilarious.

but ya.

nice cherry picken there horace

“Cherry pick”? It’s your own OP, dude.

I’ll gladly concede right now if you go back and edit your OP to read “3-4 Shamans” instead of 5+.