Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

no. i can make a shaman and be OP if i want. and i am going to tell everyone about it. orc shaman v paladin. what a joke this fight is. so easy to destroy pally as a comp shaman.

ok mr pally main, just remember P1 Paladins brother

hunter main since p3 and shaman have been op since start p2. prob going to make shaman my main. its nice to be so powerful and have the upper hand in virtually every encounter bar a few. playing against paladin is acomplete joke. not sure why all the shaman and horde complain about them. watch out for 1 5 minute CD> other than that class is pret easy to stomp by just using the W key and grounding.

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Balance maybe? :man_shrugging:

So the class that is exclusive to horde has a higher representation of horde players .

Definitely broken, case closed. Thanks Matlock.

Only true scenario, but even in this particular case, a Paladin against a Shaman is bubbling to not die 9/10 times unless something freakish happens. Which means the Shaman is likely going to heal back up and reset the fight as well.

But when youā€™re class is completely busted in nature, youā€™ll always hear those people playing it, only crying about that 1/10 instance.

LMAO OP is still fighting for his life days later. Awwww still enraged that your hunter canā€™t pwn in every single pvp situation.

You are so obsessed and pathetic LOL.

its all good homie and i was very antagonistic as well. i donā€™t think they are broken rather balanced in literally every regard except when theres 3-4 of them stacked on eachother. i dont want to see them nerfed in any sort of way other than reducing the effectiveness of this stacking. all the changes i have suggested are completely with this in mind.

if you feel any of them would hurt shaman in any sort of way other than group pvp lmk how and why and if i think itā€™s reasonable i will 100% change the suggestion on my post.

i have a bad feeling we will lose a lot of pvp players to cata until they all figure out that wotlk classic is heavily scripted/botted pvp. like my guildies post videos of even streamers blatantly kick botting and crap. i honestly love sod and want people to stay playing it but this has been the like #1 complaint of anyone i have heard on alliance so i hope it gets fixed so that players dont leave for kick bot classic.

aside from making match making have class limits i dont see what they could do that wouldnt be a direct nerf to shamans in a large way and wouldnt even be addressing stacking druids / priests/ other classes.

you dont want the match making changes btw. the queue times would be insane.

you understand it takes at least 2 classes to do this do you right? except for shadow priest though mindflay is one of their weakest damaging abilities right now lol. you have a pvp trinket donā€™t you? do you understand how ridiculous this sounds? what other earth totem other than tremor are you trying to weave with decoy totem? earthen wall? it is literally the smallest of nerfs outside of group pvp.

Hunters need a huge nerf. Hunter pets literally killing warriors, mages, several classes in a 1v1. Just LOL.

there are no real benefits of stacking more than 2 druids or shadow priests other than just damage. priest damage can easily be dispelled and boomkin requires starfire casting. in phase 1 when starsurge crit for half of someones hp bar sure iā€™d agree with stacking boomies i did it myself for the lols. now though like nah. both classes without their cds die very fast aswell. they both just have a very flat skill curve to be very formitable in 1v1 pvp thatā€™s why you see a lot of them.

i mean playing beast mastery is actually much worse than marksman hunter because literally all of your pvp viability revolves around 1 2 minute cd or the player being bad enough to not be able to cc your pet when bestial wrath is on cd. and they just got the beast mastery rune effectiveness cut in half from 20% to 10%. so yea they just were nerfed in this regard even though the spec is very bad in pvp.

im convinced you either dont play current meta or played a ways back and are trying to pose that meta on this one or something.

quick hint.

stacking 4 + of 1 class tends to get rid of that classes weaknesses .

stacking 4 druids that can all pop frenzied regen in whatever form they want with the improved regen rune unbalances things quite a bit in terms of their durability.

also all that time you spend beating on them their team will kill you before you kill even 1 of them.

honestly that you cant see this is amazing to me.

things dont need to have direct synergies to be unbalanced .

they all have to cast to do any damage. all you have to do is kick them on an arcane cast like 3 second starsurge counterspell or silence them or even cause pushback on their starfires via damaging them and youā€™re stopping all their damage. the way in which boomie is strong in pvp is when they are not hard focused and allowed to cast. also their only utility really is decurse and root and wild growth unless you include innervate which every mana class has their own version of innervate now which makes it way less strong utility wise. they have no silence can only stun randomly from starfire. they provide nothing really except for damage and if focused all that damage goes away. so no lol stacking them isnt the brightest of ideas unless youre in stv on some glitched spot where melee need a jump puzzle to get to you.

lol when did i say they were all boomkin?

you are not seeing it weirdly enough .

oh well im done with it.

Grounding totem and decoy are 2 different thingsā€¦ Grounding redirects 1 spell cast and decoy redirects 1 melee/range. You have to time them 90% of the time to get any real use out of them BUM

Yeah come fight my hunter see how op you feel.

Hunter main crying about shaman that can almost never be in range to attack you without using engineering items LMAO what a BUM.

Paladins are nuts you must just be bad. Can literally just bubble on a sham and kill them and laugh as they get 0 maelstrom procs off IMMUNE. Maybe put repentance on your bar. 99% of rets dont even use it.

How is that balance? Tremor has a 4 second pulse timer and can die in 1 attackā€¦ Try using tremor against a lock/priest that isnā€™t a BUM

1/0 sure budā€¦ Any good ret vs enh is a 50/50 most rets bubble at 20% to heal instead of just bubbling to get pressure not my fault they are BUMS most of them never use repentance. Cause its not a PvE ability they donā€™t even know it exists.

uhhhh EARTHBIND TOTEM??? You do realize that frost shock DRs itself and that if you use frost shock you canā€™t interrupt with earth shock. It is a major nerf. If you want to nerf decoy totem make it so the shaman can only use it on themselves. It is a targeted ability and doesnā€™t work like any other totem.

Half the scenarios you make up involve team fights but then when you poke at what I say you act like its only a 1v1 situation. What happens if I am trying to get to a priest through a frost trap or a nova. or a warrior spamming hamstring? I need to put tremor down the next global after I decoy. Good priests literally wait for you to decoy and then fear in the same global

Or vs a lock with felgaurd you decoy the intercept and then drop tremor

And what do you think about 4 rets that bubble into the back line during a BS fight and global 2-3 healers before they can even be hurt?

I literally did that

I hear shamans are getting Pally bubble and Blink. Oh and swords so they can have Windseeker

imagine using ā€œBUT YOU HAVE TO TIME IT RIGHTā€ when pressing a defensive cooldown on a 15/20 sec cooldown as a defense lmao


I posted this elsewhere, but this is how shaman plays in the nerfed damage metaā€¦

https:// imgur. com/a/DJWelIm

https:// imgur .com/a/6Roa0lE

Shaman is incredibly balanced and nothing needs to be changed.

But they should have made classic enhance a physical class like storm build in retail with less spell access and healing access , and more focused on 2h due to how insane vanilla imbues are in terms of raw power and now being doubledā€¦

If you think LMAO but bro 2h will be more broken, you are wrongā€¦ I am dropping these 40 bombs because SS and LL with dw windfury on a 1.5 sec ICD (the strongest windfury made in the game) on an offhand with 75% weapon damage, on a windfury that hits for 100% weapon damage PLUS attack power as a yellow attackā€¦ Its the most broken thing I have ever played.

You dont go 41-1 doing crazy burst, you do it spamming 1.4k heals on yourself every 5-6 secondsā€¦ OWNING people with braindead auto attacks.

Enh should have been 2 handed for balance and classic reasons.

But heyā€¦ I will keep ruining everyones classic experience since im forced to play a worse dw retail enhance instead of my classic 2h enhance hopes.

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shamans are op cause they drop 30 totems at blacksmith and tab targeting becomes impossible