Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

4 Shamans dropping totems at the start of a fight? 4 shamans running at you, you might as well bend over and spread cheeks because you know they’re not opening with dropping totems.

Totemic Projection has a limited range, both how far you can cast and how far it can retrieve totems (not to mention is temperamental as hell to find a “path” to move them). You could rush and cap a flag in the time you are suggesting it would take them to dismount, drop 3-4 totems, project them, then get close enough to actually attack.


Totem Effects are party wide not Raid Wide. You have a Shaman run to BS while their party goes to LM then that Totem ain’t doing jack.

so because paladins have a 12 second bubble theyre just as op as shamans? do you hear yourself? im not posting again about paladins lmao go press control f and find out why you’re hilariously wrong and skill issue.

honestly im not responding to any of your arguments really. not worth my time.

I know you’re not. You’re just here to sook.


no because theyre hardly arguments or something i have already responded to.

You really haven’t. You just keep changing the subject and making up hypothetical scenarios that don’t really happen. And pretending playing a Resto PvE Shaman in Classic is the same as playing an Ele/Enh PvP Shaman in SoD.

Your OP is literally “Shamans are irrevocably broken overpowered, I mean I beat them consistently by exploiting their weaknesses but please nerf”.

yes ive written a whole essay about paladins in this thread buddy. multiple probably. and if your argument is that totemic projection only has a 40 yard range and it takes cordination for 4 players to standardly place the same totems down im just not going to respond. i don’t need to convince you of anything nor am i probably capable of that given your responses and anyone can read and see how ridiculous your comments are so yea have a nice night thanks for buffering my post.

yesssss keep crying about shamans :slight_smile:

The healing nerf thing they’re testing is gonna delete Shammies back to the nether realm. If you wanna heal, go full Resto with full healing runes, as was intended back in OG.

its not why they’re busted but i’m curious to see what happens. dunno about warlocks but the 30% uneven damage reduction is going to make mages unplayable though.

What, anyone who disagrees with you is just out to pick a fight?

You’re not actually engaging in good-faith. You raised multiple points, I responded to them, then you cherry-picked which parts to respond to before throwing all your toys out of the cot and insulting me personally.

I main an Ele Shaman. It’s strong. It’s not “irreversibly broken”. Good players know how to exploit its weaknesses. You’re being hyperbolic and making up hypothetical scenarios.

For sure. The more potent the utility the less they should do damage/healing. That is the trade off. Hybrid should be subpar in both healing and damage. but be able to do both. Jack of all trades, master of none sort of deal.

I like how you lined out the stuff they were doing and also gave examples and then even provided fixes or options to change. +1

ele and enh shaman were weak in p1 but we still destroyed every one because we are just better players. You shouldn’t want shaman to be nerfed because we will still win and make you look bad because you lost to a nerfed weak class.

yea man. i mained ele resto in classic era after trying to play enhance but just getting kited and destroyed. in no way shape or form do i want shaman to be forced back into ele resto that would suck. im just concerned with their current state ruining bgs which is a huge form of end game in sod. im hoping they actually release the azshara bg that is almost already completed you can like look up the map on youtube. but like sod will die if bgs are left in the state they are.

For me, someone who only PvE’s for gear and when I’m bored, I agree. WSG is unplayable with no time limit and Druids who know jumps and are actually good with frenzied regen. But in open world, and AB…Shamans…sheesh…hybrid classes are pretty much unbeatable. You can say kite them…or don’t let them touch you. But okay…maybe i’m the only one but i don’t kill everyone on site unless they start it first. And then it’s an hour rampage.

Nothing will ever be perfect, but I feel like this is a simple enough guide on how it’s meant to be.

~Hybrid classes do less DPS and Heals than other classes…cuz guess what, they do both.
~Pure DPS and HEAL classes…guess what…do more DPS and heals…
~Rock Paper Scissors is a thing…you won’t beat every class in the game with your class.

How do you propose this works in SoD where all classes can fill multiple roles? I presume you are advocating damage nerfs for Rogues and Mages for their newfound hybrid utility as tanks and healers, respectively?

you can only be one spec at a time…? So… unless u figured out how to be both…? What i said still stands?

And yet threads like this would have us believe Shamans are concurrently healing as good as a Resto spec, dealing burst range damage as good as Ele, and devastating in melee as good as Enh.

Which is part of the problem. When most people are complaining about “Shamans” I think they are really complaining about DW Enhance Maelstrom Shamans, specifically. And if you want to talk about tweaking that very specific combination, then fair enough.

I have no issues with shamans, personally(after the nerf). But they do indeed do too much. But my reply wasn’t about shamans even if this is a nerf shamans post my reply was to all hybrid classes. Everyone knows you can’t…or more well said, shouldn’t be a master of all. There should be drawbacks.

I don’t disagree with the premise but I think Shamans are in an interesting place because the few weakenesses they do have are massively exploitable.

You hit a Elemental / Resto Shaman with an interrupt. Pretty much all of their spells (including totems) are Nature-based. So, that Shaman is now out-of-commission for 10 whole seconds. No other class (except maybe Druid) suffers this badly from interrupts.

Shamans have no CC, and Ele Shamans are close-quarters hard-casters. You send your Pet / Homonculi / Demon on them, and it’ll eat indefinitely into their cast bar and pretty well take them out of the fight until they deal with the pets.

Etc. I’m not saying this makes them balanced. But it’s pretty disingenuous to depict them as OP when one well-placed ability can completely lock them down.

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